There are attractive, intelligent, and well-mannered people from every race.
Whom people end up marrying and having children with will naturally reflect this.
There are attractive, intelligent, and well-mannered people from every race.
Whom people end up marrying and having children with will naturally reflect this.
actually this image was nowhere as good as I wanted
no shit, I don't think anyone claims otherwise
anyone who believes 100% of blacks act like ghetto niggers, just like anyone who believes 100% of whites are perfect builders of civilization would be retarded
Only completely retarded stormnigs don't agree with this (except abbos. I personally think they are a subrace probably incapable of ever achieving anything like normalcy without massive interbreeding). It doesn't mean we should all breed together. Peoples are capable of being successful; that's largely based on culture as much as race. Look at Arabs. They're clearly capable of civilization but their culture now keeps them in the stone age.
All that being said, I don't want to ban race-mixing because, as I said, all races are capable of being civilized, I just want lefties to stop glorifying it.
Are abbos even homo sapiens? The concept of 'race' is just a socialized version of sub-species, but I'm not even confident they're the same species as us.
Let's keep posting the same FUCKING images of niggers that have clear as day white genes and makeup out the ass on. Or covered in oil so you monkey fuckers can jerk off and go to bed.
I honestly don't know what they are. We can interbreed so they're the same species, technically I think, but only barely.
>There are attractive, people from every race.
find me a full blooded abo woman that is attractive and I'll think about it
protip: you can't
>There are attractive, intelligent, and well-mannered people from every race.
Not full blooded abbos, but point taken.
The problem is that the percentage of attractive, intelligent and well-mannered whites and asians is far above that of blacks and hispanics and arabs
Looks like Rick James
>Today we will learn about Bell Curves.
>Alright Sup Forums raise your hand if you have ever seen a bell curve!
>Side note: Bell curves are used in school to give dindus an advantage by taking away points from whites and asians and giving it to the dindus.
Natural Selection have been stunted in Africa by Interantional Humanitarian Organization.
>Racial differences don't matter because this black girl is attractive.
>Character not unlocked
He's had more sex then half of Sup Forums
I'm impressed
>attractive, intelligent, and well-mannered people from every race.
so why don't they just marry those people in the same race
so lets just put all the ugly ill-mannered sobs in camps and gas them regardless of race... lot more niggers gonna get gassed just sayin
is that a mustache?!!!!!!!
There are always outliars you fucking retard. Not all not all not all.
sure there are. Its just that there are less for nonwhites