You know the drill. 2 bullets, you and these 3 men in a room.
Who dies?
You know the drill. 2 bullets, you and these 3 men in a room.
Who dies?
shoot myself twice
I'd double tap Marx
Ask each of them shoot me once.
10/10 and a leaf no less
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>you only got two bullets you dumb nigger
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
who's the first guy
Mohammed and Marx
Princip wouldn't have non-white turk blood if not for islam, maybe his mental facilities would've been more intact.
guys, this isn't /r9k/. i think you're lost
Also, checked.
The guy who started ww1.
Mohammed, with both bullets.
Butterfly effect kills us all.
Best possible outcome.
Gavrilo Princep. He shot and killed Franz Ferdinand leading to WWI
Shoot two of them, then throw them from the airplane.
Shoot marx in his dick and in one of his knees for being a retard.
No time paradox, we still get important historical events, and Marx is punished for being a filthy commie, and worst of all, a Germ*n.
Shoot the mudshits. Someone else would eventually think of communism anyway.
Point gun and make one of them strangle one guy to death. Shoot the survivors.
both on Mohammed just to make sure that he is dead.
communism would be created even without Marx but Islam wouldn't be created if it wasn't for Mohammed
pistol-whip marx to death,
shoot mohamed's nuts
give the remaining bullet to the guy on the right so he starts WWI
Austro-Hungary invaded Serbia.
Austro-Hungary started WW1.
Line two of them up back to back. One bullet, two fucks. Kill all three. Cake and eat it, etc. OP is a faggot.
Did I miss anything?
Thats not even Muhammed, thats Ali.
All you'd do is get rid of all Shiites and make all muslims Sunnis, and Sunnis are the more violent ones.
Well done.
Pull the pin.
Everyone dies.
Then the answer is clear
The left two
Without ww1, germany will not be oppressed and give rise to nazis.
That means no relocation of jews to israel
That means the middle east is no longer a launchpad for Western military conflicts, and the threat of islam stays self contained until russia, the righteous christian defenders they now are due to marxism being avoided, crusades the shit out of them.
And america doesn't have massive debt.
This fucking guy
The Serb twice, so Muhammad can convert Karl Marx to Islam and Gaddafi rules half the world under Islommig Gommunism.
>tell them to all line up behind each other, facing the back of each others head
>stand behind them and fire a bullet to kill all three guys in one shot
>even have a bullet left over to kill myself
Shoot Muhammad and watch his explosive vest go off, killing the other two.
why not just line two of them up by the head and then finish the third guy? Or just beat them to death with the gun?
No one of them, all of them are heroes
Empty gun, walk out of room, throw gun in Ocean.
I'm not a murderer...
Shoot Achmed twice and then take Marx for a helicopter ride. Also ask that other faggot who the fuck he is. I presume some kind of Time Lord.
Shoot left and right then beat Marx to death with the gun.
Based leaf
Kill Marx and the Sandnigger.
Give the gun to the assassin so he attempts to carry out and fail
Eh, WWI would have happened eventually anyway without Princip. Marx and Mohommed, however, inspire villainy to this day through their deception.
Mohammed then myself.
Ebin trolled Europe so hard that everybody tried killing eachother
Ebin trolled Arabs so hard that they started killing themselves and those around them
Wrote economic's own Sonichu
The portrait on the right isn't Muhammad, it's Ali, the fourth Caliph.
Well done, Sup Forums, well done.
God fucking damnit guys, that isn't Muhammed, it's the Imam Ali, who is the cousin of Muhammed.
He's essentially the creator of the shia sect of Islam. If you kill him all muslims would be Sunnis, right now the Sunnis are the ones rampaging through the desert beheading people.
muzzies detected.
But their violence is rooted in the dispute between sunni and shia
Eliminating either prevents the violence.
shoot the jew, shoot the other jew and pistolwhip the arab to death
The one on the Right is Ali (Shiite king), not Muhammad.
