This thread again

Are people in for any ((((surprises)))) when they look at your flag and asume who's posting?

No surprises here




Austrians are Alpine race

besides Nords and Meds should be allies


This seems oddly correct.
I'll never understand how people can't spot the obvious difference between the two flags.

>tfw sperglord by Danish standards
>still 6'2 with a great jawline
>only get laid with qt3.14 Asians though

Meh. I should just travel to some other country.

Danes are stupid and always drunk



We have to set an example when the rest of Scandinavia is cucked under Systembolaget.

Dont most Danes have Brown Hair? I think your confusing yourself for the Swedes.

Is Iceland rightful Danish Clay ????



Entire Scandinavia is rightful Danish clay.

Not that we want it any more, though.


>tfw living in the part of skaane where homedesting is still a popular thing
>less than 2 hours to denmark
I can suffice until me and my kærste moves to Denmark @2019.

Sure, just add black skin and +50 kg

Do danes not have to go to a government owned booze store?

Congrats on DANING the Fingolians and Czecuchs

> Italian/French descendant
> 5'6" moderately attractive but manlet :/
> Live in based hick state

life is pretty ok

>besides Nords and Meds should be allies


booze is far less regulated here than in the other scandinavian countries

can be sold at any time day/night, less taxes on booze etc.


Most I know are blonde

nah, that aint us

Because they are both European you fucking leaf

Some of these are pretty funny desu.

No. We're liberated like that.

They are basically the same. The difference is language and swedes should be purged

And what the fuck kind of retard explanation is that? An Italian and a chink are both humans. Are they meant to feel some solidarity because of that?

Because we're both white and while the cultural and historical legacy of the Meds far exceeds that of Nords, we too have contributed - especially in the last 200 years, where Nords have done many things (if you consider North Germans and Anglos to be Nords I'd say that the last 200 years brought us on par with the meds)

The real threat is the Negro and the Arab and we must unite to combat them together

Cuz they share the same enemies, specifically muslims, jews and other non-whites.

Goddamn leafs are so fucking stupid, lol, just lol
Do everyone in this thread a solid and learn about nationalism

Mediterraneans already have a history of dealing with both Moor swine and negroes. What do they need you for?

i agree. whites must come together. we have the entire world and many of our own people against us we cannot afford to turn away allies even the ANP takes donations from non-whites

Hva faen sker der herinde drenge, noget spændende?

So, no actual response. Right.

What if I were to tell you that I count Northern European Protestants among those you have listed as enemies?

Now we know who we are dealing with lads
We're dealing with stormfront lel

I don't know but most Meds I know and meet are glad they have good relations with Northern Europe.

What does a fucking leaf know anyways?


Well, then they're your enemies but you are not a fucking Med because you don't live in the mediterranean region of Europe

Seriously, how dense are you?

Nothing wrong with Lutherans, get raked.

>So, no actual response. Right
No, I had an actual response you are just too stupid to understand it, stormcuck

You are the one who had a no argument response, you were comparing Chinese and Italians, saying they should have a connection because they are both human, when everyone else in this thread understood European solidarity, but somehow you didn't

I'm going to go ahead and assume your one of those stormfront types who think meds, slavs, Irish etc are non white

your language is ugly. don't post it here again

Luk roven, din bosserov.

Stormfront is in your camp. They're the one's who've been preaching white unity when it's convenient to their interests while also referring to Mediterranean peoples as mixed breeds when they feel like it.

I am an ethnocentrist and thoroughly parochial in my worldview. I see no compelling reason why I should care about any European population outside of my own ethnic group. People always talk about the necessity for unity and solidarity in Europe while never actually elucidating on that necessity. It's like they regurgitate some old maxim about the fascis or horse hairs they have heard without trying to think about the matter for themselves.

Tell me this: would you say that Poles should be united with Germans? To me, the only thing that the Poles would gain from such a union is a progressivist Trojan Horse.

it's the same exact flag though

I smell a rat trying to sow dissent and divide the white peoples of this world. Day of the Rake Soon.

Question sir, are most of Sup Forums's South African posters the upper class white minority? Or are you a nigger?

