Tick tock

The royalty must die!

what's it to you?

digits and her death kills all muslims in europe

Not yet.

diggies and she is actually killed by a muslim

i hope you faggots are happy. you memed brexit and fucking killed the queen because of it

if xx than the queens dead if xxxx than hilliary is dead.

well fuck

Of course (((you))) would say that.


I will be the next king

check these

She'll pass away in less than a dozen of hours.

My ancestors are smiling at me, bong jr. Can you say the same?

she'll be fine

That's not how you do it.

Watch this

Yes, Chaim. Assuredly. My ancestors were loyalists who fought for King, country, and Commonwealth.


The ravens will go hungry

Step aside, pretenders.

Royal family killed Diana because she was engaged to a Muslim.

n'th post best post.

guys, please



You'll be saying this for 10 years to come

Nah, not a fan of the Tories, they're too close to (((you people))) nowadays.


She will reappear to announce that Sadiq Khan is heir to the throne. Her last act as Queen will be to overturn the EU referendum before promptly dying. Shortly after, Nigel Farage will announce he has terminal cancer.

And then an american will be under 20 stone

>epic fail

By the power of KeK, when the Queen dies, the people of the United Kingdom and their sovereignties rise up and end the Monarchy making England a Democracy.

Queen dies and SoCal has a massive quake before 2017.


As above, so below.

It is done.

>having a king/queen in CURRENT YEAR


blessed be thee who call upon kek
bask in his light
he sent down his one true son, pepe, to die for our memes
in his name we pray, amen.