Sup Forums absolutely destroyed by Sup Forums!! HOW WILL THEY EVER RECOVER!??!???

Sup Forums absolutely destroyed by Sup Forums!! HOW WILL THEY EVER RECOVER!??!???

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>1 post by this ID
really makes me think

2 posts now faggot, get on my level.

>from a scientific standpoint, to claim any ... objective difference between races is unfounded
they're different colors
they have different bone structure

hide bait threads
ignore bait posters

>All behavioral differences between humans is nurture, not nature...

>Except for white people, they are all raycis.

come on now....

>No difference

blacks are human, they're hominids

are not*

>blacks are human

0,5% can be a lot.
here's a list of genetic similarity to other things:
Cat: 90%
Cow: 80%
Mouse: 75%
Fruit Fly: 60%
Banana: 50%

fucking half of you is the same as a banana.

also does this 0.5% across the board in humans account for genetically retarded people?
if so you see how well that works out.

good looking out dude
thats what meant

This. Pigs are extremly close to humans as well but there's no way anyone would seriously suggest you are an actual pig.

black and white people obviously have physical differences, its just whether 'race' is a legitimate categorisation in biology, try 'breed' instead

>Pigs are extremly close to Germans


Germans are pigs. Look at their face



>"You're only 0.5% away from being a nigger"
>Only 1% away from being a Chimpanzee

Shut up monkey

Race is a meme term. Scientifically, we would be categorised as subspecies.

Humans and bananas share 50% of the same DNA

Humans and Chimps share 99% of the same DNA

Are humans half banana?

Are humans identical to chimps?

Yep, human and chimps are 99%.

Neanderthals and modern humans are 99.5% similar. That's a 0.5% difference.... uh oh...

Black Africans are descended of homo sapiens that did not travel out of Africa

Other traveled out of Africa into Europe and race mixed with neanderthals

Everyone came out of Africa but why do people look so different? Well, everyone would be black except some people race mixed with neanderthals (dirty retarded ape people) and then we have white people as a result (disgusting race mixers)

Only black Africans are pure homo sapien that did not race mix with filthy neanderthals. White people are disgusting half breeds.

0.5% difference is still billions of nucleotide pairs.

Fucking liberals don't even know about the very science they so advocate for apparently.

Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

Then tell me please, how is it that forensic anthropologists can tell what "non-scientific" race a skeleton came from? If it's enough of a difference to see skeletal changes it's certainly possible that it's enough to see small behavioral differences. I'm not saying one race is better than another. I don't buy that meme. It's not really fair to compare things. Like Einstein said, if you judge a fish on how well it can climb a tree it's gunna feel stupid.

The only difference between my bank account and your bank account is just a few zeroes. We practically have the same money.

The only difference between your computer and my computer is that 1% of code that sends your browsing history to the NSA. It's practically the same.

This. A marmot is only 2%.

>we're all one race! the human race!
absolute nonsense






>The difference genetically between any two humans is 0.5%
>The difference between a human and a chimpanzee is 1%
>but It's somehow insignificant...


Or it's not fair to compare me to a tall black dude.

Tall black dude could kick my ass at basketball and probably has way better social skills, whereas I certainly could school him in any messure of intelligences and I could also probably kick his ass cause I'm a fairly tall white dude that likes to take care of myself.

White dudes=strong and smart

Black dudes=Agile and social

>no difference

The difference between a human and a chimpanzee is what? 2% or less?


It is. It's synonymous with subspecies.

Though if race causes them to rage, subspecies is even worse.

okay while I may not entirely agree with the sentiment that blacks are bad, that has got to be the stupidest shit I've read all day and I expect nothing less from Sup Forums

Did you know that the genotype difference between a human and a banana is 1%?

I don't get the "bias" reasoning for why Black People score lower on tests?
Literally every single test, even tests that don't require language to be done, shows that Blacks on average are dumber than Whites.

And it's not Nurture either. The gap is still there at all incomes and all the countries in Africa that had been touched by whites magically do better than the countries in Africa without white influence at all.

but any given marmot may be closer to a human than it is to another marmot

it's just science