literally what the fuck is the rest of the world doing
Literally what the fuck is the rest of the world doing
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Eurofags enjoy your (((free))) (((universities)))
>UCSF above multiple Ivies
That's bullshit, but those are American schools too I guess.
I suppose I'd rather pay a fortune for the best education in the world than get """"free"""" college at Dumfuckigrad University.
Public Ivy League is what they're referred to as.
I always assumed that the military academies were at the top of the list. West Point, Annapolis, and Air Force Academy.
Yeah because the government isn't filled with incompetence.
>Top 20 ways to waste $100k
Just read books and chat with a expert every once in a while
"becoming educated" is a FUCKING LIE
"Getting informed" is a Jewish trick to keep you from researching the holohoax
More like everyone but California what the fuck are you doing
>university ranking
You mean brainwashing center to produce politically correct individual ranking
stop being retarded. you need a degree to show your potential employer that you are qualified. there's virtually no chance of you getting a job if you put on your resume that you're self taught and have no experience
you guys need to stop being so anti college. college is fine, they should stop pushing it as the only option though. also get rid of the low level courses that even retards can do that brainwash people with this commie shit
If your university is not in the top 100, you're a fucking loser
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
>MIT tanking lower than Harvard and Stanford
>Chiraq university ranking higher than Yale and Oxford
>Commiefornia anywhere near the Top 20
you amerifats will believe every lie if it paints you in a good way
My University is ranked 77 in the US. Somewhere 200-300 globally, doesn't tell me where
Is it a community college?
Hah. Hilarious seeing my school on that list.
Jesus that place was filled with idiots.
Nope, George Mason University. Probably the best school in Virginia.
Hilarious. My school tanked it's CS department ranking after I graduated. Probably because a bunch of professors left/retired over political safespace bullshit being pushed by the admins.
You pay for the marketing. Ivy league is any 100k a year job you want.
It's not about how smart you actually are but about the perception of your credentials to society.
But that's a bunch of bullshit. Your Ivy diploma doesn't mean shit but overqualified for most jobs, which is why Ivy's insist so much in talking about "networking" to shore up the fact your jobs won't come from your amazing skills, but who you know.
If you adjust for population the U.K. is pretty much even
>Ivy league is any 100k a year job you want.
Hahahaha you actually believe that shit?
Maybe in an inflated COL location like SF or Silicon Valley, but the rest of the nation, hell fucking no.
No matter where you went, unless you have relevant work experience either through internships or previous jobs, you are going to be hired as a junior engineer and you're getting junior pay.
spelled Arabic wrong
Again wrong. Just knowing someone will get you an interview and possibly an offer letter.
Knowing someone that has worked with you before and knows that you should be hired at above junior level will get you 6 figures out of school.
Work an internship, don't do bitch work. Do real work like you're collecting a full salary. You will walk into a senior position after graduation. They'll see your internship was work experience and hire you as an engineer 2 (or senior).
Hasn't been my experience, any ivy league finance.economics/accounting degree will land you 100k job with just a bachelor's.
Lets be honest here. That list is 99.9% reputation and not actual quality of education. When you go to an Ivy League University you're basically paying to have that name on your resume. Someone with Harvard on their resume is going to have a LOT more doors open to them than a person with the exact same degree from Bumfuck U, even if the content of the two courses was identical (and for most common STEM courses, it is).
You can get a perfectly good education at a no-name university, but what you know is rarely as good as WHO you know, which is where the big names come in.
To do what? What possible value could a new grad offer?
We spend 3 months training you fucks just to be not embarrassing when dealing with clients. Who in their right mind would offer 100k to bench a new hire?
I graduated from college 8 years ago, so you can stop talking to me like an inexperienced college kid just because you are some team lead engineer or what ever.
You would be surprised how many finance job are extremely easy, but you need a resume with amazing credentials in order to be considered.
my first job at an accounting firm was glorified excel spreadsheet data entry and I was making 80k a year out of college.
>you need a degree to show your potential employer that you are qualified
This right here is why you will not exceed a certain wage. When your goal in life is to be an employee, that is what you will be. Build an asset and allow your money to be YOUR employee.
>my first job at an accounting firm was glorified excel spreadsheet data entry and I was making 80k a year out of college.
So what you're telling me is that I could automate your job.
