Gookm00t ruined Sup Forums


Other urls found in this thread:


>Moot actually shut down Sup Forums
>Hiro hasn't
He's fine with me

moot killed Sup Forums when he decided to add flags and IDs

I really miss the selectable flags

Flags could have arguments on both sides but I don't see the harm in an ID. It prevents samefagging and allows people be identified if a conversation is happening instead of not knowing if the guy who replies to your post is the same guy you were talking with all along

>everyone is a Nazi or jewish

funny, i'd stop coming here if they removed them again

that's what websites with usernames are for. on Sup Forums the anonymity is precious and each post should stand on its own.

Besides, I never have difficulty following conversation on any other board. It's a fake problem.

Don't recall moot ever shutting down pol.

I know he spewed faggotry all over it for a bit which caused poltards to infect other boards, but the board always existed after its inception.

Pol Harbor probably helped get Trump elected.

>no censorship on Sup Forums

You aren't really anonymous here, the mods and janitors can see your entire post history and IP address.