You don't actually support Nazism, do you?

You don't actually support Nazism, do you?

Other urls found in this thread:

50 natsoc threads and you made a fucking thread for this?


i support national socialism

back to r/thedonald

Nationalism yes, socialism no.

I just dislike niggers and think Jews should live in Israel since everybody went through so much trouble to give the kikes a GODDAMN COUNTRY

So you support this?

No because socialism is always retarded.

Do you mean the Hollywood version or the real version? As for national socialism most people know what neither means in practice. Just what their pundits demand they believe....and they do.

I support the death or deportation of people who are a threat to my country, so, you tell me ?

Yes I do

Do you?


It's the only thing that put a dent in Bolshevism

this is bait guys

its typhus

Yes I do.

hail victory

yeah pretty much.

Do you support Jewish Bolsheviks?

oy vey .. muh holocaust meme (even the head jew knows thats shit is fake)

>hate everybody who i a Threat to his country
>Support natsoc
>natsoc Want to destroy your country and cuck it under Big aryan Reich
>Support occultism faggot bullshit
>Nonsense detected


Did i say i support nazism ? I said i support national socialism, so, french natsoc, we should be the only masters of our land

how safe are the streets of Paris today ?!

Fuck off nigger jew

Of course I do

Why didn't they just tell the fucking goblin to shoo.

Christ sake, it's not rocket science.

Safe enough to see a sharp decline in their tourist industry

No I don't support the Allies bombing supply lines causing the jewish prisoners to starve to death.
Nor do I support the numerous firebombings that took place in civilian cities of Germany, killing countless innocent German citizens.


Adolf Hitler

A Man Against Time

I dunno but they had cool uniforms desu.

depends where you are, some are still pretty white, some are 100% nigs, and paris suburbs is like 70% nig 20% arab and 10% white

>t. Paris suburban

kys then you stupid idiot

Fuck Nazis, and fuck OP too.

I actually do support it in theory. The Nazis were able to accomplish great things. They just happened to ruin that by doing terrible things as well. I think it deserves another shot, but this time with a lot less killing and more liberties. After all, you can't be a true nationalist if you ordered the execution of 30 000 of your people simply for disagreeing with you.

Explain to me how this image doesn't perfectly sum up modern "Neo-Nazis"

>Be burger John
>Want to look smart
>Muuuuuh safe
>Meanwhile is country IS filled with guns
>Has more attacks than France since 9/11
>Make a mess in the world since forever
>Blame others to endure casualities
>Burger John give lessons meanwhile he is a retarf

We already have democratic socialism that allows niggers to get on disability welfare for being obese from eating junk food paid for by food stamps. All the while value of your labor is decreasing while the rich (((capitalist))) keep massing more wealth and solidifying their power over our markets and making us debt slaves with their usury. All while the same elites are pushing degeneracy thru media and creating and unaware and compliant citizenry. At least nazi germany had 0% unemployment and capitalistic small local biz for goods and service. And a mans labor held value and respect. Fuck these CEO mother fuckers. Stop sucking their dicks faggot.


nazi tears fuel my soul. Keep crying that you lost WW2 losers!

>whining about usury
fuck off commie

Do you even have to ask?

I don't even care for that. It's so inconsequential that it doesn't even matter.


>Nazis didn't have an edgy, offbeat sense of humor

can I still visit the Petit Palais safely??

>doesnt realize allied bombed labor camps supply lines causing mass starvation

This... sort of.
I don't have a problem with Blacks in general, but the american ones are out of fucking control and I also think that those dumb apes from Sudan should just all be put down for the benefit of everyone and everything on this fucking planet.


>So you support this?

Ukrainians always were sub human.


yes, only the suburbs and the metro are unsafe

>le nationalsocialism is socialist because it's in the name meme

le get out

>Niggers and arabs been cucked by life
>Shitty job and shit, shithole house, ugly woman, middle age culture
>Think he is not the master
>Dont understand the masters are the same color as him and are cucking him cause you dont have what it takes
>Blaming others for being useless

Fascists on this board can probably defend fascism better than Bundeswehr soldiers. A significant number can even denounce fascism from the side of traditionalism, which goes a layer deeper than democratic critics.

