T minus 1 bong and 15 bings lads
Other urls found in this thread:
>No source
>Suspend all comedy shows
Brits have those? I didn't know they had humor
brit humor is superior to your mtv, subhuman
British comedy is an oxymoron
Monty Python is fucking shit
Burger pls, they have us soundly beat in the humor department
When the world trade centers collapsed, I was so upset because they cancelled all the entertainment tv shows
That shit wasn't funny, it was super left wing so 70's hippies loved it
name one funny British comedy
Monty Python is fucking shit.
Shaun of the Dead was pretty good.
I bet 2016's grand finale will be the death of the queen
Are you Being Served?
It was OK, so I'll give that one too you.
>humour is not subjective
Did you not think this one through before posting? Pretty flimsy argument desu m8.
The Goon show, Monty Python, Brass eye, The In betweeners pic related
Their TV shows are bloody brilliant
Mock the week is the essential news satire
Probably the same leaf that's been pushing this all night, but still
How weird must it be to be famous and old, realizing that people all over the world have already written your obituary and have all this stuff ready to go the moment you kick it. It's enough to make a person want to fake his own death, then reveal the hoax, then actually die two weeks later so they're left empty and nobody believes you're gone.
mary poppins
That was a classic cop out , dodging the question isn't going to make British comedy any less dry
No Benny Hill reruns?
>Monty Python
peep show
Guys I don't watch PBS, I can actually afford cable
If you like news satire check out Brass eye, its fucking gold
Mr. Bean
Explain why its shit nigger
It was pretty good until the old fat guy died and they had to replace him.
You'd be surprised!
You can usually tell the wealth class of a person here based on what comedy they enjoy and even a little about what stereotype they're closest to.
Peep show for instance is for middle class depressive and slightly overweight white men.
The kind of people who had parents that watched groundforce loyally.
Post your source leaf.
You're a fucking idiot. Obviously Americans wouldn't find it funny. You guys honestly have some kind of nationwide autism. Go watch the latest Seth Rogan flick, you faggot.
What wasn't funny? Most of it was satire of day ti day life
mtv stands for Music Television you fucking leaf.
And they stopped doing that years ago.
they're sure as fuck not comedy now, nor ever were, other than their existence being itself a type of comedy
Blackadder was the best British comedy show, especially the fourth season, ''Blackadder goes fourth'' the pinnacle of British comedy
I'm surprised the degenerate leftists that operate BBC these days still go to all this effort to uphold nationalism.
big fat quiz
Well you'd know all about what's on TV, wouldn't you? fucking subhuman burger shit stain
MTV: Hey White GOYS
Peep show is probably the best television show ever made
Honestly, I can't really think of anything more poetic.
MTV is not comedy, but it sure is one big fucking joke now.
>nor ever were
Not true they had comedies like The Andy Milonakis Show but they were kinda shit
Bongs have humor, it's the Germans who don't.
RIP George Michael
Is it illegal to make fun of a royals death in bongland?
>calls me subhuman for not being ignorant
A thread about the queen's possible death hs degenerated into a Sup Forums tier discussion on British TV. Nice
it's 2016 and you are still worshiping the monarch that conquered and enslaved nearly 1/4th of the world and killed countless millions.
I wonder how the new Britons will react to her death. I doubt they will shed tear.
Nah, leaf. All that retarded leftist shit MTV is spewing nowadays is funny, if you're a normal human being and not a leftist drone.
The Big Bang Theory.
>1 unfunny comedy group from 50 years ago
1 decent modern show out of hundreds of embarrassments.
I'm sure even germans could muster up ONE decent comedy show.
England's soccer team.
You must not go on tv too often. They never talk about movies or tv just post fap threads of hot actresses. Just like a and b and well I guess eventually all boards just evolve into fap material.
>anthony milonakis was shit
15 year old me disagrees
Hey faggot nigger why don't you make like a Canadian and LEAVE
The Young Ones
*american prerecorded laughtrack intensifies*
No i dont
please provide more stereotypes! how about Red Dwarf? or Bottom? I need em all!
