>Sup Forums is now defending Israel
Sup Forums is now defending Israel
those are called shills, get with the program faggot
do you want jews living all over the world, or in israel?
it is better to give them their own country so they don't bother us
No I'm not defending them at all, shill. Inb4 muh Trump, he needs to stop supporting them too, unless he's really a closet C U C K
>confusing Sup Forums with JIDF
Fuck Israel and Fuck Palestine. We should just nuke that whole fucking country.
Sup Forums is not a hive mind fuck the kikes delete this thread
>Sup Forums is one person
I agree. They deserve their land. But they need to stop manipulating the world with things like 9/11, war in the ME, etc
This happens after each major happening
Newfags from Reddit think they're "redpilled" but don't understand the jews work every angle
Israel will destroy all mudslimes.... That's why I support Israel. American Jew is a lot different from an Israeli Jew. I know a few.
t. Schlomo
>i know a few Muslims guys! They really are swell!
Biggot try to make reality look like his fantasm.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Nationalism is a stepping stone to ethnonationalism, you 1488 24/7 guys keep doing what you're doing, and us liberty minded civic nationalists work in other ways as a gateway, capiche?
Israel is based.
Explain this then:
Clearly the globalists are anti-israel
>Clearly the globalists are anti-israel
That doesn't explain anything, he is clearly anti trump, but trump is clearly pro-israel, and obama, who is obviously in soros pockets is taking an anti-israel stance.
What the fuck is going on?
He has been out of the closet since he started running in '88
Sweden is the only Western state recognizing Palestine
Explain that
Shoo shoo stormfront. Sup Forums is a steadfast ally of Israel
I hate mudslimes infinitely more than jews, not even a competition desu
You type like an ahmed senpai
>le internationalist leftist jew and zionist jew
Oh course, this pattern can generally be seen, but they are too often found within the same person. How many Jews in the US support the melting pot, vote democrat and are Liberal? Can you guess how many of those Jews support an ethnostate in Palestine?
The jew deserves nothing but contempt :^)
>defending Israel
>defending Russia
Sup Forums is full of cucks
Kike civil war. Soros wants to become the ultimate kike overlord.
summerfags/winterfags man
>defending russia
not really. trump is just getting media bashing for saying absolutely nothing
>Defending israel
pick your fucking poison muslims or kikes
I aint supporting no kikes, Israel is thevreason why the second Reich collapsed (balfourt declaration)
i dont want any jews in the world. they need to be exterminated
It's like it's beyond Sup Forums that you can hate Israel and the Saudis equally
They're both as shit as one another
fuck israel. AMERICA FIRST
Into the trash
not really it is more like they blast mudslimes in their spare time so the enemy of my enemy is my friend
>Sup Forums is now defending Israel
It's like you've never heard of the JIDF.
How new are you?
About that, check this:
anti Israel != anti jews
Israel is a illegal state: fact.
>Jewish state when the Messiah has not yet come
It's a sin.
I'll keep with sandnigs:
- women know their place
- fags BTFO
- god and king, that's all you need
But go on, be on the jew side because "wtf I hate mudslimes because 9/11"
Kikes are Sup Forums's anime rival
We hate eachother, strike eachother
But we'll tend our hands when one of us is falling. A dead rival ain't fun
>i... it's not like I respect you.
I don't want them living at all
There's two main factions in Israel: The nationalist Jews that just want to fuck up Mudslimes, and the Jewy Jews that actively want to destroy western civilization. The later group is trying to take power in Israel in order to accelerate their plans, since they realize they're losing grasp in Europe and the US.
>JIDF pretending to be a Sup Forumsack is defending Israel