Dunno bout east coast / mid west but at least in SF bay area shit hole here, people think Ivy league is retard tier unless it's harvard or something and only consider MIT, CMU and UIUC as a legitimate school outside commiefornia. People take waaaay more precedence on Stanford, Berkeley and Caltech and MIT's probably the only thing considered equal or better though it's probably way better. Hell, I think people probably take more grads from CSU than Ivy.
How does Purdue rate countrywide and how much of that is diluted by the fact that I'm attending a satellite campus?
oh shut the fuck up you fucking retard. you're not going to get hired as a fucking surgeon without a degree
>Universities that are expensive, preventing lower classes which generally has less education or generally do worse in school from entering, that generally only allow high scoring students to enter
>"WOOOOW, how come THESE UNIVERSITIES score so high?????"
This is how retarded you are right now. It's like asking why water is wet.
They have automated stock brokers for years, they do a better job than normal stock brokers. Yet that job is still around making 100k plus salaries.
No way. I work as a manager at a banking institution in Des Moines. We hire idiots like you for 12.50/hour, churn and burn a few months (temps) and fire you all before we have to actually train you to be competent.
Don't tell lies on the internet.
just leftie neo marxist infiltrated used to be something in the top ten with the exxception of MIT
I don't get it. Is this for like phd programs? Publications? Research done?
Because like UCSF doesn't even have an undergrad program.
>degree shows you are qualified
No, companies consider you qualified if you have 3-5 years of work experience in the field. Otherwise they've got to train you how to do everything.
UCSF is a top medical school
Incredibly popular location for aspiring doctors doing residency
probably explains high ranking
I'm real sure you are churn and burning ivy league graduates. I bet you didn't even read the post before it and just jumped in to talk shit.
i worked on purdue univ. cornfield shithole. more asians than amerifags.
Sounds like a field ripe for some pruning then.
I have a few coworkers that have been going full hog in automating away tedious tasks like what you've described at the fraction of the cost. We're fully aware that we've downsized a handful of people just by automating things like generating PowerPoint presentations from excel spreadsheets. Or generating excel spreadsheets from access databases... etc.
Good luck out there.
Why the hell would I want to be 'hired' as anything by anyone? Trading time for dollars is stupid. Earn compound interest.
wow -- we so fucking smart
effin' aye
I am smart as fuck too
i am smarter than every other country
damn USA is so smart
It depends what field you are in
Like if you are a programmer, showing some great things that you have programmed is much better than any piece of paper
Post hospitals. You'll get the same results. It really triggers yuropoors to know they live such mediocre lives with no opportunity to advance themselves.
Gay sex.
Most of those schools give massive financial assistance to anyone whose family isn't very well off.
> Penn grad here
>post hospitals you can't afford
>post universities you can't afford
How does that boot taste?
dumb dumb netherlands
your not smart like us you dumb butt
god youre so stupid as fuck -- not even in top 20
You aren't an Ivy League graduate, especially if you cannot capitalize Ivy League. Regardless, I get sent about 70 resumes a week. I pitch them if they do not have some form of public or private college education. This is 70 resumes per week for about 10 jobs per month.
So I doubt the role you had paid you what it did. In fact, I doubt you have ever worked in an office. I assume that you are a freshman or sophomore in college and you are about to be clued into just how useless your resume is going to be when it gets into my hands and nothing jumps out at me
That being said, you could be 100% right, negate all of what I have said, and I'd still hire a practical person with an associate's and experience before I'd hire you.
And remember, all this for 12.50/hour
Think before you make up shit next time user, cause some of us actually work for a living.
You're both overly cringy.
This mountain jew knows his academics from watching movies.
>amerisharts brag about """their""" schools and hospitals that 98% of the country can not afford
every time
I'm just calling him out for his shit. He's in for a world of hurt once he graduates.
90% of the "did you fall for the college/STEM JEW" threads are about people who thought a degree on a piece of paper would open magical doors for them and did not bother to network, take internships, or take other courses
Sitting in your room on your laptop in college is a waste of everyone's time.
Nah just the white men, everyone else is subsidized.
>insecurity the post.
Funny how you completely ignored my point and just went on some tirade about my personal qualifications and how superior you are.
My original point was that Ivy league schools have a marketing value added, because of the perception about those who have a degree from those institutions.
It funny how many insecure people began personal attacks because of that.
>Chiraq university ranking higher than Yale and Oxford
Yeah? UChicago is considered pretty fucking good where I am.
Ayy made it to top 20
More than likely some bullshit story about how he just walked into an 80k job doing excel spreadsheets is fake.
Why pay Chesterfield 80k to do data entry when Poo In Loo is one phone call away?
