HR manager told to eat a bag of dicks

I have no idea what this is... but I think we should exploit it.

Does any one know where to buy gummy penises or dildos...

Her name is Melody Lenox
She works at Axxess Technology Solutions in Dallas

Whose address is
16000 Dallas Pkwy #700, Dallas, TX 75248

Can any one find out what this cunts personal address is? ... and send her endless bags of dicks?

Other urls found in this thread:


What does hr even do?

Was that even a thing 50 years ago?

Ruin companies, that's what they do.

nypa faggot

Hire anything but qualified white men.

Not your personal army

thats very funny but why does she deserve our attention? what did she do?

HR sometimes sucks but man the one where I work really saved our asses multiple times. My boss and I fired this nigress for freaking out and yelling obscenities so loudly they could be heard throughout the entire restaurant and refusing to leave until we called the cops. A month or so later we were handed a discrimination suit from the state because according to her we discriminated against her for the color of her skin and a disability she had never once mentioned. Our HR lady proceeded to destroy her in court, not only saving the company the money she was asking but also sparing my boss and I personally criminal charges.

She also shut down numerous bs workman's comp claims and other SJW bs in the 4 years I was there, again almost always brought about by nigs. Thank fuck for the based HR rep we had.

she's an HR manager - it's obvious that phony outrage and giving any asshole in the company a reason to exaggerate every grievance to get the upper hand in the office is her meal ticket.

easy to believe that this person has made many enemies in her probably overzealous attempts to justify her position within the company hierarchy. seeing as she's the hr manager she probably has made policing the behaviour and speech of everyone in the office her primary mandate.

why anyone would choose to invite a bunch of sanctimonious secular priests into a business environment is beyond me.

I want a video of some bitch shoving like 3lbs of these gummy dicks in her axe wound. I don't know why but I need it.

You're welcom



I'm not sure anymore

this. also, can you imagine the fucking lunacy of being dependent on the judgment of a random fucking woman whether you get a job or not?

I hate everything about that shitty idea.

I'm not surprised this exists I'm just surprised somebody posted it so quickly. Stay weird Sup Forums.

Fill diversity quotas.

Here ya go:
Send all the phallic gummies you desire.

Yeah, if they're competent, when push comes to shove you'll find they documented the living shit out of everything. All HR personnel and departments have serious weaknesses, but if they understand their role as liability mitigators and understand and practice progressive discipline, they are ultimately worth the money and grief. Employees may rarely see their value, but organizations depend heavily on them.

Unfortunately, a lot if not most HR personnel are incompetent, barrel-assed cunts, but that's a separate conversation.

>be such a cunt people are keying your car and sending you bags of gummy dicks
>be such a cunt to so many you're not even sure who it is
pottery. tho desu i was expecting some crotchety old kike bitch. makes sense tho

>The package, which came from a company aptly named Dicks By Mail
There's just so much beauty in this world.

I deal with the ramifications of these idiots every fucking day. Between HR and the kaizen cult I'm amazed we squeeze out a profit.

No, it used to be called personnel about 20 years ago. All they'd do would be to manage employees details and other simple administrative stuff.

Then they made it a lot bigger to give women jobs with more gravitas and to oppress white men.

It needs to go back.