as many of you know Czech rep. is very "atheist"
>I know 0 (Zero) religious people
My whole family (all branches that I know of), all my classmates, all my teachers.
That is about 300 people I know. - None of them believers.
AMA, religicucks.
as many of you know Czech rep. is very "atheist"
>I know 0 (Zero) religious people
My whole family (all branches that I know of), all my classmates, all my teachers.
That is about 300 people I know. - None of them believers.
AMA, religicucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Does God exist?
Who is dat gurl?
As an "atheist" to an "atheist", have you ever tried really hard to understand why people believe. I know that might be hard when you don't know any of them in real life.
What is Charles University like? What's the best Czech beer?
Are Czech girls fine?
do you like bananas?
>ooga booga science is everything ooga booga
what's it like to be a primitive ape, OP?
Are you sure?
Why does my asshole randomly start hurting every now and then?
Well yeah I think its just a fandom taken way too seriously.
Like those faggots that live Harry Potter books out. They get bunch of similar gay retard friends and go play that broomstick game.
Ive never really had to interact with any religicuck in my life, so I dont really know their rhetoric and apologetics.
UK (Charles Uni) is top tier uni here, many humanist majors there are known sjw cancer.
I personally drink Pilsner Urquell or Staropramen unfiltered if available.
Tho the golden rule is to drink the main brand in said pub because its always fresh.
Well, they are the same as everywhere else.
Go jerk off to Bible.
Your god is a jew, his son was a communist, and american nigger making 'oooga boooga' noises at others is hillarious.
masturbating is a sin though, how does that work?
Cheers man
It only happens maybe once every 1-2 months and lasts no longer than 30 minutes. Not symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Why is there something rather than nothing?
could be early signs of ass cancer, see total biscuit, he left it too late and now is terminal waiting for death. STILL hated trump even though that was the only way to be miraculusly cured. sad.
>ask an atheist
who the fuck is that beautiful qt and how do i get one?
funny you mentioned that, given your flag stands for a nation that was cucked by the USSR.
Why are so many athiests Gay faggots who think we give a fuck about their antibeliefs?
the reason why they're atheists in the first place: they want the attention
What do you think of St. Thomas Aquinas' argument from motion?
For a lot of people who are in really desperate situations it's all they have. They might be very uneducated and indoctrinated their entire lives. I can't blame you for thinking the things you do though. For all I know you've never been exposed to anyone who has suffered such unfortunate circumstances.
So it's probably just your boyfriend fucking you in the ass every other month..
You tell me.
How does it feel to be so cucked by non existent persona that you cant even touch your own dick?
After shit?
Actually from a logical perspective its better to believe than not to.
Since if I dont believe and die. And Heaven and all that crap turns out to be the truth. Then I have no chance of going there.
There are so many damn religions and most of them forbid you practitioning others that the chance of the one of your choice being the true one is really damn fucking low.
Better it would be to cherry pick the religions that dont forbid you believing in other religions and go play numbers game.
I didnt say there is nothing, you religicucks just have to personalize complete chance.
I believe in complete coincidence. Or rather in chance that something might happen. Like every morning you have 0,002% chance or whatever that you get run over by car. In that sense.
So there is something in this nothing to me.
Studied that back in high school, cant remember shit about it except that the guy was a nigger.
No, we are all responsible for our lives, no need to push the responsibility up to some higher power.
That just means you are weak cuck and cant even take care of your surroundings.
Depends if pastaniggers are white or not
If that's all you remember about him it goes without saying why you're an atheist though
Is Atheism the reason all your women are whores?
Oh. Let me correct myself, the guy I was thinking of was Aurelius Augustinus.
No need to, we all are gonna die eventually.
Ive never been subjected to any religion.
We had religion as part of a literature class and then as part of philosophy class.
If I had to say it myself.
>If I was a conqueror super king
>I would adapt Islam rather then Christianity
From what Ive read about it it just seems to me as stronger religion.
No, we are tax heaven when it comes to mature content.
Hope they change that soon though.
Abundance of possibilities for normal good old whores to whore on camera makes us seem like whore country.
if you think you're right about science being all that and there's no god, explain why the atom is shaped the way it is, the irregular patterns in the periodic table, the golden ratio; which is tied with Fibonacci (pic related), and how there couldn't possibly be an influence from an independent variable (a higher being). your move.
