Hey guys, proud make feminist here. I was told by a friend of mine that some of you guys here disagree with the virtues of feminism, but I just can't understand that since feminism stands for equality of all sexes and genders. I doubt anyone here can change my mind, but I dare you to try.
Hey guys, proud make feminist here...
Equality is a nigger concept.
Women are literally human garbage who are literally the most disgusting things ever made
Fuck off to tumblr cunt. There is no such thing as equality.
What you are talking about is called egalitarianism and not feminism
You guys need to remember that women are systematically being exploited by a system we need to change! No way can we keep a system which causes things like the wage gap to exist!
I doubt anyone here can change my mind, but I dare you to try
This is a problem women love powerful men, through hypergamy, so when talking about equality is understood between women and successful men.
While they are incapable of empathizing with the men of lesser position than the same.
The argument is that women can not change their way of thinking about men, which means that in the end man ends up being superior to women, because men gain many benefits by being powerful, having confidence, being leaders, success , While the losers are thrown away.
Gender is not a social construction.
>confirmed troll
That's the lowest quality bait ever.
This thread is going to end up in the aussie shit storm if it persists.
Talk English you fucking ethnic shitskin faggot
Why should I give one flying fuck about the state of your mind and your ill conceived beliefs? Change it yourself. You decide to believe in degenerate lies and nonsense, your life will follow in ruin as you reap the fruits you've sown. Fuck you. And say hi to the wall as it smacks your thick skull wide open!
>I doubt anyone here can change my mind
Please IP ban Melbourne from Sup Forums
It is already against US law to pay people different wages based on sex, race, or etc.
The wage gap is already non-existent.
Fuck off with your family and friends and shit
I genuinely cannot believe that if it were men that were systematically oppressed you guys could keep acting this way. Just because you gain from the system doesn't mean it's not wrong
If there is a wage gap, why business hire men at all? They can hire only women, pay less and earn more profits.
How can we be equal? Our anatomy will never be equal. Our brains are completely different because of the action of sexual hormones during their development.
Even between males we are not equal in a strict sense, like physical hability and IQ.
You have been lied to, we will never be equal, and you will be happy when you assume your purpose: being a good woman (whatever that means) and not being a good man. That's an impossible thirst to satiate.
It's obviously because the people who hire the workers are men who discriminate against women. The problem is that the system is wrong and unfair to begin with!
You're not equal to men. We're naturally bigger, faster, stronger, can think better under pressure, better leaders etc.
were the real meritocracy..
you believe in marxism
You had to play that woman card, didn't you?
You couldn't help yourself. You don't trust that your ideas or opinions will stand on their own merit, so you had to highlight them by claiming woman points.
Well honey, if you're going to play that game, then I win. I have way more women points than you ever will. Mother, grandmother, ex-military, retired cop, small business woman, business degree, two languages. Cook and crochet and do laundry and take care of my family.
I was a 2nd wave feminist, and we did it all. We made the t-shirt you think you're wearing. We entered all-male fields WHILE raising families, and we sweated and burned and grew blisters until we succeeded. We broke all that ground for you. We made all those inroads for the future of women. AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH ALL THE WORK WE DID FOR - YOU?
You fucking ruined it. You threw it back in our faces. Where we raised ourselves up to be awesome and strong, and to work hard and to have it all, all you can do is tear men down to your petty, useless little level. Where we worked hard, all you can do is whine and bitch. You've taken womanhood and given it away to any and all takers, until you don't even know what it means to be a woman anymore.
You think that gobbling the most cock makes you an empowered woman. YOU are disgusted by your behavior and need to take it out on men as if its their fault you can't be strong. WE made you equal and you failed to live up to it. And you are afraid because you've lost every clue of what it means to be a woman, you have nothing except telling yourself that you are a victim. Well POOR fucking YOU. You could have been strong on your own. You hate the empty way it makes you feel, all the while telling yourself that fucking around is something to aspire to. And now..All you are...ALL you will ever be, is a slut. And when your looks dry up you won't even have that.
Zilch. Zero. Nada. except memories of cold wet spots on your sheets.
Bullshit, businessmen will not deny themselves real and valuable profits because they want discriminate someone on their whim. Or if they will, they will be out of business as their rivals will not and earn more.
enjoy your cats
men are systematically oppressed
No they are not. Higher paying jobs in terms of finance. No pressure by society to be thin and beautiful. Very little sexual harrasment compared to women, what more can you want than being a man?
I sense that is a bait thread. It made me sad, because I really wanted an actual feminist to make this thread so we could have a fun little discussion, especially since I used to be an SJW half a year ago.
You claim to want gender equality but your actions make it sound like you want special privileges from society. Ain't gonna happen, bitch.
learn what feminism is then come back and talk to us thanks.
>not triggered by comment like these
Learn more how to LARP
If idiots want to be idiots that's fine by me, I don't care about their opinions. What I came here for was to confirm none of you guys can convince me feminism is not the way forward
Why feminism over egalitarianism?
