>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump w/Don King @ Mar-A-Lago 12/28/16
>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>Election 2016
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
I'm a dead user walking. See you guys in 3 days.
he will never get to 1237
Thanks for the threads
Real wolf hours continuing!
we need to bring back the bot, there was a couple close calls earlier
Not on my watch, Muhammad.
She looks cute in this one
Sweden BTFO user, you are my favorite poster.
Worse, I was posting animu on Sup Forums.
Thanks my American simian from another minion
For that cool looking webm I like? Really?
You probably should have posted a ton of it without any relation to Trump elsewhere, desu. Reaction images are another thing.
My pleasure, user.
Everybody deserves a Kellyanne in their life
>No issue to regular citizens
>LA county
Holy shit, California is a fucked up place
Any Ohio anons in here? Snowing pretty hard where I live, glad I live in a state where I can own pretty much gun any gun I want and get it in only a couple of hours
You can buy an AR-15 in a fucking walmart here in about 15 minutes
>ywn get to be a cute wolf grill and thus actually be useful in at least one way for America's future
So are there any happenings planned for inauguration? It would seem Trump is making a deliberate attempt to make it slightly safer by not making a big deal of it.
Too true
Anime? CIA black site for you.
Our rolling brigade of autists and tripfags normally keeps things rolling, so long as it is not a konosuba/gay sex thread.
Explains where all the stormfag muh Israel shills were coming from.
Let's indulge in a game of hypotheticals:
>Obergefell v. Hodges gives the Supreme Court the obligation to strike down STATE laws that violate the Bill of Rights
>Trump puts a right winger on the Court
>someone from a nogunz state appeals to the Supreme Court
>citing Obergefell, the Court orders ALL states, from rural Arkansas to San Fransisco, to allow people to just carry guns everywhere
>states are given 30 days to change their laws
Realistically, what the fuck happens? What do people do? What does the media do?
You have no idea how bad things really are in this shithole. I mean for fuck's sake they virtually just allowed underage prostitution.
pg 9 was hit, it was almost the end of ptg
Oh shit, it's on!
>no road to 270
>but a road to 306
kek i love my president
Does anyone have that drawing of the feminist that says "If your facts are true, how do you explain my feelings?"
Have shill repellent in return.
Don't worry user, kek says we all get an awoo girl in the afterlife for supporting him during the election, and the post did say support not vote so that qualifies you even if you aren't American!
got to boost that the tourist revenue user, about to lose federal funding after all
Does anyone even listen to this retard? The alt-right accounts I follow on Twitter don't even care about him.
Is there a rule the thread is banned forever if we don't continue?
> There were people who didn't think Spencer was a plant
I guess I'll just have to blame the KIKE SHILLS and the STORMFAGGOTS who won't deviate in their mission to ruin everything since it's on topic, however tedious.
Obergefell is a garbage decision with no real basis anyway. It actually boils down to "muh feelings" and should never be cited by anyone ever. Seriously, Kennedy says shit about "the government confers dignity" in it. It has the potential to be more destructive than Roe.
Another redditor buys the civic nationalism meme.
kind of upsetting that sam takes him seriously t b h
Most obvious Soros/Rothschild plant I've ever seen in my life.
>tfw have a competent and nice career woman with a great family in my department
>avoid company functions because I'm afraid I'll get drunk and say something I would regret
>What the fuck happens
America is great again.
>what do people do?
buy shitloads of guns and get real friendly.
>what does the media do?
it's revolutionized.
A team of stormfag consensus crackers sure do
>Trump is a kike puppet Jewlover
>disavow Trump because of Israel
If the faggot would program it to wait until page 7 no one would care
The media and libshits go ballistic, things take a long time to come into fruition, even with the 30 day limit, almost nothing changes except for libshits to blame any gun death on that law change no matter how wrong they are.
everyone who posted here gets banned and Sup Forums is shut down
>appropriating our frog culture
Yeah, California is fucked. The sooner we can kick them out of the union the better. I say we all meme Calexit into existence.
Well yes, kikes and stormers are always shitting things up. Leftypol too.
I fucking hate stormfags.
Oh, it's a shit decision, but that doesn't mean Trump couldn't basically use it as a weapon.