Do you believe in the great darwin man in the sky and his evolution fairy tale?
pic added
Now I'm pretty sure you're either trolling or have no concept whatsoever of the horrible shit some people have to go through. A lot of times they feel like they have nowhere left to turn to. I'm not saying they're right, I'm just saying that it's a very forgivable mistake to believe it for some.
who's the girl that pic user? It's like my dick died and came back to life
wow that made me think. maybe that can explain our 70% divorce rate and huge rates of infidelity of married couples. average czech girl had 2-3 times more sexual partners then western girl and if you live in prague you know how much coalburners they are, but dont pretend moravian girls arent. met some chicks from Brno being ing prague and ofc they fucked niggers here. lmao, also have you ever watched Czech streets? guy goes to random girl, gives her money and she let him fuck him. pathetic country, we were better off as slave to germanic race rather then be subhuman degenerates, its in our DNA to be.
Do you believe the suppression of Christianity is one of the causes of the sudden expansion of the Muslim religion?
St. Augustine lived back in the time before North Africa got Arabised though (he was from what later became Algeria)
And it makes sense that you would think Islam is a better religion for a conquering warlord, because Mohammed invented it to be precisely that. Before you reject religion completely though, you should check out some of St. Thomas' stuff
>have you ever watched Czech streets? guy goes to random girl, gives her money and she let him fuck him
I thought that was just staged porn?
in same cases yes in some not. i literaly know person whos gf was in there and she wasnt doing porn
I've said to Czech posters here before that you guys shouldn't be so complacent about being uncucked. Once those hardcore anti-communist dissidents retire from politics, you're in pretty big trouble.
natural laws of the universe.
Fibonacci sequence is just really simple thing, dont know why you think its so damn cool or whatever.
bad stuff happens.
Cant really do much about it when truck hits your son. There was a chance it could happen and bam it happened.
If you need a "God" to blame it on, then do so if it relieves you. I will just take it still as an unfortunate accident.
Dunno, but in my hs class we had a girl like that just with prettier face and prettier belly button.
her tits were material I cummed a lot to in my dreams and fantasies.
She was also super nasty whore and Ive heard that she is now escort.
Might be in luck in Prague if you go through some high class whore houses.
Much of Sudetenlands is now gypsy shithole filled with post 45 immigrants, that explains your whatever the fuck for
majority of Bohemia (and Prague since there are high immigrant rates)
ye, they are pre-paid escorts.
I think I recognise you from that thread on the Berlin attack and how they were putting concrete barriers in your town. Is that you?
I literally work in the business.
The ones that you see on Czechstreets and so on are 98% of the time escorts and long time whores.
>hardcore anti-communist dissidents
those are literaly SJW cucks you fool. i hate old school commies becaue they are ment to be hanged but they were still "conservative". so against gays and against muslims etc. those anti commies like you are talking about are literaly ones who are refugges welcome and calling us bigots etc. they bring negroes here and such. anticommies in poland are hardcore, we are faggots.
>natural laws of the universe
that's a weird way of saying "i don't know". believe me, this red pill is hard to swallow, but it will be worth it.
gib da sau$ fedora
czech rep is shithole and being atheist country helps it very much. Just look at our "elites" are butthurth about based poland not sucking black dicks.
everything is easily explainable in physics and mathematics.
Dont see why you gotta make such of fuss about things that prove themselves.
How did he react when he found out? I really hope you guys aren't cucks.
also those anticommies want sanctions againt le evil oppresor poland gov.
I can comfirm what OP is saying is true.
No religion around.
Not even your current president? I remember him being one of those old anti-communists and he kept the arab invaders out in these past 2 years
our prez is literal ex-commie lol. he was in communist party
What do people do where you live? I never hear anything about this Check Republix?
That's sad. I thought Czechs didn't really have anything against Poles though
>math proves the atom's shape and patterns in the periodic table
suure user.
>math has proven otherwise that there is a god through the golden ratio
smoke meth and listen to yurotrash electronic music
you should look into mysticism.
basically, the very core of all these popular and ancient religions across the world teach one thing.
all these different cultures came up with different metaphors and allegories that to lead you to this truth. religious texts aren't meant to be taken at face value, but that's what happened and that is why everything is so fucked up in the world.
