Brit/pol/ - Fate of the Monarchy Edition


>Paki nonces are still running amok

>Sharia May accused of Blairite interference; "The state is being cobbled together to fix permanent Tory power"

>'There's no war in France!' Milkman mocked for urging Britain to accept Paris migrants

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Senior Civil Servant: The Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Lib Dems: £450m Brexit savings claim is a fantasy figure

>Labour's New Year Vow - a UKIP fightback

>Israel accuses Britain of leading UN resolution that told them to stop bulldozing Palestinian children

>Number of 5-11 year olds suspended from school for racism up 33%


6 bings remaining

Of course shes fine, shes immortal. Eventually she will fake a death, then be reinstalled later.


>americans elected a president who campaigned on deporting millions of shitskins and building a huge wall
>britcucks still can't figure out when they want to trigger article 50 and cancel their subscription


Burgers love your royals.

>Typical sexy sarcastic shit advert for Sherlock AKA Tumblr: The Show on the BBC

Hang Moffat and Gatiss

Only two bings remaining.

>tfw it passes 8:01am and the BBC are still talking about recycling

Was Elizabeth cool? I know you all liked her and she supported Brexit.


1 Bing

She went against her coronation oath and entered us into the EU as well as letting Tony Blair give her pro-multicultural Christmas speeches

No monarch has ever overseen such a decline


I'm an American and even I know no one respects you here

aaaaand its nothing

Zero hour, lads.


That was fucking outstanding

>i-its really 9am
>i-ts gonna be 10am

>Weatherwoman is wearing a black dress

its 0801 and doggers are getting jobs from the NHS

What is it?

>it's fuck all



So what's up with the queen?

The Queen can't possibly be dead. I think Western Civilization really would collapse.

If the throne was given to Prince William by Charles, what would he say about the muslims? Is he really a cuck or would he take the right side?

What's for brekkie, lads?

>implying Brits won't then swing hard royalist
Sir Farage when?

>tfw the kuffars foil your plans to turn the UK into a Caliphate once again thanks to good inbreeding and your mum's child blood transfusions

>it's another "americans who understand nothing about your local politics (TM) come in and ask questions"

T'were nowt.
Carry on.

Yet more breaths of glorious English air for the beloved sovereign.

She's 90. It's going to happen fairy soon if it doesn't happen now.

When the life of one of the most significant people in the world is on the line, yeah it is honestly

Who is this Tory guy I keep hearing about?

>thread is all yanks because of potential happening

>It's going to happen fairy soon if it doesn't happen now.
I could say the same think about the collapse of Western Civilization.

Oh fuck off. I know more about your politics than most yanks know about ours.

pretty good bait desu honestly desu sempai



I'm sorry milord, we are simply dumb colonials and nothing will ever put us on the spotlight. You are all and all, and I am nothing.

I am your slave. Do as you wish with me.

What was the announcement?

>It's another edumacated Yank post

>"I know more about your politics than most yanks know about ours"

>Can't fathom the idea that the Queen might die at 90 years old

Good going Paco

I just find it amusing, all the rabid Americans and other JF filth that keep wishing her dead. Like she's actually done something to harm them personally.

Amazing, one of our last remaining bits of culture and history alive and people want it dead, they want it destroyed the same people that champion heritage and history and culture, calling for it to be destroyed to fit their failed agenda.

Truly eye opening.

>thread is all yanks
Speak for yourself, m8.

chat shit get banged

That was parliament, retard.

Add it to the wall of shame.

Their dog had royal puppies.

The Queen won't die you fucking traitor

The queen will be returning late from her Scottish Christmas retreat.eglwys ka

queen memes us once again

bet she doesn't even have a cold

>Theresa May distances herself from John Kerry's anti-Israel comments

Got my synapses sizzling

You seem to be misreading my posts. I can absolutely fathom that the Queen might die today. I can also fathom that Western civilization might collapse in 2016 or 2017.
I view the Queen's death as a harbinger of the fall of Western Civilization, which has been in decline for a while. Imagine if we can add the Queen's death to webm related.

>calling out bait

>that picture
im in agreement about Jacob Rees-Mogg

He was President of England until they had the big election in June and now it's Farage.

Be careful, though, because they have a weird Congress, so there's this woman named May who is now President of the Congress of England.

I find it suspicious that all these anti queen threads started just after John Kerry's speech. First you had all the "Sup Forums has always been pro Israel" threads, then you had all the "why are you not dating an Asian woman" threads, now we've got these ones.

They are targeted against the nations that voted against Israel in the UN resolution thing. A pattern, an obvious pattern.

Rest assured I will preserve your history to the best of my ability. Still don't want your shitty monarchs. One must remember the jews and all they have done, doesn't mean that you should keep them around.

Sorry for the pain that will come to you and your nation. Not sorry the old cunt died. I would expect the same from you if Obama got whacked.

this geordie lass on bbc breakfast isn't up t'much.

Karen is half Jap

What did Kiniro mosaic by this?



Does anyone know what the general opinion of Obama is in your area?
In North West everyone thinks he's brilliant. I genuinely thought this last gasp chance of a world war would make people think he's an idiot

Diana's death was the real tipping point, when tens of millions of women and millions of men across the country proved themselves an unthinking, feelings-driven mob who would happily guillotine the Queen if she did something unpopular

>LARP in Parliament as a based Old Tory defender of the sovereignty and liberty of Englishmen across the Kingdom
>Vote for the Snoopers' Charter
Jacob Rees-Mong

Wait so what was the announcement? Has it happened yet?

