Child prostitution is LEGAL in California now! LOVE IS LOVE!


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I'm not even going to look but I got 100$ on that it's legalized in the sense that a child can't be charged with prostitution if they're recused from a child sex ring that whored them out.

Ok faggot. Just dont read anything and guess your way through life.

NOTHING in that article says anything about legalization of having you dick in child prostitutes.

It is legal to be one, but not to use them.

and then suddenly california became awesome

They're really not doing themselves any favors with the pizzagate crowd.

But now whenever a 15 year old drugged out blonde girl thinks of selling her body for quick $$$ she will know there are no consequences for her actions and she will be treated like a victim

All you need to do is make more of a focus on repeat offenders......

>reading is for fucking faggots!

What he said is true though.

Can't wait to see the backpage ads

As if it wasnt always like that

Coming from the country that fucks dogs

It's not legalized you stupid cunts, it's not like they're going to start opening child brothels in california now. It's decriminalized which means if some nigger starts pimping a 12 year old the kid can't be prosecuted for prostitution.

If you fuck an underage prostitue you'll still get fucked in the ass, go to prison and put on the sex offender list.

fucking idiots.

can someone explain me how this works? Isn't the minor innocent by default if she was forced against her will, whats the point of this?

Uh guys....

Penetration is illegal and its not like it's common, just legal. We have the same prostitution laws in place already nationwide.

Hes right though you should kys lol

All these headlines are very misleading.

Can't they still arrest anyone who actually pays or requests the service tho?


Why would child be prosecuted if it is rescued from pedophile ring?
That has literally no sense.
Are you saying that have happened before?
Is it possible America is that retarded?

How many such cases have there been?

This at best is virtue signalling legislation, like that tranny bathroom crap in North Carolina. It's "putting a stop" to shit that didn't happen in the first place just to win some social brownie points.

There is a difference between LEGAL and DECRIMINALIZE and all I see is the word LEGAL

If this post gets quads then all of those pizzagate loving motherfuckers will burn in hell for eternity.

Just when I think New York state is absolute trash, you jack that shit up to 11 Cali.

Its clickbait

Either that or easy convictions for an ever increasingly totalitarian police state.

Fucking morons.

This basically gives the authorities even more power to entrap.

I don't think you understand what is going on in California. I'm certainly not a liberal, and strongly dislike many things Brown does, but the law didn't legalize child prostitution. It makes it so that a child forced into prostitution isn't committing a crime (though those that force them into prostitution or use them are still committing crimes) and can go to the police without risk of prosecution.

this is old news. but it is worthy of debate. the liberal sides logic is that they don't want to criminalize the underage and more than likely coerced (enslaved) child/ minor prostitutes. Basically they don;t go to prison but I believe their pimps still could . making it easier for them to try and seek help and get out of that life and it wouldn't be a mark on their record which could hurt them later in life assuming they ever escape that career. Liberals with good intentions who are wrong or liberals with a plot.
I always assumed prostitutes that were minors were just made wards of the state and not thrown in state prisons.

just stay on your fucking side of the Rockies clutching your pearls and pilgrim morals and will stay on ours making the wild wild west even wider.

now if you'll excuse I got a 12y.o. escort on a gimp gear ready to be sodomized

>Penetration is illegal
So you can lick a dog's butt but you can't put your dick in it.

>implying the licking is not penetration

So what your saying is when we fuck the kids they wont get in trouble when they get pregnant? niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

We cant rape dogs only molest them!

wtf I love the LGBTP+ community now

Yes. America has fucking stupid rape laws. There are underage boys in this country who got raped, went to prison for it because the woman who raped them claimed to be drunk, and now pay child support to their rapist.

>Why would child be prosecuted if it is rescued from pedophile ring?
Because it broke the law? Unless it was forced.

There is literally nothing wrong with bestiality. It's better than homosexuality.

i recognize those cow tits
is this a crabman pic?



>13-year-old is raped
>Get called a prostitute
>Teen gets charged for prostitution/underaged sex

Sup Forums is literally defending this in this thread. Land of the free!

They actually think they're "helping" people by doing this. The fuck kinda weed they got in Cali?

They are helping pedos get their rocks off, nerd.

Explain how it helps the kids who have been forced into prostitution to be charged and treated like criminals?

Too old.
Chicks are useless after 14.


This is why I hate being bisexual. Kill the fucking pedos, including all you weeaboo loli faggots.

What is statutory rape? Did you not have that before? Is this law needed at all?

Also. Rape a prostitute? Shouldnt you just be convicted of rape then? There is no prostituting involved if some dude just rapes someone so why would there be prostitution charges at all? Fucking retarded burgers gonna drag us all down..

Guess they're going to heaven.


All it means is that they won't be charged and will be looked at as victims. Doesn't make prostitution legal, but instead protects them from being arrested. You, as an adult, trying to fuck little girls and boys will get arrested.

