>post times you revealed ur power level in public
Post times you revealed ur power level in public
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm too intellectually intelligent to share my divine wisdom with normie scum
what about flat pluto???
When I called turks cockaroaches
is "revealed ur power level in public" some sort of code for "said something extremely racist?"
My friends think I'm being ironic when I call them globeshills.
many times when out with friends drinking.
i remember getting in a fight with a few aboriginal fellas down at the pub coz my mates brother owed them a drink or some pety shit so i turned around and said to use your free government cash.. didnt go down super duper.
was at the casino and this slimy looking cunt was pimping out some old hookers on the dance floor and i remember going over and dancing with them and telling him that hitler did nothing wrong and legit started rambling about fucking aliens that run the government.. hahaha fucking amusing.
had a russian guy who was drunk as fuck and talking shit come past me and i say stalin was a cunt.. tried to fight me but he fell over
i remember i was at a party and a girl asked why i was annoyed (cant recall why) but i replied coz my pussy is bleeding..
had a black girlfriend and would always call her parents racist niggers because they didnt want a whitey in the family.. kek what a silly mistake that was.. never again touching a niglet..
few others but now that im not a child anymore i dont just spout of shit.. revealing is silly in public
try calling them faggots
oh shit the best one.
i had a drunk indian guy come over to me randomly when i was just watching horse racing and said to me "i was a king and we were kings but we are still cool".. had no idea about what he meant so he basically just starting talking about how black wuz kangz n shit..
laughed in his face and told him to start using toilets.
Tried to explain the origins of the term Goyim.
Friend got extremely butthurt
Calls me a racist
"Why the fuck is your roommate a jew then!" He says
>Good Point
I was once sitting at a teahouse and 2 obnoxious niggers were sitting at the table next to me,I stood and told them turn down their nigger music or else I'll have to call the waiter to do it for them.They turned it down after 20 seconds of shittalking me for being a racist scum
they dindu nuffin you intolerant dog!
>Be Texan
>Go to friends mechanic shop
>bunch of nigger and spic jokes being spouted
>Just a typical day
>One of them asks "hey user, when you gonna get that truck you were talkin bout?"
>"Sheit, I'm gonna have to get one here shortly, maybe in the next month"
>"Nice man, you're gonna pay cash instead of financing right?"
>"Haha nah man, 'course I'm payin cash, I'm not gonna let some jew make money off me with his interest rates!"
>Room got quite
>They're all looking down at their beer or at the floor
> They go back to work
Apparently nigger and spic jokes are good, but jewry is too much.
About eight years ago or so I was in high school and my friend was going on about Eminem, and because I hate rap I loudly exclaimed that he was just trying to be a nigger. A black girl sitting behind me was unimpressed but nothing really came of it.
High as fuck on cocaine and rambled on about how the holocaust was a lie, and how they've built a system that makes you an outcast immediately as soon as you question it. My friend agreed and we're still best holms.
I read this post as "number of times you've showered in public" in which case it would be an interesting thread. strawpoll.me
My family uses a gravy dish, SS issued from the 1940s, for family dinners. I should mention, it's not a relic of our history, rather, it's loot from the war.
While holding the gravy dish, my grandma asked me to pass "au jus." Even though I hear this every Thanksgiving and Christmas, for once I heard, "the Jew" and I cracked up laughing and, when my family asked what I thought was so funny, I explained it.
Brother, I hope you set them straight about the kikes after that.
I lived in a truck for a year up in the mountains, so I'd shower at the campground showers. There was always a frog sitting on the drain, no matter what shower or what time of day. Better than the spic children running around outside, California should be nuked.
>have you ever seen "The Greatest Story Never Told"?
Hello MSM
Kek you seem fun
>eating out with dad and blue pulled younger brother
>Somehow the conversation is about Hitler and racism
>Dad is silent just listening to both our arguments
>I go full Sup Forums, redpill brother
>Dad smiles proudly at me, he's a senior army officer and is repilled on kebabs and Hitler and everything
Also have said "they aren't human" referring to Muslims, south Indians and poor Indian street shitting villagers in front of lads, they just go silent and then chuckle.
Oh and my ex was super SJW, and during the last month of our relationship I realised were gonna break up so I revealed my power level which kinda accelerated our breakup lmao she said she was literally shaking
I have a swastika tattooed on my forehead. That way, my powerlevel is automatically known by everyone around me.
t.beta leftist cuck
No you don't.
people are weird about Jews. my racist grandfather doesn't like me shitting on Jews. it must be a ww2 brainwashing thing
Just a few hours ago.
My friends had no idea..
>be me
>social studies class
>teacher is talking about trump
>"hes xenophobic homophobic racist"
>been going on for about 20 mins
>all the stupid liberals in my class having their say
>user hesitantly raises hand
>"what about you, user?" teacher says
>"c-c-can you tell me any racist things trump has said?"
>whole class is shocked, friends glaring at me
>teacher looks like shes been hit by a truck
She ended up skipping me and instead choosing another libtard. Friends tell me how awesome I was (they're somewhat redpilled)
Dumb leafposter
I remember showers on the beaches in Italy were open and nobody used suits in them. I don't know if all western countries have fully nude ones though. And who's picking the shy nude babbydick towel-cuck responses in that poll? Meh
>sitting with christcuck family at dinner
>politics often gets brought up
>stepfather uses the word "nigger"
>sjw brother gets in a huff
>mom and I start laughing at how sensitive he is
>later comment that jews might have brought a holocaust upon themselves
>mom gets offended and slap in the face
That funny and all but:
Niglet = Child Nigger
Nigress = Female Nigger
>revealing your power level in public
Closest I ever got was when someone said Kasich had a shot at being president and I couldn't contain my laughter.
Accidentally wore my maga hat out
Got drunk in a pub an old started talking aloud that Nazi atrocities are a fabrication and holocaust makes no sense and has no evidence
The best part was their response
>Well maybe, maybe not, We cant know shit now. After all the history is written by the winners
These posts REALLY made me think
>during the Ferguson chimpouts
>none of this would be happening of Hitler had won the war
>at work
Some co-workers still won't talk to me.
>social studies class
You know you must be 18 or over to use Sup Forums right?
Lol nailed it.
I was on break at work talking about crowdfunding and I called kickstarter kikestarter. Everyone laughed and then I said I was just joking. Fortunately most of the people I work with are borderline red pilled. Not quite all the way there but almost out of normie territory so no one got their panties in a twist.
Fug this election i was compelled to reveal.
Started with very neutral "be aware of the issues/informed voter" and built through open facebook pizzagate discussions, workplace debates (i work at a liberal uni)....fug
Well no going back now. Ill continue to sound the babby redpills for those who will listen
same bro, but I started before the election.
>be at work, chatting with coworkers
>boss is 60s, trying to hello fellow kid
>tries to get into some bleeding heart liberal crap
>forget what it was, but I'm like "Yeah well have you heard of reptilians?"
>don't even believe in reptilians
>go full david Icke on them anyway
>find out a couple of my coworkers are super redpilled too
>no more sjw talk ever again
Never saw something like that, maybe I go to the shitty beaches
>Some co-workers still won't talk to me
lol mein neger
I explained to my normie friends the mouse utopia experiment and the correlations which this experiment has with the current European demographics
And also argued with them that Christianity was the backbone of the European greatness
Because conservacucks have Jew balls in their mouth constantly because MUH BIBLE and MUH CHOSEN ONES.
Can make fun of anything, as long as it's not Jews/Israel.