>proud make feminist here
That's why no one cares anymore. We'll go about our lives with families while you're stuck with being some fuck hole too some nigger.
so you want to know feminism isn't the way forward? ever heard of gender equal snow ploughing?
Where is this pasta from? Cooked by a skilled chef, no doubt
The problem with what you think is 'egalitarian' is that men are already at an advantage. If we try to care for both the same in all respects then women will always be at a disadvantage. Only after we fix the mistakes of the present can we move on to be truly equal
How is an abortion a feminist act when it encourages a man not to use any protection?
Also it involves vaccuming.
Why is the cotton swab in the pill jar?
to remind blacks they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.
Obvious bait
>that webm
Every fucking time, man.
Hello. I have a response for you:
1. You state that males have no pressure to be thin and beautiful. You are right. Our pressure is to be strong and masculine--to lift weights. I'm sure that you would find this equal to or more difficult than your "societal duty" of looking good.
2. What is your definition of sexual harassment? Is being called attractive names by males wrong because to me, such would be merely compliments?
3. There are various lawsuits that prevent males from being paid more than females. These cases are prosecuted regularly. The reason why the average male's wealth is greater than that of a female's is a result of the top, rich members of society. I'm talking about Bill Gates level. If this elite percentile was removed, there would be a less of a disparity.
The other reason for this "80 cents per dollar" situation is that women chose jobs based on their passion. The average man has stress upon him; he knows that he needs to provide for his family, so he gets a good job. Females follow their passion and get less paying jobs.
men and woman are NOT EQUAL to even consider egalitarian ideology you fucking lunatic.
But that's not true. On average women graduate high school and college at greater rate than men do. Women just out of college make more money than their male counter parts. Men are more likely to be victims of violet crime than women. Women are also the largest voting block in the Unite States.
That sounds privileged to me.
Are there 74 genders or only 73?
you support trans rights? have you seen the boxing match (I think it was boxing I dunno, it was some kind of fight) where a woman that was once a man fought a woman? the woman was badly injured and had to go to hospital
Hey OP, Whats the difference between Amy Schumer and rape?
Rape is actually funny.
Yeah they're not equal because men are degenerate and useless members of society.
well to be fair, im actually sure there are some women who saw through the BS and did just that to not be patronized.
Im amazed at how they seek to excuse their failures as persons by attacking their fellow man.
A - They fail (or didnt even try) at following your model a be a strong independant woman.
B - They fail (or dont even try) at being a desirable dependant woman.
Outcome? "3rd wave feminist" where your life objetive is to create an utopic reality in which guilt related to a bad choice doesnt exist since it was eliminated by teaching everyone how to think right.
They dont read biology, they dont like numbers, their facts cant hold in debates, they are lazy and vicious. They take advantage of the work done by previous feminists and use it to justify projecting all their bad feelings about themselves (be it justified or just plain pathological) unto others.
Rationalization seems to be "I wouldnt be suffering for my shitty choice if I didnt think of what the people will think of me for it. Gotta control their thoughts so I can feel good about myself regardless of what choice I make"
Ain't no chicks on /pol. Tits or GTFO.
Stop making our country look bad homo
This is clearly bait
We have been fighting for feminism for a long time, first country to let women vote. There is nothing wrong with being proud of our heritage
You're the sort of person that makes our country look bad
>make feminist
Feminism has exacerbated the problem of mass unemployment created by globalization and mechanization. If anything, that problem has given women the better position in society outside of the relatively small upper crust, because a lot of jobs in service industries that have traditionally been filled by women aren't as easy to send to the Third World or fill with a robot. Yes, some very rich men are given more opportunities to succeed than their sisters, but that's the top 10% of society at most. You look at the trailer parks or the ghetto, or even at the college-educated middle class, and women are the ones being given jobs. Then you get to the fact that when standing in front of the statistical average judge on any matter from family law to criminal trial, a white woman has the same advantage over a white man that a white man has over a black man. 90% of quality-of-life statistics favor women significantly, yet you and the mainstream media look at the other 10% of statistics and scream and wail about them.
Feminism is unnecessary at best, and in its worst aspect outright harmful to society overall as in the employment example, because society was based on balanced incomparables like that back when it worked. But feminists try to claim all the benefits for women, without any of the drawbacks or responsibilities that men have.
how does that not disprove feminism? so weak that others must "let" you have rights
Just to finish something I missed.
Rationalization seems to be "I wouldnt be suffering for my shitty choice if I didnt think of what the people will think of me for it. Gotta control their thoughts so I can feel good about myself regardless of what choice I make"
Because God knows woman are prone to making shitty choices. Its dat biology
Men have fewer responsibilities as a result of feminism due to women being able to provide income for the family as well as the man. It's no longer necessary for a male to be the sole provider so how are the old days of women not working better?
Just like your government must 'let' you have rights through the constitution
>Shitty choices
Do we need to come over and fuck your women into submission, kiwis?