Kek agrees.
I'm not a muslim, I'm an orthodox christian.
But I know a lot about islam because I had a lot of muslim friends.
line em up and shoot twice.
"I don't like knowing about stuff"
No Muhammed, no Ottoman Empire. That would change everything to the extent that eliminating Princip is likely pointless.
I'd kill Marx just to be safe too though.
A Serbian assassin killed the leader of Austro-Hungary, causing them to invade his country in retaliation.
Gavrilo Princip started WW1.
As you can see from the Islamic symbol above him, it is Muhammad you fucking donuts.
>Muzzdar is jamming the signal speak up
gav and mad
marx is based
dindu nuffin, WW1 was obvious, after all that imperialism/colonialism crises
i think it is sort of shia hero
He was right about crapitalism
Franz-Joseph was the leader of A-H, not Franz Ferdinand
I mean lets be honest and say von moltke and the boys were planning a european war for decades. They wanted to start ww1 in 1912
Marx and Princip, I really don't see what killing Ali would accomplish.
Probably Muhammad and princip
Killing Muhammad would eradicate Islam forever
Princip dying may not have stopped WW1 and WW2, but I'd rather take the chance on that. Marx really didn't accomplish that much compared to the other two. Even if Marx never lived, some other retard would have had his ideas.
I would line them up and shoot them all through their heads with one bullet. The other two bullets would be used to kill Kek.
That isnt Muhammed. There was an Islam thread where some mud was unironically saying "cucktians". Thats Ali, he made the less violent branch of Islam. Still, kill him. At least everyone will know they are ignorant savages. WW1 needed to happen for Hitler to happen and killing Marx will bring back the conception of Gommunism at least a few years of setting the forming of Soviet ideology.
Final Answer: Marx and Ali
Kill Jew Marx and the I-Slime pedo. Depending on my mood afterwards, either leave the one on the left alone or beat him with the gun.
I'm a pretty big guy
>For him
I CAN pistol-whip him to death.
Without Marxism, the West wouldn't be putting up with Islam and Jews would not have near as much power as they do now.
world War 1 was going to happen anyway but that was the initiation.
why else would every major nation flip out over a Balkan prince killed, Balkan were non stop.violence at the time, kind of like.middle east now.
Based Igor Pachmelnik Zhakusov
>american education
How is this even a question? You know the answer
Serbian Terrorist who started world war one by killing the austro-hungarian empires ruler leading to the events of world war one but lots of tension was arising beforehand
I'd shoot Toby twice.
princip dindu nuffin
killing muhammed would drastically change the history of the world, in a good way
No point killing marx because some other g*rman barbarian would create communism anyway
I know perfectly well (at least what is known) about what started WWI, I've just never seen that picture
Marx and the sand nigger
WWI needed to happen for the rise of the Third Reich
>occupying slavic lands
>not a terrorist
>trying to liberate slavic lands
>Serbian Terrorist
Marx and the sandnigger
Princep dindu nuffin and is a based slav
Who's the guy on the left, and who is the guy on the right?
I did not say he was bad for doing this, I would do that aswell if I was in his shoes
> American education
>American education
>American Education
On the left was the man who shot Franz Ferdinand. The one on the right is Muhammad.
>fuck yeah
>American education
>American Education
Muhammed and the guy in the left because I don't know is who he is but he looks like a fucked up bastard.
Double tap Marx.
>Leaf Education
>Leaf education
aw serb is upset :(((((
I'd kill Mohammed and Marx.
He didnt start shit. The assassination was a tipping point. But the war was inevitable with or without it
2 for Princip
no one. the death of a single actor does not stop the play. There are always standbys.
>support terrorists and agitate neighbor's population for decades
>get invaded when you don't stop
>dindu nuffin
>Leaf education
Both bullets for OP for reposting.
Shoot that sandniggers twice
>Leaf Education