Any plans for New Years?
>dry a couple of years
>feeling breddy comfy about it
>one foot in front of the other drybros.
Any plans for New Years?
>dry a couple of years
>feeling breddy comfy about it
>one foot in front of the other drybros.
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Not alcoholic, but I've been having a drink every other day this holiday break. I think it's normal, I have alcoholic relatives so I avoid having a drink consecutive days even if it's only one or two.
just quit here
I never had a problem, but did the whole binge drinking during my early college days. I have too many physical hobbies to get bogged down by drinking. There's is really nothing beneficial from alcohol in my eyes. The links to cancer and chemical castration are just icing on the cake.
I don't like Trump and I think his SoS pick is absolute garbage. However, I can respect the man on his stance when it comes to alcohol.
>every other day this holiday break
>only one or two
You're fine m8. I'm talking to my fellows who can down a bottle of vodka to get the party started.
How can you drink more than one day in a row? Alcohol makes me sick so fast
I have only every had two sips of alcohol in my life. I don't want any more than that.
On naltrexone for over a month now, can't believe I managed a year sober without it before this.
Hell yeah :DDD
Stop beeing boipucci
Ey reporting. Finish a case just to go to town. Start around 1pm and good to go by 7 or 8. Sometimes don't even go.
>by the time I quit I was starting to drink at lunchtime - deluding myself that the "sun had crossed the yardarm"
>bottle of vodka with half a dozen beer chasers
that was what I started with - howdy naltrexonebro! Just be wary if you come off it - the desire can creep up insidiously.
Dry now?
No ;3
I get drunk everyday. Bay Area. Worked for google and other tech company's. Severely cutting back in 2017. It makes me think better but I need a break.
Yeah, I don't doubt that a bit. Don't plan on ever getting off it, I think I'd rather go without food than go back to where I was when I was drinking
I'm an al/k/oholic. I'm on the wrong board.
Nah mate, going to town after i have a nibble on these tacos. I end up drinking $300- $400. Fucking lucky im on holidays
how do you handle people who ask why you dont drink?
At least drink shitloads of water - I had a blood test about a month before I gave up - they attributed the positive results to the fact that I guzzled about a litre of water each day morning and night
Good man.
Go easy m8. Don't drive pissy.
Never had a problem with drinking. Mine was more with weed, which I haven't smoked in nearly a year. I stick to beer. Some nights without thinking I'll have 5-6+, others I'll have nothing. Pretty much drink the case fast, then don't buy til I really want it.
Tonight, I'm up to 3. Probably keep going, feeling good
Current alcoholic, no clue how you guys do it, I try to keep my habit cheap, a handle or a handle and a half of Popov a day, stopped doing fifths when I was like 16, 19 now. I like to smoke pot with my alcohol, keeps me from feeling sick.
>positive results
What positive results?
I have been drinking 10-14 beers a night for the past 3 years.
Because of a natural disaster I was forced into sobriety for over 4 days.
It was terrible. Not the shakes or withdraw. Just being in this fucking horrid world with enough smarts and money not to be worried about sheer survivial and about to take it all in. To see the fucking corruption and destruction of what once might have been a society you could bond with. I own 4 firearms and can carry concealed and pay my taxes and do everything I am supposed to but fuck this world and fuck this timeline.
I reminded me why I drink so often. So I am not able to fully dwell on how shitty things are.
It takes a few years of constant excessive drinking. I don't even get hangovers from this anymore.
Cheers mate. I'm going to be on the dry for 9 months next year so I'll be fine.
Either brutally honest
> I'm an alcoholic
more often than not starts a convo rather than ending it
or just say I'm skipper or something
Only had a couple of dodgy situations - had one guy convinced he could make me drink....
Gentle elbow to the ribs changed his mind. Wasn't even mine...
positive as in better than what they expected for someone who drank so much
>I got "not too bad", they expected cirrhosis...
it feels cheaper when you only buy a case at a time, vs say an ounce of green. But beer is fucking expensive, especially in canada, you guys have it easy. I've been tempted for a while now to buy an ounce. Funny.. when I 'quit' I gave away all my pipes and shit. I'd have to go out and buy a grinder and papers at the least
Try naltrexone m8. I was on it for over a year - shit works.
You've got to want to stop tho, otherwise it's all for shit.
I know what you mean. I've fallen into a semi-bad habit of abusing amphetamines on a "burst" basis to keep myself 110% engaged on my work, then I take days off and do jack shit. I swear man when I'm left alone long enough to get read into politics I get fucking mad, pacing in my 12x12 room like a fucking prisoner. and thats how I feel
Functionally alcoholic.
I am pulling down 80k a year as a semi-honest salesmen.
Funny thing I can only be semi-honest because I drink. I could go full kike and add 15K+ a year but it would make me feel like a fucking sack of wet shit lying and misleading.
Dealing with average people and being honest takes it toll. Being nice and helping stupid people doing things they should be able to do is suffering. It is like wiping the ass of a 51 year old man because he cannot do his own research.
>I reminded me why I drink so often
Not to be rude lad but don't use it as an excuse - if you're a pisshead, own it. be honest about it. Don't be the gy that says
>muh drink to escape muh reality
No judgey btw. Just commentary.