We are good goyim here, and not some antisemites, so we all support the world's only national-socialist state of Israel.

amerifat you haven't won a fucking war since mr mission accomplished (your Achilles has been discovered, guerilla warfare) ...some rice patty farms and goat fuckers beat you

Im not a neo bolshevik. Your simple brain just cant comprehend that national socialism is not marxism.

Suburbs and metro are unsafe

>Never been to Paris
>Métro filled with security agents, army and camera
>Suburbs unsafe
>See black and arabs shit his pants

Why were they in labor camps in the first place? You do realize they were only still alive because they could be used for labor, right? If they got sick or were already old or a baby, they would be exterminated on the spot.

Fuck fascists
Fuck commies
Fuck liberals
Fuck niggers
Fuck Hitler
Trump shall be the savior of white American males and he is nearly a pure conservative, a man's man. A true man that actual average workers will see as a hope symbol

Why don't you support Israel antisemite? Israel is a pure national-socialist regime.

>my infallible brand of socialism will work


thanks .. hopefully I can visit next year (love the architecture of France, especially the buildings built for the 1900 Exposition Universelle

I agree with Nazis on most points except economic I would honestly consider myself more of a fascist

>shitposting even if there's no more (You)


Multiple divorce
Capitalist as fuck


America is an Israeli colony, cry more

Hello, NSA!

Yes, I support National Socialism. Fuck you, kike.



bitch you bore me

keep being delusional

Have you told your family yet, fag? What was their response? What did mommy and daddy think of Little Jimmy deciding to follow the fuhrer?


Its safe dont thrust him
Never had any problem

Métro is ultra securised with private security agents, army and police

Suburbs are full of arabs and niggers
>They doesn t care about you
>Dont shit your pants

I do

>Be Michel froggy (you)
>Never been to Paris
>Looking at fdesouche and W9
>Thinking Paris is under sharia
>Never went
>Be cancer

>t. Goldberg Shekelstein

Back to >>>Reddit

We already have democratic socialism here. Its shit. U cant see past the word. Why is it ok for someone to control a necessity of modern life, with power being passed thru nepotism, and profit emensly from it? Like telecoms. There is nothing left to innovate in the feild. Its a necessity. Competition has been consilidated. families get raped $2-400 a month.

Die Nazi scum.

>tfw your uncle killed Nazi scum in northern. Italy in 1945

Socialism will only ever work if there is pretty much one race in the country.

Look at that, you dodged the question.

Have you told your family that you are a Nazi? What was their reaction? Let's hear it.

for non-whites? yes

No. I'm not german nor germanic. Supporting nazism as a slav is ultimate form of cuckoldry.

They had maternity wards. Fucking semite. I swear to got

So you aren't a nazi. Nazis killed almost exclusively whites.


>tfw grew up in 93 and 06 (Nice)
>tfw 93 filled with niggers and 06 filled with arabs
>tfw both are shit and unsafe for anyone
>tfw in 93 in 2 years at least 3 groups of niggers tried to rob me when coming back from work (and never succeed btw)
>tfw in 2 years, saw 3 bloody face in the metro after some stabbing shit
>tfw some station are 99% black and smell like piss
>totally safe man don't worry he's just shitposting and never got to Paris :D

yeah totally safe fucking faggot can you stop shitposting now ?

I have. Reaction was neutral. "Well user, everyone is entitled to their opinions."

Is every 'Nazi' a Richard Spencer-level sperglord in your eyes?

Jews aren't Whites. That's when (((they))) would like you to think, though.

have your parents told you a rabbi sucked your dick and gave you herpes ?!

and also
>Métro filled with security agents, army and camera

yeah military are everywhere man, see them every 2 meters totally safe don't worry brah :D

Strasserism is an interesting brand of Nazism, definitely worth looking up.

look at my digits motherfuckers



I do.

t. 1/16 Jewish bolshevik

I don't support any kind of socialist experiment, national (((socialism))) included

>dont worry workers you will be paid in (((workers vouchers))) that will be worth real money eventually I promise heheh

yeah not socialist at all