Damn mexico, you are out for blood
If I were retarded, I'd say
>name one good American comedy
But I'm not, and I don't make stupid arguments. So yeah, comedy is subjective, and arguing over it is like something a preteen would do.
I find Simon Pegg pretty damn funny but you might not. Some people find Amy Schumer funny ffs.
Why do you faggots across the pond still have a monarch that theoretically can stop bills from passing, assume control of the military, and carry out state business?
Washington was offered a spot as king and he declined it. Something you backwards tea drinking fags could learn from.
Most people find Amy Schumer funny, Nigel. There's a reason she's so incredibly famous now. Not just in the US, but world wide.
shhh, you'll ruin it
Not at all.
it's easy to say these things when your country has no history. 1,000 years ago, people fought and died to have this monarchy.
IT Crowd
Daily reminder Washington was a Mason. Monarchys are Based, abd having the ability to dissolve parliment and kick out all non ethnic brits at any time is great (not doing so already is insane) TFW i wish we had a monarchy under BASED Jackson
Did Meghan Markle kill our Queen? Did she give her the flu back when she was in London a few weeks ago ? Is it possible her germs are responsible for regicide? What kind of burger chooses to live as a leaf ? Something's fishy here boys and my nose thinks it's Meghan.
Does anyone actually care if the queen dies? She's useless anyway.
The Office
Peep Show
On the Buses
Green Wing
Brass Eye
The Office(UK) is trash.
Are there any members of the Royaly family that could potentially and or be persuaded into going full 14/88 and dissolving parliment?
The 7/7 bombing was pretty good desu
Yeah, they should have put in more dick jokes and canned laughter.
Will Charles finally claim his rightful throne?
No history? Coming from a Canadian who cucked to the Brits and set up shop around the same time we did.
Canada isn't a country. You allow referendum to take place when Quebec wants out. When the south tried to secede, we blew them into oblivion. We have secured an identity. When we felt that our identity was threatened, we elected Trump. We have a culture. We are the only country in the Anglosphere that doesn't apologize and cuck to the will of degenerate leftists. We've secured a strong national identity in our short history and ascended to the greatest power the world has ever seen. What has Canada achieved?
The Office(US) doesn't gave either of those.
pls no
Sick fuck
We don't have soccer. We have football, and a few America weebs here like to LARP 'American football' aka: tactical lemon
Probably something to do with the thousand years of history they enjoyed before 1776
Their history before that time is ours too btw
Honestly after Sup Forums brits stopped being funny and to me they were replaced by Australians.
Maybe they're delaying an announcement because on her deathbed she changed the heir? Pls, pls, pls be real
When you place your faith in Kek, sick keks come
There's actually a lot of great British comedies out there, it's their comedians that are severely lacking.
Billy Connolly and Eddie Izzard are the only good ones and Izzard is a goddam transvestite, everyone else is plays the exact same pompous lefty snob.
Gervais and Carr could do each other's act and no one would know the difference.
Really? You have Americam weebs? I must know more
Holy shit so rare it doesn't exist
Mr Bean is suitable for burger IQs
They can get rid of the monarch and still have their history. Brits gave up on their history when they dissolved the empire.
Imagine this, a continental empire that expands its borders into other people's lands that we are not ever going to give up.
Brits give up territory far to easily. They are cucks. All the queen is is a billionaire prancing around in silly outfits; yet if she felt like it, she could do whatever she wants. She's no better than Hillary Clinton. Constitutional Republics are superior. It gave us Trump. It gave us Andrew Jackson and it gave us (trigger warning for inbred southerners) it gave us Lincoln who sacrificed 600,000 men to save our territory. The brits have neither the devotion nor the guts to care about history. Their Queen is a dying old hag that gives brits the satisfaction of caring about history while not doing anything about it.