Hitler called ubermenschen "Aryans",an Indian Hindu term

>Hitler called ubermenschen "Aryans",an Indian Hindu term
>His sign was the swastika, a symbol from Hinduism
>"Lol Indians aren't actually Aryans,hitler would've purged them haha look at this south Indian Dravidian he's so ugly that means all Indians are beta cuck who slurp curry and shit in streets haha averages lmao"

What a bunch of limp wrist slack jawed weak chinned faggots

Where my NORTH Indian bros at ? South Indian abbos and paki mudshits need not reply

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Don't even try kiddo

This is literally Nigger logic.

Oy vey! He was horrible

>>His sign was the swastika, a symbol from Hinduism

It's always been our symbol pajeet.

Hitler wouldn't have purged anyone

He was a peaceful soul

It is too bad Hitler did not get the Indians on his side. The more you think about it the more you realize National Socialism and India would fit together beautifully.

What do you think of Modi?

Go look up the genetic results of proto-indo-european yamna, not very indian to put it mildly.

poo in WWII

I'm South Indian but I'm really fair. What does that mean?