But hey. I don't work in finance. I have no idea how fucked that industry is. If he is being truthful, he's going to be out of a job in 10 years.
America isn't called the greatest for nothing. Kek.
Marxist indoctrination centers that shit out the worst people this planet has to offer.
We aren't talking about your original post, we were talking about your followup. Too bad that University isn't teaching you to read.
I'm happy with where I'm at because unlike most people on this board, I networked and had leadership opportunities in college instead of staying in my room. This has benefited me. Not some piece of paper.
That was more or less my original point, but okay. You're absolutely right, too.
Which again, is more of an argument to find a job or skill that will never be automated.
> le afford meme
My out of pocket maximum is 4.5k for health insurance and I got scholarships and income based tuituion adjustments (parents don't make 100k) to go to an Ivy.
So it tastes pretty good. Enjoy mediocrity.
Calm down. It's not impressive. As you can tell by the rankings above, most of the schools in the top 20 aren't ivy league. Not that many ivy league schools even made it to top 20.
>The ranking agency
Oh pls... Everyone knows the UK has the best Universities.
>Portugal is the most cucked nation
Catching up.
The Ivy thing is kind of a meme. Its good for networking and that's about it. Also, if you want to go to grad school, it can be very helpful.
My Ivy background didn't help me get into my top choice for grad school (Georgia Tech) but I knew people who went to Penn State who got in because of - you guessed it - networking.
>what is a scholarship
I was just relating my personal experience, what is the point of attacking it on an anonymous image board. I wouldn't have even brought it up if the other poster wasn't doing the same with his personal experiences.
You a free to not believe me, I couldn't care less.
Who cares? Colleges are literal cuck factories these days.
This is why other countries finance their students to attend college in the United States while in the USA they fuck over their own citizens.
There is actually a reason why german universities aren't on the list despite being easily able to compete with the universities on the list. German Universities don't really do that much science, this is done by state-owned science organizations like the Max-Planck Institutes. Since these rankings also take scientific discoveries into account for the rankings, one can see why they are so low.
Cambridge, Oxford and UCL here are public and so way cheaper.
Teaching state of the art 80s engineering.
acedemic sucsess in women studies :^)
No. They fuck over people that make between 60k to 120k (joint income).
Anyone above 120k can afford to send at least one child to college and anyone under 60k receives healthy financial aid packets.
The middle class gets royally fucked out of being able to send their children to college.
aren't those universities sjw breeding grounds?
You are 100% correct
all these "i earn 150k a year doing nothing" LARPERS on Sup Forums piss me off aswell
they most likely sit in their moms basement cause they dropped out of community college and when they say that Paco is stealing their jobs they dont even lie cause Paco is more qualified than them haha
Enjoying life
That's only if you have capital you dumbfuck
Many top professions literally have an education requirement
I don't think schools that have a high focus on science such as MIT, Caltech and Swiss Federal insitute of tech really produces SJWs everyone there is too busy to care
and schools like UCSF is a graduate only school for the medical and health sciences, so no sjws there either
Every single one of them. Don't live on campus. Pick a major that has very little to do with humanities. When you do have a gen. ed. humanities class, show up only for the first class, midterm, and final. Find everything else online.
Yale is a piece of shit I live nearby it and all it produces are hippies and commies.
>I don't think schools that have a high focus on science such as MIT, Caltech and Swiss Federal insitute of tech really produces SJWs everyone there is too busy to care
HAHAHA.. Holy shit.
You do realize those schools make most of their money off of humanities & art majors right? If they're dumb enough to want to go to fucking MIT to major in Art History, MIT is more than willing to take their money.
But the downside is that you have this toxic piece of shit tied to your school's legacy and they have faculty making statements on behalf of your school.
>come to these top universities to meet and socialize with trust fund babies.
Unfortunately universities have been dumbed down to the point of uselessness.
Who really wants to pay (or worse, borrow) to be brainwashed and infantilized?
Capital is easy to acquire with a little knowledge you dumbfuck.
Johns Hopkins and UChicago are the only respectable universities on that list.
Fucking retarded literally end yourself you fucking hobbit
>literally what the fuck is the rest of the world doing
doing actual work instead of getting into life long debt over a liberal arts degree
>American ranking agency with many american lobbyists consider american universities to be the best of the world because money says so
Every fucking time! lool Just like those ranking agencies that deal with investments. The house always wins.
>and FIFA is corrupt they said...
You too, orc.