a-am I white, Sup Forums?
A-am I white, Sup Forums?
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Post pic of your skin, if you have kids with a white girl your kids will be white for sure
Go back to Japan and wife someone there.
Choose the admixture that won't be damaged by your muttness.
But japs are as good as white
>sub-saharan african
This. Japanese women need men but most Jap men are currently wimps.
Go fuck an Asian cutie, they'll fall for your semi-Caucasian features
*raises paw* uhhhh.... pls dont use that offensive "he" word. i consider myself to be an androgynous quasi-female pansexual wolfsoul. your concept of throwing around the word "he" willy-nilly is greatly offensive to my personal conceptualizations of my unique self image, and addressing others by using a certain label such as "he" is traumatic to me on a deep personal level, i was shaken to the core by your judgemental words. please be a little more considerate next time. thanks!
post pic of cutie haffu face kudasai
>Sub-Saharan African
Candachink wants to be white
Lol your dad was a fucking weeb and your mom was a fob looking for that citizenship
half jap is white enough
My dad is actually Ryukyuan so I look even more caucasian than I probably would have otherwise. I'm ALMOST "passable" for some kind of white, I think
*notices bulge* OwO whats this?
My dad was the Jap you raycis
you probably look whiter than many of the people in this thread.
am I white?
I was gifted with a dad from Okinawa so I don't have super chinky eyes
Your great grand dad Ahmed got LUIGI'D
that ugly ass nose fucks up the rest of her face
you are half/half so you will be hated by both.
na , i'm just kidding, no one gives a shit.
good thing jap isnt a race you dumby!
the italian comes from the maternal line.
I remain uncucked.
White people don't seem to give a fuck. People think I'm some kind of hispanic most of the time. If I went to Japan they'd just treat me like a foreigner (which is fair because I am)
I want to categorically say that I am non-white and proud of it.
>you were one of the bad guys all along
what does it mean?
sorry m8 total shitskin, now beat it you're no longer welcome here
What is that, Finnish?
be swift, be cunning, and your people shall never die. lol
>no longer welcome
Bro, this is Asia now. You ever been to Vancouver?
You are partially a sardine. makes you think.
>0.1% Sub-Haharan African
nice haplogroups
you should be more worried about your 0.1% inner nigger
What's up with the Watership Down shit? I don't get it.
>ash can nazi
what did they mean by this?
You the same guy I've spoken to like 30 times now?
probably, I'm realizing this now
No you're elliot rodger.
>3% southern european
>0.1% asian
get out of here pajeet
Is your mum English too?
Filthy shitskin. Get out cunt.
Yep her family is all anglo
R u Christian?
Elliot, did you come back from the grave?
He was half Thai or some shit, not an Origami chink
It's a joke you dumb chink.
i wish i was truly white.
I spit my coffee lmao. That would be so hilarious in a real life scenario.
you get out you fucking filthy anglo
no fuck your kike on a stick
Fuck off you subhuman sand nigger faggot, go back to your dunes and child rape.
Where can you get your neanderthal DNA senpai? See it quite often but it doesn't seem like it's 23andme that provides it.
Suck my cock you fucking filthy subhuman anglo convict bogan cunt.
Go back to where you belong subhuman. You smelly fucks need to stick to raping and stoning your women in your fukn dunes. Stay away from civilization, your brown brain cannot handle it shitskin.
israel you moved to germany?
>50% chink/""""native"""" american
hahaha, triggered bogan, you're probably still a virgin, while i'fe fucked countless aussie sluts.
stay mad faggot
>new Zealand
nice b8 m8
Jews like to make broad claims when it comes to DNA, maybe to have everyone forget they're not even semitic people anymore for the original semitic jews are only a tiny, oppressed minority in the jewish diaspora.
Ashkenazis (note the very funny "nazi" in there) are simply eastern Europeans pretending to be jews. It's more likely you have some small eastern European DNA that some jews have in common, but that doesn't make that DNA jewish.
23andme is largely speculation, and never forget those numbers can change any day depending on new discoveries.
Native American? What? I'm not Native. I'm half Jap, half white Canadian
>muh dik
Typical brown brain at work. Are you even trying or are you going out of the way to prove your subhuman status, subhuman?
>t. French who discovered to be a little bit Algerian
>t-the system is rigged, my great great great grandma wasn't a coal burner. I-I swear it!
>muh white brain
>muh subhuman
this is rich coming from a fat virgin bogan on neetbux getting assblasted on Sup Forums
if you want to see a subhuman look in the mirror cunt
Why are there no Elliot Rodger memes? Tsk tsk
not the guy you were arguing with but why are you even in a white country? wouldnt you be more comfortable with your own kind somewhere in the middle east?
>0.1 Sub-Saharan African
Didn't test on 23andme, but so far I'm in the top 10 most European people on FTDNA.
Fight me spaghetti.
>wouldnt you be more comfortable with your own kind somewhere in the middle east?
because I'm not a muslim, and I grew up here so there's no reason for me to be anywhere else
>a white country
>all this projection from such a subhuman brain
>on a Chinese oragami bulletin board
Why are you browns such meme faggots?
>subhuman status
We all know it, thanks for confirming it. Shitskin. Get the fuck out and back to the dunes where rats belong.
>no reason
>if a fish is born in a stable its a horse
Fuck off ahmed you fukn subhuman dog, you aren't Australian and never will be.
Sending my kit in the mail tomorrow
How long does it take for the results to come in?
>because I'm not a muslim, and I grew up here so there's no reason for me to be anywhere else
are you an atheist or a zoroastrian?
atheist, so is my whole family
kys faggot
by the latest statistics. yes, still a majority white country.
a few months for mine.
Gas yourself sand nigger.
Everybody asks this and everybody gets different responses. Mine took a few weeks desu. Some peoples take months. It doesn't take all that long so jut hang in there
I agree with you, just like how a European born on this island doesn't make them a Native.
Fuck off John you fukn subhuman dog, you aren't Native
Europe for the Europeans right?
you have to go back
>giving your DNA to the genetics jew
What are they gonna do, clone me? Cool.
Sell it to the government jew, the marketing jew and insurance jew.
I don't care if they know.
There would be no Australia without Europeans m80, my ancestors built this country to what it is and not to give it away to filthy sand niggers.
If the nips or chinks had got here first colonized it and built it up I would recognize their right to this land. The abbo dogs have no claim to "Australia" as it was created by and for whites and their future generations.
We should have completely wiped the subhuman abbos off the face of the map but we didn't and compassionately let them watch as the land they had left stagnant would become a first world country and catch up with the rest of the world.
you will
I'm scared of doing it and it saying im part Italian or black or something
Off by
>canadian """""women""""" racemixing
Surprised. Thought she would go for a dog instead.