tell me everything about slovakia/slovakians
v. seriously considering dropping everything and taking my ameribucks to this promised land
tell me everything about slovakia/slovakians
v. seriously considering dropping everything and taking my ameribucks to this promised land
>look I have to tell my pol friends everything xDD
>lolz ! =D I'm europiaaan
you are so retarded.
My cousin earns a good living as a dentist there. Her dad is a professor in Bratislava and has a very comfy lifestyle. If you don't have any real education or skills, you might not have a very good time. I've never really talked to anyone with a blue collar job there, but there's a lot of them
Spent a month there. Lots of countryside. Good place to go if you want to live out a peaceful uncomplicated life.
Slovaks are subhuman.
Go to Estonia. Qt white blondes and one of the highest female to male ratios in the world
That fucking language though.
Slovaks are way more advanced than Estonian crypto-russians
Says the Netherlander. Your language is one of the goofiest fucking things in this world and you dare to mock Estonians...
>take 5000 dollars
>move to moldava
>live like a king for five years or more
>move to moldova
>give up internet
>be surrounded by subhuman gypsies
>water supply contaminated with heavy metals
>be murdered with a hammer
>tfw born and raised in Slovakia
The men are racists but degenerate drug addicts
The women are enormous fucking sluts
The soviets rooted religion and moral duty out of the people to the point that relationships are dying and the people brew in hatred and misery.
The country side is nice tho.
>from a country with an education index worse than Iran or Turkmenistan
>lecturing me on how best to obtain info
are you aware that there is things you can learn on an anonymous, honest messageboard that you can't read in books/websites?
i have experience:
>co-execing a hedge fund
>producing independent feature films
>managing a restaurant
>working as both a strategic and restructuring consultant
i'm not sure what type of business ill start in slovakia but i won't be looking for a job, that's for sure
ideally i can find an assistant/lawyer/translator wombo-combo all-star to hire who can be my right hand man.
estonians have too much nordcuck blood. i want to live with some people with some fight left in them.
tell me more htis is the type of info im hoping to get to maybe sway my mind as you don't hear about this stuff in your research. what are the major drugs of choice? why are the women sluts? how can you say religion is dead if the majority of the country is christian?
Czech and slovakia are only ever mentioned in Sup Forums in regard to fuckable chicks.
They aren't relevant enough for any other topic so it seems.
>what are the major drugs of choice?
Pervitin (meth) is a real fucking problem. Almost all villages are infested with it. Weed and Spice are popular too. Alcoholism is rampant.
>why are the women sluts?
Slovak women are actually incredibly attractive, but because of kike media they liken themselves to degenerate hot celebrities on tv. They think they are hot shit (and they are) and so good luck settling down. They are also biologically more slutty than nordic women.
>how can you say religion is dead if the majority of the country is christian?
False.. People may say they are religious when asked but their behavior reflects pure hedonistic communism. Small pockets of Christians do exist, however rare.
Rightful Hungarian and Polish clay.
Slovakia has almost no jews though, one the account that they paid Hitler to deport them all. No marxist jew media. That's very nice.
I know many jews in Slovakia, on the account that i'm Slovakian myself.
>i'm Slovakian
>I know many jews in Slovakia
I did not say there is zero jews. But trust me the media is conservative and chill. Not jewy like in Hungary for example, or at least was before the great purge of Orban.
thx leafbro
are the women as bad as in Los angeles? because i had to move out of LA because the self perception of women there was simply ridiculous, also their perception of what a normal male should be able to offer was ridiculous (i say that as someone who is wealthy and well connected)
that's really a deal breaker for me
OK, you guys obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
Most of poor user's information is second hand at best or filtered through the media, which makes it really useless.
Slovakia is OK in terms of security, a pub brawl might be your biggest risk.
In terms of cost of living, Bratislava is much more expensive that the rest of the country, from twice to ten times more expensive than anywhere else in the country when it comes to housing. It offers the best opportunities for jobs though and it is probably the easiest for a foreigner to live without any knowledge of the Slovak language. Also it is very close to Vienna and relatively close to Budapest if you feel like doing day trips.
