Yall know what time it is!?!?!?

Its FASH DESTRUCTION TIME. Lets get to it. First off. White ppl dont exist. Never have. They are albinos and ashamed of it. Lepers who die by sunlight. Again, super ashamed of their origins. This is why they cry so much and try to make others feel bad. Because no matter how much they take it out on the rest of the planet, we will never be stinky, dog-smelling-like, useless, die-by-sunlight, good for nothing, actual subhuman, actual mutant, albinos.

Again. White race doesnt exist. Never has. Youre not white. Youre albino descended and super ashamed of it. Show me how you fight albino. Leper. Show me mutant.

I will show you coward how to die as I decapitate you with true knowledge and devour the entirety of your ego leper.

Aint no one gonna feel less than you buddy. should have known your place leper. Should have kept your mouth shut and kept to yourself. Now. Now albino. Youre gonna pay in full albino. Barack Obama. 8 years. Won twice. BLACKED.COM

"Blonde cheats on HUSBAND with BLACK STUD" 500 MILLION views. LMAO.

Its just not your world to covet anymore leper. Show me how you fight. I will show everyone what you are afraid of mutant.

And this? This is my board now. Bow down to your new master betamale sexless cucks.

>Just came back from fucking the BRAINS out of my Euro gf.
>clean my dick /pol with your albino tears

Other urls found in this thread:


black people don't exist. they're just made of aids and shit and that's why they look black.

Your virginity exists lmfao loser ass fashy. Youre parents divorce exist. LOL. too bad mommy was a big whore! Needed more albino dick who wasnt ur dad LOL. You MAd? You mad. Sorry about your broken home albino. But no exucse to be a faggoty lil fascist wannabe. Youre gonna give me so many tears. Devoured.

WE WUZ thread?




didnt read lol

enjoy 8 years of trump tho


It's like black /pol

So the isn't antifash?

You hate people with white skin?

Do you hate people with a tan too?

Are blacks with freckles inferior blacks?

So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)


The funny part is im not even blakc and they are right. You are gingers albino. the originals. Seed of Cain. Albino and ashamed. Why was cain jealous? He was an albino. Thats why youre mad. Cuz the sun remind you of your place lepers.

You might not be black but you are definitely one stupid nigger. Go shoot yourself or something.





Nah I tried that kumbaiya come on white brother, cant we all get along, we are all related jazz.

You betrayed my love. Insulted my compassion. Now you will have my hate. And my hate will take EVERYTHING from you. Everything. Your whole world is a lie. I will watch it crumble, I will kick down the remaining structure points, and I will laugh in your face as EVERYTHING slips out of your greedy grubby albino fingers. You thought there was no consequnces anonmouys /pol? Mr secret online fascism? I am the consequence. And Im just a fraction of the beginning to your complete end lepers.

You will beg for our forgiveness and it will be too late.

You like hitlers speeches do you. Let me show you some real leaders who fought real adversity.

Malcom X ". Don't change the white man's mind -- you can't change his mind, and that whole thing about appealing to the moral conscience of America -- America's conscience is bankrupt. She lost all conscience a long time ago. Uncle Sam has no conscience."

You see? Thats why I cannot reach you with love, because youre devoid of it. Youre mothers were whores who got divorces, so now your mad. Naturally the best way for a white man to relieve his anger is to go online and just yell nigger this, kike that, everyone is below me. I am the best.

Who would of that that chickens coem to roost. Who would have thought that minorites could knock down the white man so far in 2016.

If I went back in time and asked a younger if in ten years I thought I woudl be kicking the living shit out of ashamed albinos, tearing their wolds apart. Drinking deep of their spiritual energies. I would have no idea wtf future me is talking about.

Who saw this coming albino. Nobody. Karma is grand. She has a plan for you and I am a part of that plan.

Worth the complete destruction of the image of the white man. Youll never get another chance. Your baby boomer parents will be rotted off soon enough. You wont have the wealth nor the numbers to protect you from the hungry liberal masses albino. Someone's gotta pay. That someoone is you albino. Its just your turn now.

Keep it up albinos. Youre totally not fueling the fires of your own complete self -destruction.