Your cunt women cant even tie their shoes?
Also answer question re sky man darwin the the evolution fable.
Can you get that girl to show her tits?
they do. if i check discusion everybody is crying that new polish gov is intolerant and dictatorship and antidemocratic. people i know think poland is based but thats not major people opinion since i hang around redpilled people.
idk the czechs were cool in 1938 when they were the top 5 arms exporters across the world and like #1 in 1934 or w/e.
Then they cucked out like fuck and aren't cool.
Ah, I'm the Spaniard from that thread. I don't know if you remember me.
I am religious (a devout Catholic), so I am obviously biased, but I'll have to go with this post.
Europe's degeneracy can be attributed to its loss of religiosity. Before secularism and generalised irreligion prevailed, women (unless they were widows who were remarrying) were virgins on their bridal bed. Before we lost our faith, Europeans could be called upon to do great things for their faith; proof of this is the Reconquista in my country, which famously resulted in Iberia's liberation, along with the expulsion of Muslims and Jews from the Peninsula.
Not true.
On the contrary average Pepík thinks too bad of his politicians.
Historically we are very democratic and conservative country. Wouldnt be surprised if we turned into democracy swiss style in next 20 years.
Our president is just figure head really.
PM is the most powerful person in country. Or that could be also debatable since Czech state owns ČEZ which is the biggest
energy concern in central and eastern Europe.
Hence eventhough Czech state owns the ČEZ its hard to tell whether it controls it as well and not the other way around.
Zeman is just shadow of his former pretty based self.
What are you on about? Its just damn sequence.
I know a lot about religions from the provable perspective.
Like why there are certain holidays, why we dont eat meat for one month in a year and why Ramadan exists. Why Burka exists.
And so on. Practical reasons gave existence to these things.
Easily explainable.
Dont really.
Oh. Well that clears things up. I thought he was like Dugin.
To be fair though, that's the normie opinion of Poland. The media only reports on Poland in negative ways (omg fascist coup!) and on anti-government protests in Poland, and nothing else.
why are atheists such over sensitive pussies?
How do physics and mathematics explain female infidelity ?
There are many such cases. Impressive !
What is the difference between an "atheist" and an atheist?
What is it like to be so far up your own ass you can check your prostate with your tongue?
Also how do you justify being an arrogant cunt that is just as annoying, if not more so, than the most brainwashed religious zealot?
>Oh. Well that clears things up. I thought he was like Dugin.
Well he was more of the desillusioned commie.
He used to be in commie party until 68' I think then he got disgusted with the regime and let it be.
Wasnt really much of a dissident, but wasnt a commie either.
Thats americans honestly.
Thats why I use the word "atheist" very carefully when talking to any foreigner. American atheist throw a bad light on all the normal people.
Well I set maths and physics as example.
Well I wouldnt really call myself atheist.
You would probably call me atheist though.
I just dont believe in any God or anything like that. I have never really even given it a thought that there could be something like that.
I dont interact with religion at all. Churches here are just cool buildings, nothing more.
Dont be so hostile when I insult your fairy tales.
there are many things that follow this sequence like: seashells, patterns of plants, the Parthenon, some pictures, etc. how does one not see this?
Because their god is a sensitive pussy.
break up but u cant find girl here who wasnt with 6-7 dudes before u
How degenerate are people there? Serious question. Since you don't have religion to scare you out of doing bad things I'd assume you have lower morals.
>and...maybe, but most likely wrong
btw if you check discussions about polygamy and about women having more sexual partners then men all people commenting are saying its good for them and that only insecure men doesnt want women with experience etc. we are literaly western like degenerates, even worse but also poor.
We got annexed by Germany for the first part.
Then we got commie'd.
We still made top tier commie weapons but they were just exported east wards this time.
After USSR dissolution our president swore that we would never make military equipment in big again since it brought us so many problems in the past.
And also it got us bonus points from UN and NATO for being peaceful creatures.
Geez, I was actually eating up your bait all along.
>Insult my fairy tales
I'm not religious. I'm just sick of this egotistical shitposting contest between you atheist faggots and the bible thumping chimps
The sheer arrogance from you lot is absolutely disgusting
Well I know couple of really pure girls.
Cant help but look down on religious. Thats the proper behaviour here.
