Newsfu general

Post your newsfu/husbando

Claiming based Kimberly

I'll claim Harris Faulkner then. Sorry am on my phone, can't post a pic.

For anyone that doesn't know her, she's mighty fine. Beautiful big eyes.

Would berry

>>Sup Forums


I'd like to give his milf a good boning

She's a black alien. One of those "hybrids" Whitley Streiber goes on and on about.

I've had a crush on her since 7th grade. We went to school together for 6 years.

Find her on Facebook and tell her.

anderson cooper

pic related: me and him

oops.. She reports for channel 3 out of Sacramento, CA

She's mine.

based gunfu

>chooses the phd in philosophy


What is with these faggy namefields i keep seeing.
Youre not really that much of a pussy are you?

Hipster Aryan Waifu. Good choice.

I do what I need to do to survive

dr gina loudon


Whats her name again? Her big nose and glasses are sexy for some reason

Nicole Ducouer, local news girl



I miss the comfy fox 10 banter before a Trump rally

>tfw I can't wait for the 2020 madness



I guess I'll take the gilf

All of your newsfus are shit, lisa boothe is my girl.


Faith Goldy of Rebel Media

Your newsfu looks like a whore.

Tamara Oudyn

I've got to give you credit, this girl's got good cranium going on.

shit-tier. Nigger/pooinaloo-tier skin, claims to be a "so-Con" but smokes, gasps for breath harder than Abby "chain smoke a carton" Martin


Tits or GTFO

Looks like a filthy mongrel


She's anime-tier levels of goddamn adorable

I have a folder of just kimberly guilfoyle photos

This bitch is a nasty annoying pig. If she's wasn't a retarded spiteful right wing cunt she'd be a feminazi.