Redpill me on Struer friend

>Are people in for any ((((surprises)))) when they look at your flag and asume who's posting?
uhhh thats racist

Mogens skeletonlord detected, fry the rice you pay the price jeppe

I guess I"ll be the only one contributing.

I would support good relations but not this unity which, to me smacks of pan-Europeanism.

I have dual citizenship. I am speaking about my own future as much as yours. You should not be so quick to discount those who question what you are proposing.

Of course not, and Sweden's lesbian "bishop" is surely evidence of the deep well of virtue inherent to Lutheranism.

Lutherans are like their father, carnal and tending toward sin. I will have nothing to do with such people.

>saying they should have a connection because they are both human
You might want to re-read what I wrote. Do you not know what an analogy is? I'm saying that I reject the argument you put forward on the same grounds that I reject the notion of solidarity on the basis of "humanness".

And now you say that you are making assumptions about things which I have categorically told you are wrong. Right. Why are you bothering me with such nonsense, again? And I ask you what the Dane asked me: what does an American know?


99% are just middle class whites. have seen 1 south african nigger on here.

thank you

Doesn't have to be united but they do have to at least be allied. If far-right movement do not ally with each other then we might end up with half of western Europe being dominated by a then increasingly expansionist Islamic caliphate.

Our very survival as a people is being compromised by a common enemy so it's fucking stupid to be extremely divisive and there should be at least some kind of unity until the common threat is eliminated and being white is what unites us, even if it's just temporary.

>Stormfront is in your camp. They're the one's who've been preaching white unity when it's convenient to their interests while also referring to Mediterranean peoples as mixed breeds when they feel like it.

Agreed, definitely a Mixed bag, stormfront at times will preach this but on the other hand will preach about how non white meds, Irish, slavs etc are
>I am an ethnocentrist and thoroughly parochial in my worldview. I see no compelling reason why I should care about any European population outside of my own ethnic group.
This is semi-understandable but imo you won't go anywhere with it, the reason people talk of European solidarity is, imo, to stop the infighting, which is for the greater good of the European race, not just their specific kind, also for economic reasons obv, infighting just doesn't help

>Tell me this: would you say that Poles should be united with Germans? To me, the only thing that the Poles would gain from such a union is a progressivist Trojan Horse.

Yes, they should, of course they should keep their country Polish while Germany for Germans, but they shouldn't hold any ill will towards one another due to historical reasons, of course I, personally am a pan europeanist but I believe every group should have the right to keep their country 100% *whatever language, ethnicity, etc it is* and if Germans were to move to Poland they must drop german language and traditions at the door, same thing if it were vice versa

you asked why, when I said Nords and Meds should be allies You then compared the shared cultural heritage of Europeans to that of Italian and Chinks You stated that Meds don't need nords You stated that you consider Nord Protestants as your enemies I find it hard to believe that you support good relations between Nords and Meds (which is all I'm saying actually, I don't believe in an actual union)

Good relations would suffice over a pan state or pan economic union, I should of specified

>Doesn't have to be united but they do have to at least be allied.
And would you then qualify what this alliance consists of? If it is so little as collectively working towards a similar set of goals then I see no problem, really. But if the alliance has deeper political designs with, say, a central leadership then I am immediately suspicious. I think it is better that right wing Europeans work purely on a regional or national level, not least of all because this prevents an continent-wide movement from being hijacked via the compromising of its leadership. Here I think of the Romans' war against the Gauls and how quickly and easily the latter was subjugated once Vercingetorix was subdued.

I don't see that much. I have not denigrated foreign peoples. I have said only that I mistrust Northern Europeans, which I do, for the simple reason that I view you as I have previously described: as a potential Trojan Horse. Hungarians most certainly would understand this by virtue of their recent dealings with Merkel.

>You then compared the shared cultural heritage of Europeans to that of Italian and Chinks
That's false. What I said is that solidarity on the basis of Europeanness or whiteness or whatever variation of this notion you wish to use strikes me as solidarity on the basis of "humanness". Tell me, what do I, a Portuguese, have in common with a Finn that I should care about his nation, his culture, and his future? Do we have a shared ethno-cultural history? Not really. Do we have a shared religious identity? No. Do we have a shared genetic history? Less than we have with many others. So why should I care?

