Post your face when the west decides to wake up again
Post your face when the west decides to wake up again
Wake up, sheeple!
>mfw it would propably look more like this if to be realistic
t. mongol thinks he's western
Can't wait for whitey to chimp out again.
>Still whiter than abboanglo
Youll feel some second hand uncucking leaf
Youre welcome
how, when 1/2 of your younger demographic are foreigners or born from foreigners? maybe small countries like finland will keep their culture over the next few decades, but anyone actually holding western civilization up is doomed. that's the US, france, UK and germany. smaller countries will have to choice but to submit.
no chance of that happening famlam
Neither will the history books write about the rise of Gypsyland friendo.
Seriously, though. It's not going to happen. Most people in the West feel they live in a world spiraling out of their control and understanding, a world where they feel they are powerless and useless. It's only going to get worse as technology improves. They'll cling with all their might to the bits of power they have.