Lads, I don't want to alarm you, but there are several outside broadcast trucks set up outside Buckingham Palace

Lads, I don't want to alarm you, but there are several outside broadcast trucks set up outside Buckingham Palace.

The Queen is sick and hasn't been seen in about two weeks.

I'm starting to get worried.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yasss queen

the "queen" is being kept in the depths of Bunckingham for the safety of the general public
I know some people, ok?


She's at Sandringham, idiot

King Charles is going to reverse Brexit

Think of the money you guys will save! She's like an old, useless, pound sterling vacuum

Any other year, this would be a shocking end.

In 2016 it seems obvious. OF COURSE the Queen's going to fucking die.

One hell of a season finale

Why are there broadcast trucks at Buckingham Palace at 5 in the morning though? There's no need to be there unless a live event will take place there.

When the Queen dies or a royal announcement is made, a notice is published at the gates of Buckingham Palace.

Fuck the queen.

Why is this year so cursed ;-;?

I haven't been paying close enough attention. I only just found out during the holidays that average people are morbidly transfixed with all this.

Is it a death ritual? Are they expunging liabilities? Pedo/satanic liabilities? Is this some kind of inner blood orgy?

What a time we live in.

I thought the royals had no power in England, they are just figureheads, no?

We awoke an ancient toad deity from a thousand year slumber

What did you expect


Don't worry man, they're only there because she hasn't payed her TV license.

Queen still holds some power. She can declare war on other countries freely. She can also dismiss and appoint new prime ministers so I'd say if someone really wanted to they could stop brexit.

Has she said anything bad about Trump?

she is pretty based really

Nearly everyone that turns up to events with the royal family is white.

Here in the US we only get these loathesome stories about the latest reality show with the royal family and how they're basically fiddy cent and whatever other Jewish Hollywood trash that we should worship on the Talmudvision and buy tabloids in the grocery store to get the latest sneak pictures of some ugly prince married to a vapid cunt.

I don't even know why they do that. TV is shit, and now even our latest Star Wars pile of crap coat-tail hanger movie is all full of accents and cheeky accents. Why?

It becomes difficult for me to imagine why you lot feel some kind of fealty for the Royalty. That's great if you do, but it's all an extended aggrandized anal-evacuative session here.

What did kek mean by this

God saved the Queen (for last).

that's just GCHQ watching as you were posting

I really hope you're not white and or a non autistic adult

Nobody gives a shit. You can stop larping, bongs

If our glorious monarch dies I hope Charles and William get kill on way to funeral so we can have child King George


>Literally dying in the same year Castro died
How much of a fucking cuck do you have to be?

This can't be happening.

Fuck you and your fake tweets. What a dick.

daily reminder that time a french guy in quebec canada impersonated our then prime minister and actually got thru to the queen cucking her hard

U biscuits still care about kings and queens? I thought you grow out of that no?

>The ravens will starve.

You burgers still care about your corrupt politicians? Ah. who am i kidding, you'll never grow out of it.

Wow, the Queen had the best voice.

right, you bongs don't have AAAAAANY corrupt politicians.

At least we don't have a queen you tea sippin fag sucker.

why the fuck does anyone care about this useless whore queen?
why did the queen let london turn into new pakistan?
fucking useless old hag



They have no actual direct power, but have shit loads of influence
If the queen wants war or some change she can suggest it and it will happen

Any streams of BBC I can watch to see if Betty kicked the bucket?

>Not realizing google exists

Get a proxy, go on the bbc website and stream it. No point, nothing is gonna happen. The queen isnt dead.

MSM is saying that it's "fake news" that's she's dead or dying
What ((they)) up to

yassss bitch SLAY

>Three branches become one
This was the republicans winning all three branches of government
>a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
This was when the Lightning bolt struck the trump towers the day Donald Trump announced he was going to be running for POTUS

proof fag

Show some respect. Fucking nigger.

even here in canada she advised Pierre Trudeau during the patriation of our constitution and apparently is quite well versed and active in political matters. That the (french Canadian) man hated her but actually came to respect her kind of tells you something about her.

They're all getting into position for when they announce the news soon.

It's coming Bonglads, they just want to be sure everyone (state media) will be clear headed for when they break the news.

Biggest news of the decade second only to our God Emperor.

>it will happen when the weather cools
>32-43'C every day, hottest year in ages
The cunts have made a huge mistake

CNN Producer here.
It's nothing serious, just preparing for the New Year's coverage.

Remain Calm

Apparently the royal family was sighted at Buckingham just now. Happening?

digits and she's fine

Post proof

What's the game plan for 2017, CNNigger?

Going out of business sale? Wolf Blitzer selling those suits or something?

does anyone have the screencap of the insane get a couple days ago where someone said the queen was gonna die thursday and got like 7777 quads or something?

You seem well adjusted.

Your queen is dead britfam

Rally on your new king

It's gonna be Prince harry's engagement announcement.

sounds quite posh

I don't know how to feel about her death, its like the loss of an aesthetic, then again she also let her country go to shit
>atley (is that spelled right) lets in pakis and poos
> doesn't dissolve parliment and kick them the fuck out

I am sure Queen will be fine.

Criminally underrated

Fucking kek

maybe it's not NEARLY time for the second coming yet, and someone's just doing a little janitorial work so humanity doesn't wipe itself out before then

RIP Carrie fischer

Burgercan here, how much longer until the announcement? I can stay up another hour or two but that is my limit.

There wont be an annoucement, it isnt happening..

It's 7:17 here currently, so about 40 minutes.

Keep telling yourself that

how old is she?


Sure bud, hopefully this thread is still alive in 40 minutes so i can laugh at you tards.



>It's 7:17 here currently, so about 40 minutes.

40 minutes? Don't you mean 40 whipper snaps hob gobs? Minutes is american.

trips she lives

We had a get thread the other day to ask kek for more people to die after the actresses

some brit rolled good digits for the Queen

I dont have the screencap tho


in other news if digits please let Anthony Wiener die next

Nope the queen is dead

The Queen will fall today

Kek still needs him.

you tried

I couldn't help but smile when I read this

Check my flag, either way it doesn't matter for me. But if I'm right then I will get to bask in your ANGLO tears, and my CELTIC power will grow stronger with another dead British Monarch! If You're right, then life goes on

It's a constitutional monarchy so her powers are pretty much symbolic. She isn't required to govern, but she still has a shit ton of power if she wants to use it.

For example, she has the sole power to disband the Australian government, forcing a new election. She's done it before, but it was because they asked her to.
Just saying, she has a ton of power but no reason to use it.

On one hand I don't want anything to happen to the queen, on the other my heart calls out for another happening , it's the end of 2016 after all.

What's a lad to do

He's ran his course, his time is done, and next comes Podesta, and then we've won.

I dont know if thats real but this is pretty good


That old bitch was like a hundred years old... you worried about a bet you made that she would see 102?

Worried humans might be mortal even when they eat the finest foreskins and drink the finest virgin blood?

It did happen, wasnt just a random person it was part of a radio station piece. They got through to the queen and the nurse who actually put them through killed herself because she was being mocked while at work.

RIP Radio Host's careers.

i dont get how this is talking about? it seemed quite endearing.

Yep. This. "We gather here to announce the betrothment of his royal gingerness to random nigress of niggerton"

>most Americans

> the bear will leave its cave forever

Apparently a jogger ran around Buckingham palace and there aren't any news vans out here. It's a hoax ya dummies

merry christmas, also chekkked

kek has spoken.

Holy shit. Its real. Clinton News Network just announced its has breaking news at 3am ET


>she turning full lizard