Other places in Slovakia may seem a bit mundane, but there are lots of things to do. We have pretty much everything anyone could want in a country, except for the ocean. The closest dip in saltwater is in Slovenia, about 7 hours away from Bratislava.
Politics is not all what it seems on the outside, our prime minister mostly just pays lip service to what the people want to hear, but there is a significant lack of action. He also tends to say on thing at home and then he does the complete opposite when in Brussels. We also have a Trudeau wannabe president, who is basically run by NGOs, but luckily he has no real power. Other political parties are just a bunch of opportunists, most of them directly owned by oligarchs. There is one quasi-nazi party gaining popularity, but it is very unlikely that they will be in government anytime soon.
Girls here are mostly hot and quite approachable, quite a few gold-diggers among them though. If you are keen, you can find serious wife material if you are patient enough to weed out the sluts.
Overall, we are quite comfy compared to other parts of Europe these days, especially when it comes to darkies, we have hardly any. Even if some come, as soon as they realise there is no gibsmedats here they move on.
Go to Slovenia instead. All the sensibilities of the east with the opportunity of the west
I really should visit, half my family's from there. Apparently my cousin's the mayor of some 800-person village in Banska Bystrica so I would probably receive some good treatment. Looks cozy.
Slovaks are bros.
But in terms of jobs, I think that you're better off in Czechia. Their economy is much bigger.
Zdravo Slobodane!
Zdravo Jan!
>the media is conservative
Top kek
how can that be when hungary is rightful slovak clay?
Trudeau tier conservative!
main flaws:
education is among the shittiest in europe. communism (and subsequently immediate corruption of the demotcratic gov. after) destroyed the crafts and morale of the parental generations.
>"user just go to any university or would you rather work all your life instead?"
residual communist-populist policy nonsense.
-absolutely free education->worst education EU, with parody universities spewing out mindless 'managers'
-no crafts, no work outside the cities.
-free healthcare (only tax)->shitty overflown hospitals, money not assigned where it should be. insurence companies with a chokehold on doctors.
as a result of this stupid people vote populist dem. soc. government, that swears not to take away their muh healtcare and muh education. corruption rampant.
political alternatives to this are weak. angry stupid people flock to weak fascists offering no policy.
governement does not want to solve this. they like stupid voters.
as a result of this shitty education and here we have the vicious cycle of ostblok.
people without good education and no craft skills (also meaning farming skills) can only get work in car assebling plants. literally the vietnam of europe. if we dont make an education reform soon and wait until cars are assebled by robots were in deep shit.
main positives:
young people in the cities (bratislava rly) are really active. culturally, economically also in their free time. some of them dont get discouraged or leave for education (or come back). you wont get bored.
nature is nice. not only in the countryside but given that also the capital is so small you can get to the carpathian forrest from the city centre of bratislava in like 20 minutes.
people are good looking.
affordable housing, food.
crime is low
its a nice place to live for now, but you will sense all your life that it could be so much better if the right steps were made. for a city person vienna or prague is better. if you dont care, bratislava is nice.
>are the women as bad as in Los angeles?
hell no. Women are what they are but you cannot compare Slovakia to California.
Besides, Slovak girls are also redpilled af on the jq and race.
lol. The fact that you think its not is beautiful.
Come to Canada and ill show you liberal cancer bud. Once STV starts shilling for transgender FREAKS then get back to me.
Mountain Czechs
German slaves
there's a few things i'm trying to escape maybe you can let me know if slovakia is good for this or point me in another direction
>niggers and shit
it's not uncommon for me to walk through my local mall and hear 10 different languages, and i'm in an area of the country that is supposedly majority white. the demographics are going to swamp us with shitskins in a decade or two, and they all vote socialist democrats, so it's good game.
>bottomless materialism
literally nobody cares about anything in america except money. if i could find a single country on earth that cares about a single thing more than they care about their own unbridled greed for money as a whole, i would be happy.