Fuck you

>Imagine if we can add the Queen's death to webm related.
>webm related

Oh. I get it. You're a disciple of Ron Paul's church of the happenings.
Not actually looking at world events politically.

>In North West everyone thinks he's brilliant.
nobody in the north west gives a fuck about yank politics

Obviously Sup Forums likes Israel more than all the muslim shitholes surrounding it. Just like we supported a lot of despots during the cold war it makes sense to support Israel because they're a good strategic ally in the region.

I'll never forget that episode of Doctor Who in 2009 or so where the main plot of the episode was that Obama was going to announce "a new plan to end the global recession"

>I view the Queen's death as a harbinger of the fall of Western Civilization
I don't see how this works, as the only way for western civilization to continue more than another 10-15 years tops by this model is for queen elizabeth II to break records for old age

that wasn't the plot though, that was basically a tie in to politics

Some sweet waffles, half a jar of maple syrup, pot of black coffee.
Poached eggs, grilled bacon, black pudding, grilled venison sausages, grilled tomato, beans, toast
More coffee

Was Diana's death the beginning of the public grieving culture?

Why the hate out of interest? Also no, I don't cheer on the deaths of people, that shit is Muslim tier inbred northern bullshit. But go on, entertain me, what has Queen Elizabeth II done to harm the United States or more importantly, YOU personally?

Oh yes, nothing at all so can your bullshit, your republicanism has failed miserably, so instead of admitting that it has failed you want everyone else to join you at your disgusting, scrub, low level so that you're not so alone.

That's the reality of it, you can't bare the fact that people are relatively happy with their monarchy yet you champion for people to be happy, you love freedom so long as it fits your narrative of what freedom is.

It makes you a disgusting hypocrite and you know that deep down under all that congealed fat and heart disease.

well if you ask, they obviously just give the usual 'hes brilliant' bollocks


Video of her hlding todays newspaper. We need proof of life!!! Brit is compromised!


Read The Abolition of Britain, Hitchens ties together the absolutely chilling differences between the public's reactions to Churchill and Diana's deaths brilliantly


is there even an announcement? when/where?

what does that even mean?

Is the happening on or not? I've got shit to do.

What? I just added that webm on a whim. I find the idea of "happenings" entertaining but I don't consider it a religion and don't take it seriously.

It's not really a serious model. It's just that the Queen has been around for a while and it will mark the start of a new era when she dies. And western civilization is in decline so it makes sense as a "marker."
This is literally just feelings and sentimentality obviously there's no real reason for the Queen's death to *cause* the fall of Western Civilization. But when we look back at history we often use significant but unrelated events to mark eras. It's just a quirk of the human mind and how we like remembering things and making nonsensical connections.

Yes. In what world does Sup Forums like Palestinian terrorsts more than nationalist Israelis and right-wing Netanyahu?

Wew lads.

death of the queen would be a nice bit of payback for rigging the scottish independence referendum then dragging us out of the EU


2017 year of the Great kebab removal or will William(assuming Charles gives it to him) Be a traitor?

In what world did Sup Forums decide that there was only Palestinians and Jews in Israel?

You seem to be forgetting a faction that has been and continues to be attacked by both sides.

It's not as binary as you think, idiot.

shitty OP but id get

Happening's off

t. nPZkwCfC
>Nowhere near the same amount of syllables as the original song
The absolute state of that """song"""

William will be quiet and champion charities to do with health and emergency rescue things.

Question for bongs: What would happen if they cucked Charles and chose his son for King since Charles is so old now?

>it makes you a disgusting hypocrite and you know that deep down under all that congealed fat and heart disease.

It is the price we paid when we became the evil ones and rebelled against the only beacon of Western civilization that we could only ever hope to have.

American culture is the exact opposite of British culture, it is destructive and chaotic while British culture is creative and orderly.

Our rebellion was simply the harbinger of two polarized opposites.

That's gay as fuck.

Wake me up when some real leaders are ready to do something.

>William will be quiet
Wrong, he's the spawn of Diana

>In what world did Sup Forums decide that there was only Palestinians and Jews in Israel?
That's a non sequitor that doesn't challenge my argument in any way. I was talking about the terrorists in the Palestinian territory vs the Israeli state.
It makes sense to support Israel because they hold back all the Arab countries in the region, preventing them from threatening our interests.

You country is far more cucked than mine. The demographics are catching up even. What have you to brag about? Your country hasn't been great since the turn of the 20th century.

I honor your contribution to the world and to history. But unless you take back your sovereignty, you are nothing. Perhaps you were once upon a time the best the world had to offer. Now you are a cuck. Such is the nature of things. It does not change my perception of what you did, and I will honor you for that. But you are a fossil. Whether for good or for bad.


Can someone give me an actual coherent answer on what is going on?

>queen eventually dies
>feel nothing

Feels good being a Republican.

I bet their are cucks ITT who will actually cry.

Fuck you I thought of it while I was taking a shit. That id though combined with his post and my witty reply make a great screencap.

You should have known that you can't polish a turd then