Real men stand with Israel

Daily reminder real men stand with Israel. Are you a real man or one of those beta alt right types?

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So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)


Sounds like Israel needs more diversity then.


Yes, a real Goy stand with Israel.

Jews are worthy of extreme hatred, for a very good reason.

You should know, Shlomo

Daily reminder that Israel won the 6 day war against many of the Arab countries and gained land.

