Game developer Brianna Wu says she is running for Congress in 2018.
Game developer Brianna Wu says she is running for Congress in 2018.
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She looks more like a Brianna Poo instead of a Brianna Wu
Good one user. Made me think
That's a man, right?
That is a male.
>game developer
Being the diversity nagger for a game studio is not developing
> Game developer
lets not jump too far
So much money to be made in repairs from catastrophe
she looks like a mad tv actor in drag
literally one of the least passable trannies ever
She thrives off of attention. Just ignore her and let her run. The worst thing we could ever do is agitate her and cause her to go on a crusade against Sup Forums.
Wu's craziness will be her own undoing if she wins and more people might get redpilled because of it.
Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
yeah didn't the game tank horribly?
a boy maybe
definitely never a man
admittedly more of a """game developer""" than Zoe Quinn
psychotic faggot ≠ girl
It did.
first thing when I see this thing is that this is a male larping as a female. One would have to explicitly tell me this thing wants to be called a female to figure out that this is supposed to be a female.
>Below, the image says: "She fought the alt-right and won. Now she's fighting for all of us. Fearless leadership for 2018.
>male larping as a female
His game is literal horseshit, it looks worse than that "reboot" cartoon and gameplay is braindead easy.
It took a team of feminist cunts and about 100k (maybe more) to make.
His female impersonation is as bad as his game.
As a newfag who wasn't here for gamergate, Kek bless Sup Forums. That's fucking hilarious.
does anyone think that he's the one that shills himself on Sup Forums?
The very fact that you'd try to go directly into politics from fucking game design just because you're temporarily angry is proof you just want attention and validation instead of actual creative output. Lots of poets, little poetry.
Wu is basically Chris Chan with better networking skills.
I've had my suspicions for awhile. One Brianna Wu post looked like something she'd make. OP literally called her "gamergate whore".
She's a known false flagger too.
please let this happen
it would be so great if we took the "FIRST TRANS WOMAN" wind out of their sails so early on and showed everyone how a mentally ill faggot who's only famous because he's a professional victim can fuck everything up so badly
The only person who posts shit about John Flynt is John Flynt. Fuck off you crazy faggot. Nobody gives a fuck about you.
>She fought the alt-right and won
When did that happen? And what did she win?
>he's a known false flagger too.
i'm aware. that's why i asked
Just keep an eye out and take screencaps if it looks like obvious harassment bait. This thread seems legitimate to me.
Jesus H. Christ,
Did it lose a fight with a weed eater?
John Flynt is the psychotic faggot who is larping as "Brianna Wu."
I wonder if they're related. He looks like Larry Flynt with a dollar-store wig.
But there IS so much money to be made by taking women. seriously.
Meme him. Make Democrats look even more retarded than they are.
Brian Wu for congress!
Bomb this fag with pics saying you fought a yeti, Gorilla, anything else imaginary and won. Run for Senate on same platform.
>Fair is fair
>her husband
Why would you hide the name?
/qa/ is scheming again. You might want to take a look at this thread.
>Gorillas are imaginary
I hope Trump makes our educational system great again.
Because some of you faggots might try to track down her Steam profile and mess with her. Feeding her attention only fuels her insanity.
Also personal info is against the rules here.
this. the people that make these threads are either brianna himself or her cohorts. let him fade into obscurity and sage these threads
Calling him 'her' only fuels his insanity.
I don't know what's funnier: the fact that this sack of spare parts is running for Congress, or the fact that this sack of spare parts thinks it can defeat all the old money in this state.
Getting a seat on the House or Senate in this state has nothing to do with being popular, it has everything to do with sucking enough business choad.
you know how we have YRYL threads? it's infuriating, but you're addicted to the hatred?
all of Sup Forums and Sup Forums-like sites are johnny's YRYL, he browses here all the time, he needs to know the latest schemes his imagined enemies are cooking up.
and when everyone forgets about his stupid fucking horse shit antics, he'll make a thread calling for everyone to brigade Literally Wu.
if this congress run is legit, john's going to up the ante on the false flagging and discover that shit doesn't fly in the real world. it will be hilarious.
Holy shit. That's some Chris-Chan tier autism I'll tell you hwat.