You just worry about fucking your abo women Aussie bro
I wouldn't want to mess with those Aussies, they certainly fucked the abos hard enough
>literally has femin in the name
>all genders
Yeah bullshit. If you truly believed in "equality" (which is better termed liberty) you would be a capitalist libertarian/minarchist. Feminism used to be relevant when women were lesser in the eyes of the law. Now it's not, because it's achieved its goal.
worst quality bait I've ever seen
This. You can't have a philosophy for equality and name it after one of the groups
That's just egalitarianism, and equality isn't real.
Bullshit like All lives matter right?
We've fucked the abos to near extinction. Think it's time to fuck New Zealanders into oblivion. Prepare the lube. No condoms or pregnancy pills needed. We need more aussie boys in kiwiland.
Come all you want we lots of diversity here and would love some more
best thing we have going is lack of refugees, so go escape the sun under your feet somewhere else
If you truly believed all lives matter then you would be trying to limit governmental power, not extend it
We need the government to make laws that make it illegal to keep women beneath men.
Milo sez fuck you.
Milo is a disgusting human being who only labels himself alt-right to be edgy
reply to my post you coaldigger
Fake Texas, you will never be able to convince a feminist that actually biology plays an integral part of the development of a human being. They belive in pseudo sciences like women studies and sociology are enough to validate all the bullshit they are spewing out of their mouths. They thin that identity can be erase and manipulated to create anew and better identity. The issue with this is now the feminists from the 90's are noticing they are over 35 and depress because no one wants to fuck them and have children with them. IN other words, they dug their own grave, and we know this since the studies about the happiness of women has decrease a shit ton over the years, and it will decrease even more with the years to come. The Y generation of women are garbage, and gen Z will fix that, so all the men who could not get pussy now, they will get it with more down to earth women who wants to be women instead of a half man.
No, we need the government to not have laws regarding sexes so they can both do exactly as they please. If there are no laws regarding what women can do (notwithstanding actions which infringe upon another individual) then they are free and equal. If a woman decides to be a submissive housewife, that's her choice.
and this
OP lacks critical thinking skills guys. She already told you not to waste your time, so don't..
I will cum, without a doubt.
We rapist now. Prepare yourself
>What I came here for was to confirm none of you guys can convince me feminism is not the way forward
See, there's the problem. You stand to benefit from what you call feminism, while everyone else loses.
You simply will not go against something that benefits you without some dramatic life-changing event in your life to make you go against nature. It would be like dogs complaining that they get too much delicious table scraps and not enough bland kibble.
So you frame your entire ideology to benefit your side of the argument and conveniently ignore everything that doesn't, or try to explain it away with emotional gibberish that doesn't hold up when you bring the facts to light. But you will ignore those, too. Call them "mansplaining". Whatever it takes to ensure that you get your cake and can eat it, too, regardless of who suffers.
women's brains are inferior so they can't understand concepts like sacrificing oneself for morals, ideals, honor or really anything besides their children.
women should be dumb pretty and live simple lives and do simple things around the home and property
and if they refuse society will go to shit (it is going to shit) and we will all die. Men work and provide, if men refuse things are fucked. Men give birth and raise children. If they refuse we are fucked. Since women are refusing to have children men have 2 options:
>It's no longer necessary for a male to be the sole provider so how are the old days of women not working better?
The vast majority of women date/marry men with a higher wage than them.
A less-qualified woman will get hired over a higher-qualified man because the employer doesn't want to be sexist.
Combine these and you end up with women who make a high wage wanting to date/marry men with an even higher wage, and a bunch of qualified-yet-unemployed men that don't have a wife/girlfriend to provide for them.
There is no pressure to lift weights as a man except those who put pressure on themselves to fit their self-proclaimed idea of masculinity, apart from that there is no such pressure.
Being cat-called in a creepy way by men you've never met before is harassment, maybe not sexual but definitely harassment.
The average woman also has stress upon her as does the average man since both are expected to provide for the family now.
i meant women give birth rofl
fuk you nigger
Jesus you're a cunt. All you are doing is making men hate you. (if you are a dude, sorry. But you sure act like bitch).
Don't you stand to benefit from opposing feminism then? That would mean that you do exactly what you claim feminists do but from the opposite side to achieve your own agenda.
I like this whole line of debate started because a woman said it was asking too much to put down the donut. "Oh my, the pressure of not eating McDonald's for lunch every day. I can't handle all this presssssure! I better go eat some cupcakes to help me deal with this pressure!"
Men have long since abandoned morals, ideals and honor. It's time that you let women try and save you men who are failing to make society better.
Men are not the aggressors. We are defending ourselves. Your argument is invalid. You actually think you're doing something heroic and men are the ones attacking you for it. So deluded. Open your eyes.
>convince me
>way forward
Concepts ulimately never uttered by a female, since they're fucking cunts with an itch deep inside their uterus that aches to be scratched via a dick, and a propension to spend a lot of money in colorful crap.
What's the point of this ad hominem attack?
or maybe women don't know what true morality is, perhaps you think it's merely giving bread to poor homeless people
You're defending your bullshit system that does not allow a meritocracy to decide who is the best for a job regardless of gender.