>total lack of culture
i don't care if its the polish tradition of putting fish in your bath or whatever. i don't care how stupid or superstitious it is. i want to be a part of a culture, preferably a folk culture. america is the most deculturized place on earth. it's literally suffocating to live in this country if you have a soul.
>the women
ok i know you THINK that slovakian girls are gold diggers, at least they are HONEST about being gold diggers. american women think they are noble and well-intentioned are completely unaware that they are almost all massive gold diggers, and not in the sense like "oh you have money, nice let's fuck and make some kids". having money isn't even enough in most cities in america, you need a high-powered job, money, good looks, AND a good personality to score. (i say this because i had all of those, i'm not bitter this is just reality). american cities are FULL of gold digging whores who have grossly inflated visions of their self worth and the type of man they should be mating with.
If you come that far already, you could come to a real country
Slovakia is like that kid whose parents (Hungary and Czech) are in perpetual battle for custody.
OK, I guess you are on the right track then. Once here, you can visit the neighbouring countries too, and see what you like best. In essence, the V4 region has many similarities and also interesting differences.
realer than yours laszlo
Says a leaf. Who's your mommy and daddy? The queen? The French frog? The burgerland?
>perpetual state of butthurt
every. single. time.
>falls for the leaf meme
at least our symbol is not the Hungarian double cross.
Ahh, there we are. A crypto magayar covered in leaf. The best of the best.
hungarians are the butthurt ones making rallies
Perhaps you might not have heard, but multi-ethnic kingdom of Hungary is no more. It ceased to exist about a 100 years ago. The double cross has always been a symbol of what you call felvidek, it comes with the territory.
>having money isn't even enough in most cities in america, you need a high-powered job, money, good looks, AND a good personality to score
you are now aware that broke-ass wife-beating scum males still get high quality pussy all day every day just from being masculine, high test males. Gang members, drug dealers, broke musicians, even average ugly motherfuckers still get girls because they have the right attitude. It also helps to not be in a feminized hellhole like DC, Toronto or San Francisco
>i call him a tot.
>thinks im being cryptic
Try again Ivan
>Basis for country is self-determination
>doesnt grand same principle to Magyars
Nigger tier logic right there Radko.
>The three hills represent the three balls of Pribina, I swear!
hungarians are fine here
and three hills and the cross represented upper parts of the kingdom at least from the 16th century
I was referring to your cowering behind a leaf flag, not your language or the way you say things, learn to understand some English it might help you in Canada.
Linguistically they are grouped with "slavs". However, they are genetically the least slavic of all slavs as the Westermost parts of it traditionally was populated by German peoples. Look at the low R1A amongst them despite being "slavs", look at pictures or meet actual slovaks, they don't have the small sloping forehead or weird face. Their hair is lighter. Of all slavs, they are objectively the least slavic and thereby the best.
Are they whores? Do they cheat? Their Czech sisters have a reputation...
>YOU can have him!
>No, YOU can have him!
i was in los angeles. oh and by the way, i could add to that list. beyond all of those things (money, career, looks, personality, etc) , you also needed
>a job that could travel so you can drag your gf with you to exotic locales
>tons of friends so she can mooch off you and dump her friends who were only her friends so she could have an excuse to go out and try and get laid
i could go on. but if you didn't have ALL of this shit ilned up and another girls' guy did, the jealousy was absolutely palpable.
i'm not saying that it was impossible to find a girl or even fuck a girl. that shit is easy. but to actually find a girl worth falling in love with was basically impossible because you quickly realize that they were all just vapid social climbers
>70% of the pozsony region works in vienna as cleaners, waiters etc
>shitting up your environment with tonns if car factories
>adopting the euro jew
Come home little man, we can still work this out
europedia says otherwise?
what a great excuse for being balkan tier laszlo
Im half Hun half Slovak, like many of us around Kosice. We get along fucking great.
>and three hills and the cross represented upper parts of the kingdom at least from the 16th century
comon bro, do you really believe this shit? How can you call youself red pilled yet be drowning in such self-delusion?
I live in Canada, fuck you want from me? This place has people from all around europe brah
They will cheat and they will whore and they will dig for that gold. But there is also red pille qts.