Yup. And do you ever notice how it's only 3 or so posters who are bitching about Sup Forums nonstop?
>a man to run for congress in a dress to make everyone realise womyn are worth listening to.
>letting trannies compete in women's sporting events.
Do liberals have a self destructive gene?
It's the same on Sup Forums
Lets be honest.
It's going to embezzle and misapropriate as much campaign funds as it possibly can while doing as little media as it possibly can (other than softball puff pieces it can control). It's not smart enough to steal the money properly either.
God I want to see it on Tucker Carlson so god damned much. It is almost incapable of human behaviour, let alone female behaviour. It's also a habitual fucking liar with emotional problems.
I want it to be fully serious about this so much, because I want it to show the world how damaged it is in the timespan before it serves jailtime.
That was supposed to be Godzilla. Sorry my autocorrect works, faglover.
i hope and pray johnny makes it to the big leagues, because it's going to be the biggest crash and burn since the Hindenb-- kek, no, since Hillary.
She sure as hell won't win anything in the next 8 years.
He needs a good slogan.
Can't Jew the Wu.
Are they still trying to outright get Sup Forums deleted, or are they just bitching about certain threads?
Read some of the posts in that thread. One autist literally wants Wu to get involved just so they can destroy our board.
10/10 husbando
Never forget the valiant last stand of the brave Alt-right warriors against the forces of Wu.
Remember the Ayyylmao.
Trips say she wins and destroys the party.
>the wu trans man ain't nuttin ta fuck wit
He'll see it. I'm 90% sure that it's Wu who made this thread desu.
>Are they still trying to outright get Sup Forums deleted
Yes. I go there for a laugh from time to time, it's even more retarded than /q/ 2bh
Then again they're autistic redditors, what do you expect?
Look how retarded they are
How do you know she will be president in 2024?
>"she" fought the alt-right and won
>Trump is president
What did CNN mean by this?
Also, what district is he running for? I live in Silicon Valley and I would very much like to vote against him.
>Also, what district is he running for?
He's running in MA. Still hasn't said what district.
In few years time we have sharia law in Europe.
Women no longer are allowed to have a job. Not even go out without a male escort.
So there's really no point listening what women have to say
He will be laughed at.
First link if you type in "brianna wu steam account"
Only one thing to say.
Nevermind, he lives in Boston. I just figured San Francisco because it's where degeneracy and tech come together.
>all these white knights on her twitter
that is a she?
As much of a she as that Aryan gentleman in your gif.
woah when did Sup Forums get flags?
no one cares about congressional elections so no one will really care to vote against her compared to the army of libcucks who will race to the ballots to vote for her. she'll probably win.
>unimportant person who made an iPhone app one time says they are running for Congress in 2018.
I dont know, I thought it was a really ugly woman
>So much money to be made by taking women seriously.
The fallout from taking women at face value would create the demand for so many jobs, that we'll literally be working non-stop until we stop taking women seriously.
We'll need more cops, manual laborers, and a literally endless wealth of useless bureaucrats crafting bulky useless laws that expand government power.
So much money would be made...
>It's not smart enough to steal the money properly either.
He just has to Sarah Palin it. Get someone to ghostwrite a book about you and your politics, purchase a fuck ton of said books from yourself with your campaign funds, distribute your books for free at campaign events. All monies for you and your shit book you didn't even write is now a bestseller which could sucker in actual sales. You hear that Brianna? I know you're reading.
is that why she's running for congress?
because she made a lot of money?
The attention well was running dryer than her fake pussy. So she needs to drum up some more attention to survive.
what a fucking joke
its because it ran out of money and cant develop games for shit so it is attempting to leech from corrupt congress.
Isn't that what rich and (in)famous people do in America? I mean look at Arnold Schwarzenegger - He was first a body builder and won Mr. Olympic, then he became a famous film star and went into real estate making millions, and he was elected a govenner. I am sure he just one of the most widely known people to do so.
>and won
...won what?
>diversity nagger
I want to use this pls to confirm the term isn't copyrighted
It's funny how she never actually had anything to do with gamergate. She just sort of started flipping out about it for no reason.
The sheer levels of narcissism Wu is capable of shouldn't be physically possible. Their ego is so dense is should have its own gravity well.
go die in a fire, john