When someone tells you they are religious, you just fucking mock them.
such ignorance and arrogance, and you wonder why others are hostile to you for calling their beliefs "fairy tales".
Why are there some many czech streets porn videos? Are they for real or prostitutes?
The pic you posted jozzzzev. Cu t womyn cant tie sneakers. Also thoughts o the darwin man wizard in the sky and his holy fairy tale the origin of species
Well, it doesn't matter. I'm a Spaniard spending some time in the US, and I am, of course, very Catholic in my inclinations.
Anyway, I'd encourage you to look into Aquinas' Five Ways, and then draw your conclusions. To dismiss religion as a 'fandom taken way too seriously' is, I believe, a mistake, but I nevertheless hope you analyse the arguments in favour of God's existence with sincerity and a desire to find the Truth.
You are far from a lost case, I must add.
Pretty sad, mate. In my country, things aren't so bad. I mean, the women aren't angels, but they're generally able to keep their legs closed and make good girlfriends in most cases.
The Czech anons seem to think it is a very degenerate place. I've only been as a tourist for two days, so I can't say if it's markedly different from other countries in Europe.
>Proper behavior
No the proper behavior is not to act like a snide little cunt to people without provocation
This exact arrogance is what is costing the left to lose ground yet you "intelligent atheists" are making the same goddamn mistake by acting like self felicitating faggots
all the religions teach one truth. the problem is that they teach this single truth with different inflections.
why do you think they all end up pointing to one truth? its because this truth can be empirically proven.
did you watch the video?
>When someone tells you they are religious, you just fucking mock them.
Well, there we go; this is why you don't know anyone who is outwardly, publicly religious. If you mock them, they will certainly hide their faith.
Look around you, and tell me if it is truly an admirable society. Tell me if it is uncorrupted. Even the most fervent atheist will admit that the people are, for the most part, not capable of keeping themselves from degeneracy.
>you just fucking mock them.
Why? Are you an asshole?
You should respect other people's opinions even if you don't agree with them.
That's exactly how religious people act too, though.
>Cant help but look down on religious. Thats the proper behaviour here.
>When someone tells you they are religious, you just fucking mock them.
This is so me like 8 years ago.
There isnt much to evolution. its really simple concept on the grand scale.
Dont know the source of pic. Its probably some American-Jewish Hollywood star.
I just bought myself The Bible.
Tho I will read it as any other literature, not to find a purpose or anything, just to have a good read.
On the other hand though I cant really wholly grasp the idea of being religious. What do you even have to gain from it?
Its mystifying yourself with blatant delusion.
When you dont understand something -> try to explain it through science and empirical evidence.
Dont give it to account of some man in the sky.
>No the proper behavior is not to act like a snide little cunt to people without provocation
Well thats the beauty of not knowing any religious person, it doesnt really happen. Or very rarely.
I just overheard something like that in a pub once, and I go to pub often so hearing it once means its very very rare topic.
No. I will though, once I stop replying.
Yeah, what do I have to do with that?
I wont go around preaching uplift of society. They live their own lives and they should live them how they want.
Yeah thats just the different values of society. I meant it more from a friendly perspective though.
ofc if you see someone go into the church on sunday. YOu are not gonna run after him to tell him he is a cuck faggot.
But if your long-ish time friend tells you he is religious you just question his bullshit,.
As I said I dont do that, but I know people who do. And I mainyl dont do that because I have not encountered believer IN MY WHOLE LIFE!
The vocal ones yes and they are just as annoying.
This manner of shitflinging between the two groups serves no purpose other than to jerk off peoples egos
Btw, based Czechbro, I've two (well, maybe three) questions:
>Do you know any religious people? If so, do they behave differently, or has the general society's degeneracy taken their toll on them, too?
>Are you personally religious?
I don't mean to be indiscreet. I don't particularly mind right-wing, conservative atheists as long as they aren't excessively rude.
watch the video and also do some research on ego death
What happened in those eight years, Ivan?
The Big Bang crated time, matter and space.
>If something exists outside of time, it is eternal.
>If something exists outside of matter, it is immaterial.
>If something exists outside of space, it is omnipresent.
>If something is eternal, immaterial and omnipresent, it is "omnipotent"
>"Omnipotence", is the literal definition of God.
Refute this.