Is Infowars a false flag to make Christians appear crazy?
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no. he is a voice of reason
Who knows? Infowhores isn't much different than Kikebart. They are both Hasbara with 90% truth, and the rest TOTAL BS for the anti-hipster-hipsters to believe in and parrot.
There are way better things to be focusing your attention on discrediting than infowars. They are miles ahead of pretty much any MSM source.
Yes. If by "Christians" you mean Americans who believe in (((conspiracy theories))).
Trump is here.
Obongo is leaving.
We won, post-911 America is finally over and we can once again go back to being the best place on Earth.
Levels of winning that haven't been seen in a generation will be here!
He's a jew, you shit for brains.
Look guys, I dont like to brag or anything but I know people. People in high places. Again, I dont like tootin' my own horn but I talk to some high level people, like top of the totem pole type people. And these people tell me things. I probably shouldnt say this, but they tell me stuff that'll blow your mind. You just wait. Recently I talked to one of my people and, well... I dont like to brag or anything but he's way up there, top echelon you know. And we had a conversation about things that are just so crazy, it pisses me off to know this stuff goes on. But we are the resistance and we will stop this. I reach millions of people daily, and I dont wanna come off cocky or anything but I really do. Every single day people watch me talk about the people that I know who are so high up in the food chain that it will make your head spin, but Im not trying to brag or anything. Now I wanna introduce you to a new product, this stuff will blow your mind its so good. I always use this, it helps me get through these intense broadasts. It takes many hours to break the stories like I just broke, but Im not trying to show off or anything. If everyone would just buy my new product, I promise you wont be disappointed.
>to make christians look crazy
Dirty fucking lying sack of shit
>OP unironically questioning if InfoWars is legit
until Trump has another 9/11 cause Republicans are shit at national security
>Kosher Jones
>voice of reason
They've been pushing the anti nazi stuff hard lately. Anybody who thinks nazis were the bad guys is not to be trusted. Same with people who talk about fascism like it's bad. If you think you're on the right and you don't like at least a little fascism, I've got news for you
I'd call Jones crazy, if he wasn't right about shit so often.
Obama did a horrible job in his recovery of the economy you left-wing leech. Canada's system will collapse soon after the EU does.
So sad!
A few years ago Jones took the reddest pill of all- David icke's dmt machine elf alien controlling the elite theory.
Seems totally based to me.
But foreal. Infowars will unintentionally enable this fake news-censorship shit to be pushed to its legislative limit. Fuckin doing it to themselves though
funny how that video doesn't even show Obama's actual record.
>be christian/right-wing/conservative/nationalist
>say a couple of really dumb things every now and then
>be atheist/socialist/gay/SJW/minority/female
>say a couple of really dumb things every now and then
>become part of the international political establishment
>Republican national security
lol I love how right wing retards came the Clinton economic boom was because of Reagan 20 years before but somehow the Dems who just took office in 2007 because the GOP were such fuckups, caused the Great Bush Crash and Republican Recession.
Republicans are an absolute clusterfuck.
Plenty of people are on the right and despise facism (as they understand it) and nazis. In fact, that's most right side people.
The others on the right are in what I like to call a basket of deplorables.
m8, I believe the point is jobs increased after 2010.
BASED BILL CLINTON left the BUSH GOP a $230 BILLION SURPLUS and they fucking squandered it.
so in total since 2008 Obama lost us 1 million jobs
You can't trust right wing retard Republishits with the economy, money or national security.
Hopefully all the fagboi abominations you guys support will keep having the will to work...
wew laddy you didn't even watch the videos. Poor autistic, projecting leaf. I hope you get paid, seriously.
Compared to the MSM infowars is a paragon of truth.
No one in their right mind listens to the MSM.
Obama is up 15.6 MILLION jobs you fucking nimrod.
Right wing retards can't even into math.
I told you retards to stop dropping out of high school.
And Obama's not done yet! He still has 2 more jobs reports!
kek, i remember this
Oh neat, lose 800 thousand jobs, then add 300 thousand THANKS OBAMA
>calling bill clinton 'based'
That graphic shows the opposite of what you think it does.
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
Nigger-leaf, I know you are full of shit, but I sure love when you post your bullshit.
No, protestants are either crazy fundamentalists who deny science, agnostic, or (((Mormons))). Catholics and Orthodox practice pagan rituals and pray to pre-Christian deities in the form of Saints. Friendly reminder that Pagan is the master race and ditch the Hebrew God
pris exprain
Bush lost those jobs. Obama is up 15.6 million jobs.
Right wing retard Republicans crash the economy.
Democrats thrive the economy.
Thank god Cliton introduced the sub prime mortgage loan to make it possible.
That's a left-wing policy my northern amigo. You can argue Bush is shit, but your autistic berating of the right is laughable.
>debt free by 2012
you don't even live in america you faggot , how would you know what the job market looks like?
how do you explain going from 146 million to 145 million gaining 16.5 million?
and please stop posting these white house meme statistics, we all know they count people who are unemployed longer than a year as "out of the work force"
he can't.
Right wing retards can't even identify patterns that 1st graders can.
These retards just think if you cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires then the economy will soar LOL TOP KEK.
(((pol))) is just a bunch of globalist elite worshiping cucks
94% were part time jobs
Typical right wing retard DINDU NUFFINS.
Typical right wing retards. Absolutely zero personal responsibility. Always blaming others FOR YOUR FUCK UPS
I'm so sick of you fucking DINDUS
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
That was the plan. Don't trust Republicans with money.
