Sup Forums CITY 2000

What would the ultimate city look like Sup Forums?

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well for starters we would secede from the us and bring back black codes and jim crow

the amount of life i wasted playing this game...

Love this. Can we please make this a game?




Probably would look something along the lines of this. I bet the Albert Speer of our generation grew up playing this game.
>pic very related

I tried. This is the result of 151 years of development, I'm not good at this game.

The return of Greek bathhouses

What would our National Anthem be?

I propose:


this is autism

no niggers. Not one

O Canada



Walled City-state port in the heart of subsaharan africa, surrounded by failed states.

Niggers bring raw materials like blood diamonds and rubber to designated trading points on perimeter (resembling armored bank windows with robot tellers).

Whites take in the materials, store and process them, then ship them.

Sell the niggers soda pop and t-shirts in return.
A TROPHY-like turret system protects the wall against rockets.

A similar system targets infantry and rapefugees outside the trading posts.

A large minefield and caltrops protect the perimeter from vehicles.

A couple Russian Iglas on hand serve against the occasional nigger-rigged aircraft.

Internally, industrial zones shall run along the wall border.
Parks buffer it from the residential center.
The commercial district runs alongside the port.

Buildings shall be clad in traditional white building materials like limestone (ala Versailles), brick, and granite.

With no outside road connections and space at minimum, avenues and parking lots should be eschewed for transport via whites-only (redundant, the whole city is white's only) buses in efficient loop patterns.

Trucks move goods from the industrial zones to the commercial district and port via loop roads between the industrial and the buffer park.

Truck deliveries to residential zones only between 9am and 5pm to avoid conflicting with commutes or causing noise pollution at night.

No banks, only white credit unions.

Every household is required to have a firearm subject to a tax credit. The range firing line is the lip of the wall.

I can't comprehend being able to figure this out. I'm too dumb and lazy for that.

All the niggers and the city is on the Sun


This is the ideal way to get nigs to move back to Africa, desu.

Just keep selling them their grape soda, fried chicken, and overpriced tennis shoes; but far away from actual white nations. We'd also still reap their labor too. Brilliant.

You let niggers in didn't you?

How is One World Tower in Sim City 2000?

we tried that on Sup Forumsandcraft, this is how it turned out

fuck off. I was on Sup Forumsandcraft too. We actually had great cities. go fuck yourself cuck.


It's 4 actually and a mod.

>go fuck yourself cuck.
>fuck off
quite a temper on you, it's just a joke chill out.
I was also on polandcraft until they kicked out pirates. I was a good builder, but the spawn was always a disgrace and you can't deny it

> He doesn't post SPQR cities
baka senpai

pre-steben spqr or post-steben spqr?

Why not both? :^)

Holy shit

we are already planning it

I didn't get to see the spqr base on the last map :(
hope steben lets us pirates come back so I can build my autistic towers and fortresses everywhere

I loved this game! Thanks op going to torrent this for old time sake.

>Hitman 4 soundtrack

Pretty based desu.

All resident areas are Launch Arcos and everything else is high density commercial or industrial

Use subways for transportation and nothing else

We could use a rollercoaster that traveled via gravity to rhe next stop as public transportation

Arcos still need services.

It'd start as a train tunnel underneath the Alps, with two parallel cross-tunnels (exactly 1100 meters apart) in the center. A new society can be carved out, each isolated block being exactly 100 x 100 meters square and each feeder tunnel 10 meters wide. Structures would be modular intermodal containers on springs, able to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear weapon. Power would be supplied by geothermal or underground hydro power. The only external structures would be air vents and two main entrances, which would be guarded by snipers and machine guns.

From there Sup Forums can live away from all Jews and nonwhites, a pure society based purely on human technological advancement. The world will hate us but would be completely unable to dislodge us from our mountain fortress. And, after the Jew destroys the planet, our race of super-Aryans can rise out and crush the swarms of muslims and niggers that would infest the world by then.

This was Hitler's Final Solution, an Alpenfestung where a Werwolf White Resistance can be operated from.

SC3000u isn't even that complex compared to SC4D, where a perfect game is basically impossible.

Same. Might just buy it off GOG though, too lazy to find a decent torrent

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Yeah you need police and fire and hospitals

However cities in Sim City 2000 don't need water