There is just a shit load of gold digging sexy slavic ass there is all im sayin.
Slovaks are ours. Fuck the czech they fags.
I should add to the education bit, everyone with a hole in their ass and their mother have a title, Bachelors at least if you were a loser/knuckledragger and dropped out after 2 years. Plenty of universities are corrupt to the point you can just buy a title, comes up fairly often in the news.
The people are stuck in their misery, hating on everyone and everything, unable to let go of their cycle of underpaid job followed by bitching about everything by a bottle of cheap alcohol (and good ol communism if somewhat of age).
State-owned institutions like hospitals are massively in debt and have that typical post-com problem of not having renovated SHIT in 30+ years and looking the part. If you want healthcare, go to a privately-owned clinic.
Housing: You can buy an older house to renovate on the eastern side (no jobs except ukrainian border or power plant) for 20000€, but a small renovated apartment in the capital will easily run you 120k. Lots of new money housing developers buying small pieces of land on village outskirts and building dozens of alike houses right next to one another with little to no greenery, but MUH OWN HOUSE.
Will add more once I get back.
t. born and raised for 24y, moved out to Austria for a better life 3y ago
our news are very lukewarm water, they fall into the Wow its fucking nothing tier, because they don't take sides, for obvious reasons.
holy fuck
I'm hungarian, who has a few drops of slovak blood. I'll tell you about this.
Its one of biggest WE WUZ of europe.
Also, the hungarians living here, who are hardcore LARPers about this are the biggest and most corrupt shitheads. Oh yes, and by some pure coincidence, they often have deep bounds with the mafia.
Gotta love how these people love to slide their crimes with the refugees.
>The double cross has always been a symbol of what you call felvidek, it comes with the territory.
Thats, just plain wrong friendo.
>Today, the most accepted theory is that it derives from Byzantine influence, as the cross appeared around 1190 during the reign of Béla III, who was raised in the Byzantine court.
that's rough man. David Bowie once said that LA needs to be nuked off the face of the Earth. I'm in TN and the women here seem genuinely less shitty than that though i've never been to the west coast to compare
if Czech girls have reputation then how do you explain that girl from my class
that got married when she was 20 and virgin (my friend dated her before the dude who married her for about 4 years.
and sadly didnt get ever any).
Czechmate Burgers!
>do you really believe this shit? How can you call youself red pilled yet be drowning in such self-delusion?
it’s true you retard
ever source will say it is
what does this prove?
the three hills and double cross was a symbol of upper parts of the kingdom at least from the 16th century
>Thinks the symbol represents Felvidek and not Hungary as a whole
wew lad, ill just leave you in your fantasy.
But serious question:
What do the three hills symbolize? Cuz they have an actual symbolic meaning for the Hungarians, but how do the Slovaks explain it?
>the three hills and double cross was a symbol of upper parts of the kingdom at least from the 16th century
pic. related Rightful lands of Czechoslovak crown.
>balkan tier
Did you even look at the picture, sure we are not great, but far from the balkans
The tree hills represent the tátra, mátra and fátra
i have lots of family in knoxville area, and the quality of people that are in that area are unbelievable. both men and women just blew my mind. the men are all salt of the earth, hard working, individualists, free thinkers, conservative-leaning, god-fearing, polite yet firm, etc. the women are all submissive, polite, graceful, happy, non-materialist.
i've lived and worked in many different places (across the world). LAX is the worst, TN is the best.
>not the Niggers of Europe
You're on a board that reveres Hitler bro. Literally kill yourself.
>You're on a board that reveres Hitler bro. Literally kill yourself.
you might want to read up on history of world war II
mountains Tatra, Matra and Fatra
it’s oldest and the most frequent use for it
You might want to read Mein Kampf you filthy nig.
You back stabbed all your neighbors and only allies in Europe (Hungary and Poland) and when Hitler came to collect, we all let you btfo for being a filthy backstabbing cunt.
Thats the history you need to know Jiri
One of the worst days of my life was when I learned that a large part of my heritage was Slovak. The worst day was when I learned that I had even a drop of Welsh blood in my veins.
