/Auspol/ it doesn't matter what we do because Australia will be doomed anyway

I see no prospect for Australia to solve its current problems because we simply do not have the male leadership to forge a folkish far-right movement.

All Australians are degenerates. You can whine all you want about the prissy urbanite nu-males in the coastal cities who read GQ magazine and attend Pride rallies, but the bogans and rural folk in the periphery are just as squalid, if not more so. The average Australian tradie is a godless degenerate who believes in nothing other than his immediate pleasure and sports. He has no commitment to traditional values, religion, morality, culture, community or honour.
How are these people going to save our country when they can't save themselves from drug addiction, thuggish behavior, hedonism, mindless materialism and alcohol abuse?

Australia is a failure. It was from the beginning a superficial, hyperindividualist ultra-liberal social experiment. We have zero traditions to defend from the hordes of Asian immigrants.
Better to jump ship now and go back to your ancestral homeland where there is a real prospect of a Traditionalist European movement gaining traction.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw cute lil bro

>bipartisan extremism
Libertarian uprising will be glorious, it'll sweep across the state.. and then dissipate into nothing and leave everyone alone.

Have they banned safe schools yet?



who /beach/ today?
catho was too crowded

Does that mean New Zealand, the sheepfucker colony, will outlast Australia?

Woe to thee.

Remember when this man, who set up strategies to ensure that Australia was the only country in the world that made it through the Global Financial Crisis completely intact, and who promised a nationwide broadband network with super-fast speeds that would cost approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars, was stabbed in the proverbial back by his own political party, after which his party lost the election to a government that offered a heavily "watered down" national broadband internet network...

... and, 9 years later, the NBN Corporation working on this inferior network, had to be "bailed out" by the same government that offered the "watered down" version, to the tune of over 14 billion U.S. dollars, causing the single-worst infrastructure disaster in this nation's history, a project that has now blown out to more than 35 billion U.S. dollars while still unfinished...

... while a significant proportion of households in rural areas have to put up with approximately 5mbit connections and frequent disruptions (with a permanent latency of about 0.6 seconds because, you know, SATELLITE)?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Yeah, but you don't go outside or do anything so you're opinion is that of a media cuck anyway. You're another victim blaming a 'lack of male leadership' but arent u a male, go leed cunt.