I'll let hitler explain who these faggots are
I wish I could use spoilers as to avoid making this blogpost open for everyone to see, but:
I'm actually American, user. I'm stuck in Korea right now though, quite a shitty place desu. Thankfully though I'm getting back to my home in Alaska very soon.
>get to be a wolf gril
>same as get an wolf gril
What are you doing in Korea?
>tfw stuck in WK
I'll ask people about their opinion on Trump
I'm sure your civic nationalism will work splendidly once whites are a minority.
Please let the conservative part stay.
We have... good wood? And some fish and crab I guess. I think the company that makes the inflatable rafts the navy seals use is based up here too.
>y-you're plebbit says the increasingly nervous shill sent here by the same FBI team as Spencer
Well, they did do that up here as well. Except now soliciting prostitutes is illegal. So what we have is you can whore yourself but you get arrested if you try to buy whores.
It's fucking insane, maybe Cali will go the same way you think?
Official thread themesong
Being autistic.
Why aren't you fags shilling for Ellison for DNC chair right NOW?
>all ethbo-nationalists have to be aligned with fucking (((Spencer)))
Ew, no.
Because they're stupid enough to do it for us.
>life-preserving cholesterol meds
I think he should, but I'm not sure he will. Plus the Democrat appointees are comfortable enough with doublethink to ignore the issue and just rule on their personal feels anyway.
Civic nationalism is the only reason the USA even still exists. An ethnic state would have collapsed in the late 1800s.
I am, IRL and on other sites. It doesn't make much sense to do it here.
Why the fuck did (((Israel))) cut funding to OG JIDF?
Fuck's sake, at least they could into subtlety and have the courtesy to post Jewess slags.
This is honestly embarrassing.
He's practically a shoe-in now that the DNC has gone full anti-Israel
soliciting has always been illegal though, so that part didn't need to change.
How is that law working up there?
How do we shill these insular faggots?
Spencer's comments are real.
Hail Trump! Hail victory!
half the state is federally owned too, I bet those cucks have no idea that the goverment owns their farm lands and national parks.
>home in Alaska
I'm onto you, bear.
The state of Jefferson is the thinking man's brexit and is likely more possible than a total secession.
Blame the Urban areas, that's where all the fucking filth lives
Look at Austin in Texas, you have faggy liberals cosplaying communists with guns
Thank fuck for rual white communities, they are the best and the only place it still feels like you're actually living in America
I have been for quite awhile, but like other user said why would I do that here?
To the guy that asked last thread yeah if he's into Fenders they're pretty nice. The MG69 got discontinued and they almost completely disappeared from every used guitar website I had been watching. Had a little scare on Christmas eve until I found this one tucked away on eBay for $604
Reminder that DRUMPF lost.
Because he won't come near it. Old guard will just dig in and block him they know how to wait out tides
Take the frog out of your name you fucker!
Good luck getting whores to flip on their clients/pimps without the threat of prosecution.
what part of Alaska user?
Fuck off cuck
>65% white
>Ethnic Nationalism
Wait till Trump helps out white birthrates in both millennials and gen x.
Jesus Christ.
It's shoo-in, user.
> San Francisco wakes up
> No water
> "What part of "cutting funding to sanctuary cities" didn't you understand?" says Trump, as he blasts open Hetch Hetchy and doubles the state's tourism income
red pill me on Ellison pls.
No we had a white nation with a small minority population which we kept under our boot until our immigration restrictions were altered in the 60s, flooding the country with mud people. Since then it has been gradually disintegrating as whites lose control.
That's great. Enjoy your 3rd world hellhole.
Also, there's talks of reviving Hillary's Email case
if it's not one group, it's the other
All the actual good JIDF got redpilled.
>tfw Netanyahu now browses Sup Forums and that's why he supports Trump hasn't talked about Hitler much recently
That's why you kick the illegals.
>It's a COINTELPRO episode
You've been pushing this for how many threads now? It isn't working. I'm a shill because I have no reason whatsoever to trust Israel?
Kill the entire region, I'd like to see the stars before I see a caliphate stateside.
>certified leader of the alt-right Spencer says to turn on Drumpf guys, you have to do it now