i don't get it. why do you guys hate this guy?
-fixed the economy
-environment protection
-universal healthcare
-open relations with other countries
-does not bow to Babadi of Israel
name one thing he did wrong other than he is black.
I don't get it. why do you guys hate this guy?
He had black children
nigger in a suit
Ugh please do not summon the Obama leaf
He did bow to the king of Saudi Arabia though.
And he signed a law that forces us to buy something we don't want, or face a fine if we don't, and rates are rising on both the healthcare premiums and the fine.
Having insurance available for all is well and good, but forcing it on people and fining those who don't is fucking gay as AIDS.
Muzlim burnt im kuckya
Foreign policy loser, it's United States of America not United States of Earth.
well that's how universal health care works. they were supposed to be part of your taxes.
how can you call yourself a patriot if you aren't even willing to help out a fellow American in need.
>a fucking leaf
Rake war. Now.
Who said I wanted it, and why the hell do I want to pay for someone else's? Go back to your long wait lists, icefag.
Executive orders keeping us in conflict
Obama's son and every other piece of racially divisive rhetoric
Obama Care
Revoking laws against domestic propaganda
Not prosecuting Hillary, as well as not addressing the fuckery with DNC/Bernie
Persecution of whistleblowers
Being a limp wristed pussy when representing us in foreign affairs while at the same time approving war crimes and subversion that killed millions
And he's the halfblood son of a niggerloving slut
Sup Forums has no other reasons to hate him other than muh feels, quite ironically just like the sjw's it detests
Go make chocolate or waffles.
Jokes on you: he summons himself.
oh leaf
More debt lower incomes and shitty race relations. He's a failure.
>fixed the economy
>everyones juggling multiple jobs and working for fuck all
>Be a leaf.
>Shitpost unquestioningly, regardless of thread topic.
I hate you fuckers so much. I look forward to the day of the rake when you fuckers are purged.
Working multiple jobs to pay for someone else's healthcare, welfare, and food stamps.
Oh, he's a great president alright...just not for those of us who actually work. Might as well not work and live off the government.
g8 b8 m8
bowing to his muslim king
Literally Nigger Bush: The Sequel.
>Went from having 30,000 soldiers in Afghanistan in 2008 to 100,000 by 2010. Then quietly pulled them out, accomplishing nothing.
>Pulled out of Iraq and left it to ISIS, accomplishing nothing yet again.
>"Liberated" Libya by overthrowing Qaddafi and plunging the country into a civil war that still isn't over.
>Funded "moderate" rebels to fuck up Syria and make the Middle East into a bigger mess than it already is.
>Killed thousands of civilians in nearly blind drone warfare.
based bong
salty racists
You forgot literally giving thousands of free guns to Mexican drug cartels. Operation Fast and Furious.
Also, fostering and encouraging BLM to chimp-out and burn down entire city blocks.
Fixed the economy? He's done nothing but put a chokehold on entrepreneurship and discourage domestic trade. He's raising taxes while cost of living is still increasing. His shovel ready job programs weren't so ready. He has raised the debt more than any other president in history. Most of the jobs he created was government related. Every private sector job created cost around 3x of what the salary of the position even was.
open relations as in gangbang the US in the ass in trade and other economic deals and fake "treaties".
This universal healthcare is a sham. Nothing more than a redistribution of wealth, The only way it held up in court was the fact it passed as a TAX. More people have lost their insurance than gained from the monstrosity.
EPA under this admin has been caught numerous times causing environmental catastrophes (dumping toxic chemicals into rivers) to create a necessity for their continued regulations and existence. They've closed down more domestic manufacturing factories killing jobs and to increase reliance on Chinese manufactured goods. They've just about killed the energy industry to again kill jobs and keep reliance on Saudi oil.
The entire middle east is a shit show right now, I'm actually surprised a nuke hasn't gone off somewhere over there yet. This president is a closet Islamist for sure though.
All in All he's done nothing but wake the people up and make everyone realize that there are bigger forces at play here and we need to start participating before its too late.
he didn't fix the economy, he just kept it afloat. what he did like all good Illinois politicians do is just borrow a fuck ton of money and punt the problem off on the next guy. that's why IL is so fucked up.
he hasn't really done anything for the environment. that's just propaganda
universal healthcare my ass, it's basically a huge poor tax for fuck awful healthcare.
open relations with fuckers like Cuba and Iran all the while weakening America with her allies and totally destabilize the middle east.
that's just the basics but it's actually worse when you dig into it
Powerless proclomations, misdirecting virtue signaling and feigned interest by an outgoing neoliberal interventionist cabal trying to remain relavent to its "useful idiot", emotionally manipulated liberal base.
Where were you for the first two years of presidency when you controlled both the house and senate Obama? Sitting on your hands, biding your time and making excuses rather than putting an end to the Saudi funded muslim invasion of Sudan, endless Israeli settlements in Palestine and the corporate harrassment/poisoning/planned eminent domain seizure of indigenous North Dakota tribes lands.
In all cases big schnozed, rapist, ethnic ratfaces bully ethnic indigenous peoples, and in all cases Obama now pretends to care as he walks out of the white house. An attempt to continue the crumbling (((two))) party facade of good cop, bad cop. An attempt to make 8 years of nigger neglect look like white cruelty.
Control the narrative
Mass immigration
Run up the debt
Start a civil war
The agenda to weaken the US
Yes it is the United States of earth. Your country doesn't matter. Every major city in the United states is like 10-1000xs more valuable than your entire teeny tiny country.
Your country is like a shitty suburb to us. Which country are you anyways, the one entirely peopled by criminals or the ones that fuck sheep? Your wannabe British flags are so fucking confusing.