Fuck you millennials you are worthless sacks of shit.
Fuck you millennials you are worthless sacks of shit
Gen x here.
Direct your anger towards boomers instead. Thanks!
Star wars is shallow one dimensional trash for children. I've never understood why it's so popular.
millenials are just as bad as boomers, its just boomers had a better economic situation.
You just described why it is so popular seppo-san.
Gen x and millennials are more or less the same thing
Son, you'd better listen up, and listen up GOOD.
I've seen shit that would make your fucking head spin. From dismembered babies back on the DALnet server of IRC, to IRCimages and rotten.com, ogrish and BestGore, and shit on the deep web that you'd run fucking SCREAMING from. Liveleak? Liveleak is for fucking PUSSIES. I've seen it all and come back to tell you little millennial babies how the fuck it is.
You know why I like moderation at this place? Because there are so many fucking places you can visit if you want your "fix" of chaos and brutality, of endless shitposting after shitposting, and your stupid "memes" layered so deeply that they've lost any and all meaning.
Fuck you. I'll say that again so your tiny little mind gets it. FUCK YOU. I LIKE moderation at this place. I LIKE a little island of order in the sea of endless shit. And I LIKE to discuss politics with like-minded individuals in a nice, orderly setting with the occasional image-reply that Reddit doesn't have.
THAT is why I come to this place, you fucking shitcunt, and THAT is why I've been here for 10 years now. Now you fuck right off and start exploring those shitposting memes you love so much, you fucking teenaged douchenozzle.
Good costume design, music, and sound effects.
*raises paw* uhhhh.... pls dont use that offensive "he" word. i consider myself to be an androgynous quasi-female pansexual wolfsoul. your concept of throwing around the word "he" willy-nilly is greatly offensive to my personal conceptualizations of my unique self image, and addressing others by using a certain label such as "he" is traumatic to me on a deep personal level, i was shaken to the core by your judgemental words. please be a little more considerate next time. thanks!
And yet we've seen the former destroy more opponents on screen...
Star Wars is a multi-million dollar vehicle to move a specific theme of merchandise.
Though not all of it is popular. You'll note that the biggest sellers, what flies off the shelf first and by large quantity, are always lightsabers and Empire stuff. Little kids love laser swords, ray guns, and totalitarian authoritative figures.
millenial here
I hate it when people describe millenials as the 'hero genertation'
we're not
we're the worst generation thus far
we're cucked beyond belief
all my peers are faggots and cunts
I've heard that the next generation might be more conservative though
>gen Z
>He's cooler because explodeded more people
Good goy, keep watching the Star Wars Derivative trilogy
>and totalitarian authoritative figures
How can Sup Forums use this to our advantage?
He was defeated by a girl, user. Who never once picked up a lightsaber in her life.
>more conservative
More right wing perhaps but more in the fascist sense not the cuckservative sense
They're that kind of generation that If an economic collapse happens and they grow up into it history will be made and millions of subhumans will perish
Everyone who's ever posted on Sup Forums since it's foundation is a millennial including everyone here now. Sounds more like you're all butthurt cucks
What did he mean by this?
Got your nose!
Incredibly untrue my autistic friend
did he died ?
what millenail fault again
> Gen X
> Being disciplined or valuable in any way
Atleast there's still time left for the millenials while Gen X:ers will rot away as the most insignificant low achieving generation ever.
1978 gen Xer here. Cant wait for those fucking boomers to die. They are the problem.
if you were born between 1980 - 2000 you are indeedly dandly a millenial.
*notices bulge* 0w0 whats this?
What is the problem is life extension technologies.
>unironically praising gen x
kill yourself you retarded cunt
I once got some flavor of Bong beaten half to death by niggers because I told them "seppo" was a reference to septic tanks--i.e., calling them shitskins because they were black.
Sure enough he said it and they said "whas dat supposed to mean," and he started his explanation of his gay culture's rhyming slang and one of them cold-cocked him midway through the sentence.
Oh lawdy was Sheila screaming then, do all Anglo women start making up words when their boyfriends get knocked out?
why do people hate baby boomers so much?
Not true, I'm Gen Y.
>Why are 90's kids so cynical and nihilistic?
memed the first time voter
90s kids are alot like like me
, nihilistic, brutal and a wicked sense of humor
t. born in 96 so im a 90s baby suck it fags
Gen X:
late 30's - 40's
relates thoughts in Star Wars memes
Can confirm. Had Darth Vader and stormtrooper figure (the ones flying scooter things on the planet with small bears) and a stormtrooper gun. My 'liberal' friend like the rebel scum.
Gen X are absolute nihilists. At least millenials care about things
Gen X will have to live knowing they'll always be playing second fiddle to the Boomers, and so they project by bashing Millenials. What a miserable existence.
>being a middle child generation
I almost feel bad for them tbqh
i want to fuck that roo