I'm dying Sup Forums. Is there an afterlife? Or is the end The end.
I'm dying Sup Forums. Is there an afterlife? Or is the end The end
the bible says there's an afterlife so it must be true
Sorry leaf, this is the end.
But take heart brother, because you existed. For as long as the universe exists, and even beyond that, your life happened, and nothing will ever change that.
The end. See you space cowboy.
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
rip in compost Leafbro
There's an afterlife, but there ain't no pearly gates
Imagine it like a drop of water re-entering the ocean after a lifetime of falling from the heavens. you will swim with your brothers and sisters, but you will no longer be a rain drop
The guy's dying mate
look to the stars and in your dreams. Out of the void in space, great and terrible forces destroy and smolder in a sea of creation and fotune.
In your death, a new life will come. Although I cannot prove this, I actually feel that only the individual can prove this to themselves.
in your deeds and in the memories of your loved ones, you will indeed live on. If you are actually dying, I prey for you. The club you are about to join is an eternal equalizer, from king solomon to Jimmy Hendrix, you will share in their cosmic dream...and they will share in yours.
the end is not so bad, during life you could not do all the bullshit lies they taught you.
the only sadness is that the world does not end with you, knowing that one day some one like you will go through this bs again.
I'd like to believe there is an afterlife. But even I doubt myself and think that is bogus sometimes.
Idk leaf send me postcards and let me know
Why are you dying?
Anyone else absolutely terrified of death?
Any time I start thinking about the idea that I'm inevitably going to die and enter non-existence I just end up with such an overwhelming and oppressive sense of dred.
Only one way to find out. I suggest helium. We're running out, you know?
idk user
had a few 'oh fuck, that was nearly the end of the road' incidents last few years, im sort of not really worried about the Big Checkout anymore
what are you dying of
Nobody knows. From a logical viewpoint, no. But what the fuck is logical about existence in the first place? Be at peace, brother.
Go out with a bang, you faggot!
Turn Trudeau into a winner by killing him.
why don't you find out
My grandma was fond of saying if there was an afterlife then great, if not she'd neither know nor care. I take solace in those words and I'm pretty sure they guide my whole spirituality.
She died over the holidays. Hurts.
The religion business has been making a tidy profit from people like you for millennia.
The fact is, there is literally nothing to be afraid of. You were dead for billions of years before your birth. You will return to being dead soon enough. The thing to remember is that you will be unaware of the fact that you are dead.
And I know that but still if terrifys me.
I think thinking about death is something like thinking about the size of the universe. It's so far beyond human compression that it causes a sense of discomfort and smallness
The "end" as you know it is only the beginning. Find solace in rejoining your soulgroup in infinite service to the One True INFINITE CREATOR. As your final request ask for no fancy funeral, instead have em burn you, rent out a bar and party till 4am in your honor, godspeed my brother, love and light be with you always.
You tell us, user
I believe we all are already dead. I made the banner post that this is hell. I used to not be religious but I could die any minute of any day because I have a disease with no cure.
I dig this song. Fedoras can suck my lil dick.
You are not alone leaf as I too am dying... the doc gives me 3 to 4 more decades before I am expected to kill over.
guys just let em rip
Have a safe journey, leaf. May we meet soon in wherever you are headed. I will let you know if God Emperor made everything better or not.
Don't die please, not yet. I love you.
I've had a few out of body experiences, I am an eternal being in a physical body. I love my life on Earth and do not want death, but when it comes my way I will embrace it.
No one ever lay awake at night wondering if Allah is real. You know as well as I do that if anyone is God, it's Jesus. Please, look into Christianity before you die. It matters a lot, and you have nothing to lose.
Yes, there is an afterlife, and Jesus came to take us there.
I am also pretty terrified of death. When I was a kid, I remember crying a lot because I couldn't accept death, this black picture that will stike me when I die, and losing all consciousness. By now, I have developed this idea that death is not the end, that after death, my energy, my spirit, my soul wanders around the Cosmos, because energy that has been created can not disappear.
What also helps to accept death is that all your loved ones, your idols, your compatriots, your friends and family, we are all going to the same place in the end. Whatever happens in death, we all go there, and everyone has successfully made the journey to wherever we are supposed to go. So wherever we are going, you do not die alone, but rather you go through the same journey that billions of human beings have started.
you will become a machine elve
I'm agnostic but the truth is we don't know where consciousness comes from, whether it is created by the physical world or not, so even being secular we dont know if death is just nothingness...
Kek says you'll be a leaf in your next life. A useless fucking leaf! Check my digits...
>because energy that has been created can not disappear.
I take a lot of solace in this too. That and the idea that time might be cyclical and that some day I might be back here with my family again.
Theres nothing, I once visited the other side.
It was empty, I also lost my faith in the progress but thats like 7 years ago.
>even being secular we dont know if death is just nothingness...
this is true, there could be some higher form of consciousness we all join to form a collective consciousness that is not conscious of itself, but together forms a hivemind that wanders around in a matterless form of energy. In other words, there could be a Heaven.
i died for a bit once (heart stopped)
i saw a hallway with a door at the end of it
i didn't get to open it before i was brought back
Theres nothing beyond there.
not from what I saw
This reminds me a scientific study that found there is a massive DMT release in brain before the brain dies, which causes one to see everything in super slow-mo and re-experience everything in your life in the extremely stretched out short seconds you have before you die. I don't have sauce for this but I remember that some years ago, one user who had a near-death experience provided a greentext story of the same phenomenon.