You cant be fucking serious. There has to be a slovak meaning for it. Why the fuck would you addopt the Kingdom's meaning, you don't even own Matra.
Is slovakia looking to expand? LMFAO i fucking love you autists.
Its okay José.
I got some good news for you.
You got Hungarian blood in you. Congratulations.
>backstabbed Hungary and Poland
You mean those who invaded us with Hitlers forces in 1939?
Also they were never our allies.
We had these allies:
These were in alliance bound to protect us in case of war.
Too bad we got dissolved before we got invaded.
They have a reputation. I'm just reacting on what has been told to me.
>t. not burger
nigger you have the same symbol and you have only one of those mountains
plus the arpad stripes that symbolize a river that you dont even touch
That is what I believed for a long time. Then years later they admitted that we have very little Hungarian ancestry.
you got BTFO'd so bad you forgot to turn off your proxy?
I went to Bratislava on a tournament.
My god is that place depressing.
Its like a communism museum.
>You mean those who invaded us with Hitlers forces in 1939?
Read the book Paris 1919, and be ashamed of your nigger leaders who sacrificed all common sense and foresight for an inch of land that never belonged to them.
You fucked yourself in '39 by stealing land from your historical friends dipshit
and what?
should we claim it represents the heads of stur, hlinka and pribina?
>arpad stripes that symbolize a river that you dont even touch
Wow, a symbol that is in use since the 13. hundreds isn't up to date with the curent borders.
Slovakia is not a real country, nor are Slovaks a real people. They're Hungarians in denial.
are you high? The symbol goes back to the Kingdom of Hungary retard. Question is, why do YOU use it? What can possibly be your connection on the fucking Matra son?No brother, if you have slovak blood you are welcome in the Magyar clan. Besides, Slovaks all have Hun blood. Just don't tell them this they'll sperg out.
Guys, can I get answers to this from Slovaks themselves?
They wanted to preserve historical borders of Czech lands.
Which they did.
Germans were ok with being in Czechoslovakia (until crisis hit... and then Henlein propaganda)
>You fucked yourself in '39 by stealing land from your historical friends dipshit
What friends?
Tell me?
Austria? our oppressors?
Poland? Minor dispute, we never even had alliance with them since like 1310 or so.
Germany? No border disputes there.
USA has Mexico, we have Slovakia. That's literally the best way of describing it. Czech Mexico. It covers both the fact that it's a shithole and that it's existence, identity and history is essentialy defined only by and revolves around it's relation to Czech Republic.
kek. that would make more sense tho. Seriously cant u see how funny it is that you fucks incorporate matra into your symbol? I mean da fuck?
13 Hundreds? Try 895.
nice proxy Balázs
>unironically thinking upper Hungary is Czech land
>not understanding Bohemian medeival history
>not knowing what the visegrad 3 was
>not knowing who Jiri Podebrady was
Im talking to a literal retard. You should be ashamed to have such limited knowledge of your own damn history.
Gijón folk svá podařilo spíše že občankou úkol
I have never had a gf, how am I supposed to know
One question for you lads, those Slovaks in Vojvodina, what are they? I mean, they're a bit far from their home. Not that we mind them, quite the contrary, splendid folk.
Jak se ti líbí studium v Brně, Svätopluk Mészáros?
>dated her for 4 years
>didn't get ever any
oh my oO
same thing with our coa
the mountainous parts of the kingdom wasn’t precisaly defined
are you autistic?
it represented our homeland for 100s of years and we shouldn’t use it?
you are autstic
kingdom of hungary wasnt just hungarian it was multiethnic and we can claim the herritage of it as much as you can
it was also used by matica slovenska
>Slovaks all have Hun blood
go look at genetic studies and you will see that slovaks are no more uralic or turkic than austrians or czechs
go check out studies about hungarians and you will see that you are genetically central european
princiaplity of lower panonia wasnt related to great moravia retard
it was a state that from it’s begining was ruled by nitrian prince pribina and later his son koceľ