>"I'd never date a poo in loo or nigger"
>pathetic stormcucks dying in their basements alone
"I'd never date a poo in loo or nigger"
>inb4 outdated bullshit infograph of mix race kids or something
nerdvirgin detected
those are very nice soles
black and brown girls are made for white cock.
Poo in loo chicks generally have nice footpussy. Negresses are hit or very miss.
tinder or whatever
you just want to suck richard spencer's big fat toes
this is correct!
stay mad shitskin
Thanks Muhammad, I'll think of this message if I ever end up dying in my basement alone :) Heil Hitler, Gas the kikes, hang the niggers and drown the muzzos ;)
says a irrelevant fucking nigger leaf
soles are great, toes are fucking degenerate scum
I bet you are so fat and ugly though
and I hate jews
That girl has a very pretty face. I wish her feet weren't in the way so the camera could have gotten closer to it.
the only autists that mention this in public are basement retards, theres a time and place for Sup Forums with friends. You dont talk about niggers and poos to random people without coming off as some creepy weirdo that escaped from the looney bin, Alex Jones doesnt act like he does when streaming or radio, outside of work hes a respectful libcuck
Really makes you think
Post more pics.
No thanks OP. I don't want my kids to be like Robert De Negro's, I want mine to be like Clint Eastwood's
Nah, well, I could be fitter but between working and going to school for an engineering degree I'd have to decide between gym and hobbies. I do get compliments for my good looks though, and not just from your mum.
>being a gay finland no one cares about because they have 0 culture and interesting food
shitskins have a disgusting thick frothy discharge from the hole. makes me wanna puke
>No thanks OP. I don't want my kids to be like Robert De Negro's, I want mine to be like Clint Eastwood's
Just get that vasectomy first. ;)
>this abomination of the human form/face has a sugar daddy that calls her "queen" and "perfection"
>get matched with poo in loos on tinder
>never message them
No poo in loo pajeet babies for me.
Says the mongoloïd russian eskimo alcoholic
>don't want to have pajeet that can't get a job because he's not an immigrant like his mother
>don't want a baby Tyrone that's gonna go rob the local apple store
If those were the only options, I would gladly keep doing what i'm doing instead.
we've got the most beautiful women and you want to have sex with monkeys
may as well move to africa and get the real thing
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Y u so buttmad teabiscuit munchers?
>Icy skinny-dipping
>a thousand lakes
>bonfires and beautiful nature
>reindeer meat, smoked, dried, however you like
>personal boundaries
>strong national pride
>music scene with plenty of worldwide success
>natural parks all around
>good beer
>beautiful north, aurora borealis and mountains
>automotive scene with hobbyists and racers with worldwide success
>beautiful finno-ugric memes
>absolutely destroyed invading russian forces
vs UK
>cuck police
>knives treated as ICBM's
>piss warm beer
>sharia law
>rush-ours 24/7
>crooked teeth
>some senile bitch in a castle
>was bombed to shit
>amongst most given names to newborns is Mohammed, Muhammed
Only thing you faggots had to your name was Top Gear and even that you managed to fuck up and give to the yanks XD
GR#13, faggot.
Wtf I love pajeet girls now
as long as a single white woman exists I will never race mix (no exceptions) hail fucking victory
That's fucking disgusting. They had to airbrush the bruises and AIDS spots off its fucking extremities and it's still fucking nasty. White men would only mess around with that out of desperation or mental illness
>White men would only mess around with that out of desperation or mental illness
Same reason why bix noods get bottom of the barrel white whores
nice feet btw
i refuse to believe finland is a real country, i cannot imagine a place so perfect.
Indians are literally an incredibly poor person who are literally human trash and they are very bad at being able to use the bathroom
American woman are very hit or miss
Would you still think it were perfect, if you realized they were just slant eyed chinky gooks?
>implying you would ever get the fuck that one single wyte grill
i have gotten to meet a couple finns who are hockey players here in the states, both were blue eye blonds
must be from all that standing in human manure
>Hey guys.
>We have the 2 types of people who have been the single hardest to grasp the basics of human civilization.
>Like not shitting in the streets, or following the basic tenets of law, or raising their offspring.
>but you're pathetic if you don't want to dilute your gene pool with them.
I'd sooner mate with actual zoo animals. They've at least adapted to the conditions of civilized man.
Not an argument. Saged
why all the FEET triggers on a politics board man? damn
Feet are so stupid that they don't want to change the way you want it either. Just remember that you're not that special
That's like the north koreans only letting outsiders seeing their 6ft tall super soldiers.
yes I would :)
why are you saying they aren't white? they probably have the whitest genes in europe based on where they are, plus no immigration or race mixing
come the fuck on
Everybody is stupid except for me.
It's a genuine term, fuccboi.
I'm dating a poo. She's less than 100lbs and 5'9.
I'm a /fraud/ at 5'8 and 190lbs.
It's awesome.