>You stated that Meds don't need nords
But we don't and I can demonstrate that fact by pointing you to the Reconquista. And before I go any further I should say that I shouldn't have used the term "Mediterranean" because I find it no less useless than "white".

>You stated that you consider Nord Protestants as your enemies
Which as a Catholic I absolutely, unequivocally stand by.

>I find it hard to believe that you support good relations between Nords and Meds
Good fences make good neighbours is an English saying that I quite like and find appropriate in this circumstance. You stay on your side, I stay on mine and we shall get along swimmingly.




>whites must come together

That's literally the only thing that Whites suck donkey cock at though, lad. They'd rather cuck and piss on eachother than unite against the bigger threat. Prove me wrong.



i don't disagree, but we must fight on regardless. we can unite. Or at least unite enough of us to make a change. Support your nationalist party friend. The problem we have in America is that our Nationalist organizations are fractured. We have like ten different ones. ANP, KKK, New Order, etc. If we can unite them we can win. Especially with Trumps victory. The reason conservatives don't like Trump first off is because they are cowards and also because they know the movement he has started is not conservative but Nationalist. Their time is up. We will win my friend. Don't let your spirit falter.

Who leader, Rockwell, was a virulent anti-Catholic and Nordicist?

Whose Americanist platform promotes both anti-Catholicism and nativism (i.e., anti-Southern and Eastern European sentiment)?

>New Order
Not familiar with this one.

Seriously, are any of you that surprised that people like me would be suspicious of other Europeans? It's like you expect everyone to just ignore history or something.

From the last thread


Why are Danes so handsome

looks like me senpai, danish family

I'm an amerifag visiting family.

Shitposting as much as I can while I still have this czechbro flag. Also, any real czechbros know why literally everyone smokes here?

that is where bridges must be built LeafCuck. They just need someone to rally them together. With the situation so dire that whites will be virtually nonexistent in the coming decades they will see reason. when it comes down to unite or die an accord can be reached. all it requires is the right person. Perhaps someone who is good at making deals ;) i kid of course i doubt Trump would actually take up the white nationalist cause but there will be someone. necessity breeds action.

Was it really a nigger...or just me

*ooga booga's away*

Same shit here, a little leftover from our lovely soviet days. Tobacco cultivation, cigarette manufacturing and export were a great source of income for the buffer countries of the Comintern. We were their little farmers with most of the development in these countries going towards agriculture.

They aren't Danes are incredibly unattractive from inbreeding.

why does butthurt colonies always show up in Danish threads?

it's either icelanders, faroese islanders, norwegians, swedes or greenlanders who come and ruin the good mood


paki nigger detected

I'd say in Europe, Denmark and Switzerland have the most handsome people, followed by Swedes.

Make one with Ireland and Italy.

Here we go cucks

Actually yeah.
>Tfw rare mixed mutt

Feels bad man,never racemix

>Iceland talking about inbreeding
funny isn't it

I wonder how many people who never even thought about Malaysia before now hate the country because of you.

me on the left :3

Change the first pic to a white cock

I worked with Malaysia before, because one of our datacenter is over there and I ordered field engineers around to do this and that.

God you're so fucking lazy and stupid, it's really impressive.
Also, why so fucking muslim?


Actually it is, because Iceland have 300k people on the island and have an app/website to check, when they meet new people, if they are somewhat linked by blood in any way, thus preventing any inbreeding issue.

But you wouldn't know, Ahmed.

There must have been a reason to move your data centers here. Perhaps incompetent french sys admins?

>hating USA
Half the US flags i see hate their country just as much, which is understandable. It's a shame because the US really is one of the most beautiful countries on earth with many incredibly talented people but the kikes have ruined that place and half the world along with it.


>There must have been a reason to move your data centers here
Because you're cheap as fuck.
>Perhaps incompetent french sys admins?
I was not working in France, but whatever. And we were the sys admins, the guys were just doing what we asked them to do physically on the servers, a monkey could have done it.

Keked way harder then I should have ta this hahaha.

>A monkey could have done it

And here I was under the assumption that France is full of chimps