Another stupid law for the books. When has children ever been prosecuted for prostitution in your country? I wanna hear about these cases. Fucking just hang your politicians already please.

Pedos are going to flood California.

>>Move over Sweden

Good point. It's just another wasted legislation for the most part. Alothugh, it technically makes all underage girls engaging in prostitution seen as victims though. It's a non-nuance law to given children no accountability.

>Commiefornia becomes a degeneracy hotspot
>All the degenerates are swarming there
>When most is gathered, take it all out with nukes

it's smart actually


Did you actually read the bill?

shhh they might hear the plan

Yes I did

Then you would know that the bill doesn't actually legalize child prostitution.



and where the semitic stairs of cultural marxism will take us next?

You don't get you....


The wording in that article is twisted and doesn't tell the full story. What's going on here is actually a good thing. All it means is that underage sex workers now get professional treatment and help instead of going to prison once they're found out. They're not actually LEGALIZING and promoting child prostitution as a profession you fucking idiots. Please be very careful of confirmation bias. Sometimes I wonder if this board is either completely retarded or just underaged.

Children have no "accountability" when it comes to sexual activity. That's the whole fucking crux of statutory rape law.

Technically all they have done is made so you can't charge the children with a crime for prostitution. It's a first step though, we've seen this coming for a while.

what the heck guys?????

there is no way

ron paul 1 last chance

Open your eyes, user. Democrats are cartoonishly evil supervillains with no motivation beyond "i'm evil." Of course they want to legalize child prostitution. It's a logical progression from gays and stuff. They're all Satanic communist, and even though neither of those philosophies openly condone pedophilia, they are totally secretly in support of pedophilia!

Take the redpill. Read detailed blogs on these subjects and blindly believe whatever they tell you and nothing else.

>the year Sup Forums spams clickbait threads claiming the title of the article is 100%truth

No one can go fuck a child, if an underaged female prostitute gets busted, she wont get charged. If you are caught fucking an underaged prostitute, its prison and child molester status time.

Quit being numbskulls and educate yourselves before making threads.

Also, dont forget to sage.

I'm okay with this. And really; this is the same as drug usuage. If the kid is whoring themselves; they're doing it whether it is legal or not. This makes it much easier to pick up potential pedophiles.

time to move to california

>It's not legalized you stupid cunts, it's not like they're going to start opening child brothels in california now.
Except what you aren't considering is that highschool girls who are aware of this law will now be able to whore themselves out with absolutely no consequences from the law.

That's like saying let's decriminalise child slavery so the kid wont get charged for tax evasion. Despite being illegal to enslave, it creates a climate FOR exploitation.

You Sick Pedo

>implying the kids that are put into juvie will live great lives after going through cps
>implying most if not all of them will age out of the system and right back on the streets

This is just more feel good legislation to justify raising taxes. Very few, if any children will have good ends after being subjected to state run facilities.

>It is legal to be one, but not to use them.

This is the most retarded thing I have read all week. So minors can make the decision to suck, fuck and cuck for money but no one can be involved?

Some mo poof

noice 9's bbrah

They will, at the very least, be taken into child protective services or forced to take counseling. Why don't you people google the actual law? The text is on the internet.



>So minors can make the decision to
No. For all the faux outrage on this board about pedos in the last month, none of you actual seem to understand the basic rational behind statutory age of consent law.

>They will, at the very least, be taken into child protective services or forced to take counseling.
Wow, so you mean a literal slap on the wrist before they go out and earn another $500 getting their asses plowed? Gee whiz that sounds like the perfect law that absolutely no teenage girl who likes money would abuse

>Child likes money enough to sell her body for sex.
Obviously the child isn't deeply disturbed and likely the object of abuse or exploitation. Obviously this isn't a clear instance where the state needs to get involved. Obviously she's just a greedy slut! Bitches and whores, amirite?

seetechnically and literally and figuratively they have wasted you tax dosh. technically and literally and figuratively they have done nothing else.

lol wow first Fox News article I've decided to read in a while. this shit is so misinformative

That's exactly what it is. OP is a cock mongling faggot.

That's not true either. Children can be and are arrested for prostitution in the US. The number averages around 1000 arrests a year according to my cursory research. This law allows them to go to the police and turn in their pimps and pedo clients without fear of arrest. This thread has shown me how horrible this board really is, if you are willing to put partisanship ahead of children's suffering. It's nice to see where your priorities lie.

You dumb cunt, the local pakis or mexicans running it won't get charged either.

Any pedo unlucky enough to get caught will face jail or blackmail but it will create a massive underground child sex industry.

The wogs will be pimping white kids out virtually without any risk to themselves.

well then i guess your cops don't care about your own already existing laws. also very sad to hear.

Its not legal, they just are going to stop charging the prostitutes with a crime. There still will be sting operations, and if you get caught fucking with a minor prostitute there will be trouble.