My brain was "off" for a moment and it there is absolutely nothing, not even void.
I also cant tell the difference between left and right if i need to react fast nowdays
You complete fucking moron. Get ass cancer, then die.
im pretty sure that's not possible
That is not a fair comparison, because your brain cannot be fully "off" if you waked up from it. Brain controls shit like heart function, breathing and all the lowkey stuff to keep you alive. If your brain was truly "off", you couldn't wake up from it without medical attention.
You're reborn in your children. If you don't have any yet, it's time to poke some holes in condoms man.
I doubt it's the end. Life is so absurd that something logical like death being the end seems improbable.
Calm your tits, shit cunt, christianity is always worth looking into when you need spiritual guidance. Much better than shitskin religions or neopaganism.
We'll think of you,
You can cure your cancer with frankincense oil, colonics, juice cleansing, chiropractic therapy, deep breathing and a no sugar-no wheat diet.
This is a good point. If your genes live on, you live on forever and become immortal.
This makes it worse.
>I'm dying
from what
I have been thinking about that too. If time is infinite, but matter is finite.... Eventually we will all live the same timeline or slightly different timelines again. Unless it is a different conscious but hey just a theory
I woke in the hospital from the state of not existing or thats how i felt.
your soul is transported to the first baby it finds
make sure you die somewhere with a 99.9% white population
Saved. Thanks. In case i ever get cancer, I will do this.
After doing dmt I'm not scared of death anymore. This life is a dream or test, it's not real.
I used to be 10 once too
now dying and the unknown sounds exciting, much more than my current life
leafs tend to biodegrade and then act as nutrient for other plants
Then i went to sleep and i slept for long time.
I have regained most of body functions to fairly normal state but for some reason the difference between left and right is really really hard to understand in fast sitsuations.
NO religion is worth looking into, custard-brain. They are all scams designed to separate fools from their money, a fact which clearly has eluded you.
For me it was like a lights off lights back on when back alive thing. When off there was nothing because it seemed like no time had passed but they saved me or rather I didn't end up dieing. Or I did die again and now it's another go at it.
Either way you are gone but what happens if you come back on again? Perhaps you start out as a baby or another animal with all your memory gone. Everyone here I think existed before and therefore we have all died and been reborn. There is just no memory. Also infinite universes and infinite time. Big bang and big crunch over and over in each as there is not only one universe but infinite ones and only that which we can observe and guess about. We might cross paths again OP, I might be an ant you step on or a blade of grass or a spec of sand In a universe that is the same with the same matter turned into different items and elements. Everything is dead and then alive in its own version.
The only thing to fear really is the pain of the process that can be a bitch depending on how one gets snuffed out. I fear the process for sure but not the result that much anymore.
Also, sometimes I think we are all returned from the dark damnation that is the religious hell, here for redemption in your actions.
Make up your own mind however.
better save this one too and watch documentary "the truth about cancer" on youtube
I'm more afraid of the process of dying, rather than the concept of death itself.
Long, drawn out, excruciating deaths terrify me.
Dark web, nembutal. Problem solved.
Why are you afraid of nothing?
Its final eternal resting place and you dont even need to exist.
Who knows for sure, leaf.
I wish you the best, it's something we'll all go through, remember that.
I have heard this argument so many times, and it bores me. Please tell me, why is it that virtually every single society in the whole world developed some sort of religion? Are all societies in world equally full of scammers? Is our whole human civilization a scam, perhaps? You don't seem to realize that scamming people is way easier than establishing a religion. A good con artist, or even a bad one doesn't need a fuckin religion to scam anybody.
I personally believe that there is a reason. I believe it is contained in the fact that we all need spirituality in one form or another, and religion provides answers to our spiritual void that nothing else can answer, not even science or atheism.
Interesting. So you felt absolutely nothing and don't remember anything? What was your condition, exactly? Were you in a coma?
when you die, you will be right where you were, before you were born
Keep fighting Leaf until you can fight no more
There probably is. The world is too well written not to have a good denouement, but it's probably Hell.
I did not feel anything since i did not exist.
I wont tell the whole story, someone might find me but i went to the point where i did not emit any kind of activity.
Nice song thanks! Praise Jesus Christ
Or... DMT was just a cheat code to make you think otherwise. Stay blued...
You know the only churches where you have to give money are the crappy prosperity gospel ones, right user?
I should be dead but somehow i came back and i beleave theres something i need to do since i came to exist from point i did not exist.
But was it any different from just sleeping?
we will mourn you in the press. Then a few months later, discretely, we will file an insurance claim.
Alot, yes.
Its hard to explain.
He does not understand the concept of nothing
You need to experience the "nothing", i cant effectively put it in to words.
May she rest in nothing
Look man, just think of death as a huge blank playground of virtual nothingness where you can do whatever you want as long as it's in the confines of nothing.
You'll be fine.
It aint no playground when you do not exist.
all these guys will be, oh my god, i'm dying, save me.
Sounds like a playground to me.
How do you play if you aint anywhere?
Theres no you, me or us when you go beyond the point.
nobody alive today except maybe some turtles were alive 200 years ago. birth death rebirth and on and on
I know right
It's perfect desu
If this post is trips you will be in God's book of memory and will be brought back to life.