Bottle of wild turkey lasts me about two weeks.
Good shit
I am happy when I am drunk. Sometimes but more often then not. Family and friends are comforting but within a few days not drinking is suffering.
I am functional. I produce far better then my peers and well beyond the average. Maybe I don't have a deep fulfilling grand child filled ending but I am happy and well off. That is good enough.
I used puerarin extracted from kudzu root and it helped a lot. Taking the root itself didn't work though, it only worked when I used the chemical itself and basically megadosed on it. Even when I drink I get so sleepy so quick and I can't stand drinking more than 2-3 beers anymore.
And yeah, I realize it's technically a phytoestrogen, but I haven't grown tits yet so I don't care. Basically saved my life. I had started getting palpitations due to drinking and my uni marks were suffering. Just finished this term with perfect grades in all my classes.
Lost nearly all my friends though since they were basically just drinking buddies. They started to distance themselves from me when my alcohol tolerance diminished.
>Functionally alcoholic.
I *thought* I was functional.
I wasn't. I'll give you a hint from the otherside of the lunchroom - that secret you think you have, everyone knows...
Good to hear you're happy m8.
>puerarin extracted from kudzu root
Never heard of it. As long as it's not worse than booze itself than fucking have at it m8.
>Lost nearly all my friends though since they were basically just drinking buddies
had a couple of m8s who thought they'd lost me as a m8 or thought I thought I was "better" than them - time and going to the pub and not drinking helped. But I wouldn't suggest you place temptation in your way either...
puerarin is only somewhat researched. It was originally researched because they thought it was a hangover cure but in mice studies they found it actually reduced alcohol addiction entirely.
It's kind of meh, it doesn't work for everyone. It mostly just makes you sleepy if you drink and you can still power through it obviously. If you have no motivation you'd just drink a coffee and drink more. I was having health issues due to drinking so I had a little motivation. I never actually was a daily drinker, more of a binger actually. I think that binging might have messed with my cardiovascular system more than what daily drinking would do though.
>that secret you think you have, everyone knows...
I know they know. Everyone knows. However the fact I'm an alcoholic and about to do better then everyone who is not and making more money then anyone in my family or friends insulates me.
You can condemn an alcoholic when they are destroying their lives. You cannot condemn an alcoholic when he is better off then you are.
Alcohol is degenerate when done in excess. Kys
>Being so much of an untermensch that you give in to the brewery jew while also destroying your body
quit drinking 18 years ago. feels good.
Sounds a little similar to naltrexone
>doesn't really affect you in any way other than makes you meh about wanting to drink and you can't get as pissed as quickly/easily
> You cannot condemn an alcoholic when he is better off then you are.
I really don't want to come across a snarky...
You may think you're doing shithot.
You probably aren't.
But the booze is making you think you are.
Hey, each to their own. If you genuinely feel you can drink to excess and it's not affecting you - good for you.
ITT: retards who can't control themselves
About 21 months sober. No big plans for new years. Dinner and a movie. Wanted to go to the outdoor hockey game but apparantly there's going to be heavy snow, so fuck that.
What's really fucking with my "spiritual sobriety" is having 3 weeks off from school. I need routine and to do anything productive to stay sane. When I string together days of not doing anything I deem productive, I start to crumble. Hasn't always been like that in my sobriety but the recent trend over the last 3 or 4 months has shown that's what happens.
I'll be at work. I might sneak in some champagne because nobody would notice if I had a small amount and I work nights anyways. With our poor staffing and my reliable attendance, they'd have to pin a lot more on me than acting silly for half an hour.
Don't be a rude cunt m8.
>I need routine and to do anything productive to stay sane.
Go for a walk, do some research? Idle hands m8...
I switched to white wine from the hard stuff for December because it was getting out of hand. I've averaged a little over a bottle a day - getting fucking expensive. I snuck in a couple bottles of tequila in there somewhere, too. All this so I pace myself tomorrow and don't end up fighting people in the street, again.
I know how to stay productive on any given day, it's just doing it consecutively.
For example. Go to gym, meetings, whatever for 3 days...feel good. Then something will come up and prevent me from doing my usual lazy day routine and then the mental gymnastics makes it seem impossible to get back to my routine or I'll tell myself I can just stay inside and play video games or something like that.
Clichéd but it's basically me not turning my will over.
Yeah I'm the same way. Especially when my friends all start talking about going to parties and such. But I know that since I'm pretty introverted even if I went to a party there's no way I'd enjoy it without alcohol.
But you know, I just know that if I were to go there and drink and everything I'd have fun that night for sure, but I'd feel like such shit afterward. Like in the end all that really happens is you get piss drunk for a night and you really didn't actually see anything. It's not like you went on vacation and saw something neat, you just went to a houseparty got drunk and passed out. The likelihood of anything interesting happening is pretty slim so in the end there's no point.
Might need alternative friends that offer something else.
What's been great for me is that my entire sobriety has been in a new city so I've been largely away from my old friends and only within the past 6 months have I been seeing them, and pretty much only in neutral situations with minor drinking at worst. And I've also made some decent, though only a few, solid friends through my sobriety circle.
Surrounding yourself with the right people and putting yourself in the best situations is key for surviving real substance abuse.