Daily reminder germans are our misfortune. Protestant Wars, WWI, WWII and migrant crisis
Merkel's real surname is kacsmierzysk or something alien polish like that
O kurwa shut it down!! The mute knows!!!
East Germans should have been barred from Governmental positions.
Bretty sure the migrant crisis was caused by (((someone))) funding African people smugglers. Germans were the target.
I want to rage fuck the life out her soo much!
Allies declared war on Germany to start WW2
Migrants exist in the first place because of George Bush, Obama and Hillary Clinton
East Germans didn't elect her though you dumb chink.
Cuc k a lot
kill the Germs
Look at that school swimsuit. There's like 15,000 otaku fapping furiously right now.
As if you would know.
>They actually permitted ex-Stasi members to hold government jobs
Should have done the sensible thing and machine-gunned them all.
>Germans should have been barred from Governmental positions
She is a fucking communist. There is no such thing as "ex" communist.
>Oh now she is a Christian democrat
The oldest trick in the book. Lenin did this in 1905.
It's all pretty surreal. Couple years ago I would have said I thought highly of Germans, particularly Catholics like Bavarians. Now I am mostly appalled and disgusted by them. They're Canada and Sweden-tier, possibly even worse.
Thanks for not blaming Los Estados Unidos.
Anyone else spend all their time watching CSPAN 1,2, and 3? Right now on C-SPAN3, some Jew is talking about how German war criminals after WW2. Love it.
Don't get too excited because internet memes. Yes, most germans are liberals and cucks but it's worse than Canada or France.
*it's not
>There is no such thing as "ex" communist.
There are two kinds.
First is pic related.
Second is the kind Yuri Bezmenov talked about, those who "wake up" from all the bullshit and represent an enormous threat to communist influence because not only are they immune to it, but they're in a position to greatly undermine it and often do.
T. Monkey
Based commies destroyed the nazi Fucks.
Then they destroyed themselves like they always do. The only ones who figured out how to quietly end it but keep the brand was China.
I first saw how terrible the system was even in high school where
>"To each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Made no sense as a phrase in practical terms, who decides ability and need. Some stooge in a government department.
>Stalin had to constantly move about for fear of assassination
Says a whole lot that the man at the top had to be more afraid of those closest to him than any "class enemy".
The % of communists that wake up and warn the goyim about the dangers of communism is very small.
The & is virtually irrelevant to be honest. From all the KGB agents only 3 or 4 actually had the courage to tell the truth.
George Orwell was one of the few people who told the world the truth about what what were their real goals. He was a member a hardcore communist but later understood which was the goal of Rothschild Capitalism a.k.a Marxism.
Protestantism is objectively superior to Catholicism though.
What was Australia doing even during WW2? Busy with fucking émus and Abos? top KEK
Meanwhile based Russians destroyed fascism and now got the most powerful man (trump) on their side
Either proxy or 16 year old Epstein's son.
T. Le edgy commie hating nazi from Brazil xD
There are some, but they're invaluable people and I have a lot of respect for them.
Imagine them if you will, as characters in some science fiction setting that were inside the bad guy camp and got out of it with inside knowledge. David Horowitz is another good example, was a hardline communist before seeing it for the bullshit it was.
It takes tremendous willpower for these individuals to go against their own egos and realize they've been fed lies and then speak against them, so my hat goes off to them.
If you did a purge, save the sincere ex ones who were speaking against it.
"Russians" (you meant to say soviets) then fucked up east europe with their colonial empire and then collapsed into ruin because "Marxist economics" is economic creationism.
They also had more time to set up an even more authoritarian and brain rotting system than any fascist ever could.
Really, when leftists cheer violence against Nazis it's two things.
Pic related, applies especially to very weak minds that only understand violence .
And because they want to set up their own authoritarian government and Nazis are just the competition.
Source on the semon demon?
Agree with you.
The very depths of hell.
Ms. Angela ''British Teeth'' Kasner
Cool, not much more to add and gotta go now.
Take care huehbro.
Degeneracy, thy name is Merkel
She is the greatest reason for the rise of the 4th Reich.
on the bloody ground of world war 1 the greatest idea mankind ever had took rise and nearly destroyed the globalist and zionist powers that enslave the children of earth.
The German people harbour the greatest destiny in the world, they will remind us what it is like to throw off the shackles of shekels and denari...as they have done in the past.
No empire will ever subdue them, and has, ever subdued them.
God Bless Ausbro.
I don't blame any men for not wanting to have sex with that pig. She is like 25 in that pic? Looks like a 55 year old grandma
Wtf happened to Joachims Stomach?
Liver transplant.
protip: from an chinese teen.
Not her
Pic is just a meme
Merkel doesn't resemble her younger self at all. She was pretty cute with long hair and slim body.
>This cynicism
I have saved here other shots from that day. Believe me, it's even worse.
See for yourself
This is how Merkel really looked like at young age
Since you asked
Not her
Completely diffrent face
But you said slim body and beautiful face
Same big forehead, nose and pig mouth.
Just compare the faces
This is not rocketscience
In her teens she was a cutie
By east-german standard
She is using makeup
Also what's the deal with this beatles haircut? why can't she have a decent or at least non-degenerate haircut?
WTF I love Brazil now
Brazilian state police is one of the few things I like about our Republic.
Lol eat shit, Germany and Germans are hopefully going to be erased in a decade or two.
i'm pretty fucking sure that it was your old rotten cunt merkel who let 'em in, mahomet.
Daily reminder that Jewish Internation bankers financed both the Bolshevik revolution reformed-theology.org
And the rise of Hitler reformed-theology.org
And cashed in on both sides. They then wanted to destroy the German people in the Kaufman, Hooton and Morgenthau Plan and only could not proceed, because brave people like Patton opposed them. It cost him his life.