I love the Bohemian Grove footage and his brief encounter with David Gergan (who flipped shit) regarding the Grove.
But no, his voice overs describing moloch and mock child sacrifice is nowhere near the reality of what he recorded.
That's how he does. He stretches whatever weird shit he finds to the edges of what is possible, and builds a whole narrative that is inaccurate in detail.
95% full time actually
Show me a factual, accurate chart (no fake news) of an explosion in part time jobs under OBAMA. YOU CANT. BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED
AHAAHAHAHHA right wing retards
Alex Jones makes me laugh, he looks like he is going to have a heart attack whenever he gets angry.
>1% of a million dollars is more than 1% of a $100.
Truly crazy advanced wizard math. You should go prove Riemann's Hypothesis, you're a genius!
usually the effects of the previous administration or congress are still felt after they leave, they dont just instantly vanish, good or bad.
Use ur brain
Clinton laid the foundation, Bush moved the people in, two parts of the same demon.
Jones is a beautiful madman and I love him. He's just hyperbolic and it freaks out normies.
You're not crazy if you're always right.
Trump is cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires and right wing retards worship him for it
You're literally filthy cucks for the globalists and elites
All those Hollywood liberals you hate so much are gunna get big fat tax cuts
serves many different purposes
to identify those who have strayed from mainstream narrative.
to sew disinformation among truth
to balance karma by telling us what "they" are doing to us.
acts as a net and programming for those who have escaped baseline programming.
make sweet shekels
much more i'm sure, a cultural operation as big as infowars is never just one purpose
No, Infowars is a limited hangout Stratfor Operation that is being used to control legitimate dissent and mutate said dissent into useful idiocy.
I don't trust internet bubbles. I don't trust the fact that mortgage companies have not been reprimanded at all even after the subprime mortgage crisis. In fact, mtg companies now have more power than before. Thanks Obama. Not corrupt at all.
Christians already are crazy, especially young earth creationists. They don't need infowars as a false flag to make them look crazy.
>Too stupid to realize Trump wants to simplify the tax code and eliminate loopholes that allow millionaires/ billionaires to pay next to nothing anyways. Also, people with low income will pay 0 taxes... what a monster.
We already have some of the highest tax rates in the world. Taxing businesses more isn't going to make jobs.
Can you imagine being this fucking retarded?
I want you retards to think about right wnig retard autism and how powerful it is.
These retards actually believe that if Obama enacts a massive stimulus program to save America from a 2nd Republican Great Depression, the workers don't go back to work until the NEXT president takes office. Could be 4 years, could be 8 years, but right wing retard autism dictates that effects only automatically show up for the next president.
Fucking right wing retards man. Holy shit being this fucked up
read the bottom of the chart fuckhead
typical right wing retard DINDUS
Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.
Within 8 years, George Bush and the Republicans left America on its knees.
This is why Republicans can't be trusted with the economy. No matter how good a situation they inherit, they'll fuck it all up and blame Democrats. Every time.
Obama raised taxes on the rich and created 15 million jobs. Bush cut taxes on the rich and created 1 million jobs.
You right wing retards are just trained by the JIDF to be cucks. That's all there is to it.
>internet bubbles.
more right wing retard memes
The rush Limbaugh of conspiracy culture. But rush doesn't ever think he's going to be assassinated by the ptb
Now bend over for Achmed, Obama commands you!
literally believes fake news
Please show me where this White House economist said this. Oh that's right. They just made it up.
Remember when I asked you to show me a factual chart of a part time jobs explosion under Obama. Funny how you can't do it can you? You know why? Cause 95% Obama job creation has BEEN FULL TIME. You right wing retards just believe fake news written by Macedonian teen bloggers. Fucking morons.
tfw no more yous
Bill "still banging bimbos" Clinton sent millions of jobs overseas and set the stage for the manufacturings sectors long term decline. The gains seen by the economy didn't last because they were based around getting more money for big corporations at the expense of the average worker.
Ohh he announced it... where the proof?
>Fuck, Obama wanted to show respect by sending him off in the ocean because that is muslim tradition.
Prove it's fake
Alex Jones is not an educator at all. He just likes to hype things and stir shit shit beyond proportions. Its like listening to a war of the worlds broadcast and thinking its actually news. Some people apparently loved his brand of paranoia porn before he dropped his ramblings and became an mainstream political talk show host for the cuckservatives.
The unemployment rate was 3.9%
You retarded autistic right wing retard children born 5 years ago don't know shit
Do you fucktards ever look anything up on non-fake news sites?
Are you clinically retarded?
Bill Clinton did so much for the economy. Like ride that global economic boom that persisted through the 90s due to the fall of the USSR (and subsequent opening of new markets), the effects of reaganomics, and the acceleration of applications of the Internet in every facet of society.
His world was relatively peaceful (considerably, compared to the rest of the century) in the opening years of American global hegemony. Bill reaped all the credit and got to coin a new slang for a blow job
Alex Jones used to be voice of truth and reason.
Now he's a bat shit heathen who got crazier for the views.
Remember when I asked you to show me a factual chart of a part time jobs explosion under Obama. Funny how you can't do it can you? You know why? Cause 95% Obama job creation has BEEN FULL TIME. What a pathetic fail. I've fucking destroyed you yet again.
pic related, with gov source
actually that 95% is the part time, just a quickgoogle away and as a matter of fact mr lying leaf
No, that wasn't me dipshit.
That's okay, it will obviously be a false flag by government agents still loyal to Obama.
btfo for days.