There was a time I thought all men are created equal. I know better now. Thank you neo nazis and white supremacists for teaching me that. I know now that now matter how bad my life becomes, I will never be beneath you disgusting creatures hated by nature itself. Defiecent diseased mutants. Albino and ashamed of it. I will never be that and you will always be that for the rest of your life leper. Show me how you fight albino.

inb4 first muslim president. You heard it from me first albys

lol damn you're mad

Not albino and my parents are together, happily married. Also Im dating hottie euro and have a pretty nice new job in the IT field. Life is grand for me albino, my ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same? No lol, youre ashamed of your ancestors albino. Scared shitless of them. Coward of reality.

fuckkan lloll

Funniest part is I believe all that to be completely true and im not even black. Once you learn the truth about albinism it all makes sense. I have jungle fever like never before. I know who will give me the strongest children. It is not your albino women with their shitty genetics.

This is my world now albino. Its time to face the music. Bcuz youll never have power like this. This is as Mother nature intends. You will always be less than me leper.


Dude you just went on a tirade that whites dont exist but claim to have a Euro gf.

Did you skip on your meds today?

Did anyone spread this one out on kikebook or twitter?

Does it piss you off that 'degenerated albino mistake' is objectively better than you in every way?

>White ppl dont exist. Never have

Niggers don't exist. It's mind over matter. I don't mind that they don't matter.

1 in 5 v 1 in 2 kek

>my ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?


She knows shes an albino. Blue pilled? or is that red pilled still? Sorry im not faggoty fashy.

She used to be just like you guys last year. Conservative parents who voted for trump. Had brothers who hated black ppl and minorites. Once told me"Id never date outside my race"

You know what she tells me now?
"Do you wanna try it in my butt"

I said yes. Shes really good looking in my book. petite. Skinny. Does p90x. triple D's and only 5'4

Do you guys have gfs? What about awesome happily married doctor parents? Nah not that either? Well at least you have your Albino pride world wide. Oh you dont have htat either? Your ashamed of yourself? Well then I guess your just shitty useless good for nothing lepers. Boohoo. Dont worry I will boohoo for you and your broken homes.

what the fuck is this thread

L2 Haplo faget

R1b = White

and this is BAIT

Australia among the highest IQ lmfao give me a break. Thats how I know thats some bullshit.

IQ itself is bs, its there to make a beta white man feel better about himself. Cuz if he found out he was an albino he would be on the verge of suicide like the subhuman leper that he really is.

Lol nope fuck you pay me. Die by the sun as nature intends leper. I fuck your women while you have nobody lonely fashy.

Get riggity riggity Rekkkkkt. Hilarious. Cant make this shit up. Karma is too grand. Its going to give me everything you have albino.

>Rick and Morty reference

Lol these are the posts I live for, I'm not white but the effort put into the shitposting is pretty impressive

>ethiopian diet

so...eat nothing?


wtf blacks are geniuses now

Lol funny thing about ethopians are they are classified caucasions. How can that be. How can black ppl be caucasion. Because they were your ancestors albino. Google them. Ethopians. And laugh at how fake your entire world is as I do. Laugh yourself into madness as you realize everything is about to come crashing down.

Look its a Caucasian LOL. Again, im not even black. I just love the way karma is punishing you albino.

I really dont get why pajeet is bragging about having a gf. This isnt /fit /, Sup Forums, or /r9k/.

Ive had plenty of gfs. I stuck it in my first gfs ass when i was 17. Ive slept with scores of women, and now ive met the woman of my dreams and plan to marry her in a few years.

Just having some shitty race traitor gf isnt the be all end all of women. Most women are whores, and are easy to sleep with. If youre even moderately successful women will want to date you.

Its understandable to be jealous of aryans but we're starting to regret sharing our technological advances with shitskins like you with how aggressive youre getting. We thought teaching you to poo in loo would make you happier and healthier.

>"Blonde cheats on HUSBAND with BLACK STUD" 500 MILLION views

You know most people watch the porn where they imagine they're the one doing the fucking, right?


Australians are the smartest people on earth you stupid namefag.


Melanin makes your eyes absorb color?

thank you Melanoid people

>earth is rightful white clay


lol you're retarded.
It means the Ethiopians' ancestors came from the Caucasus and displaced the native African inhabitants tens of thousands of years ago, then turned black.

Go on......


It should also be noted that regular blacks worship Ethiopian royalty as gods, and Ethiopians were the only African nation able to resist European invasion.

Coincidence that they're genetically linked to Caucasians, OP?

Cool mrcanadian, duh women are easy to anyone who takes care of themselves and has game. Pretty sure the only reason I tell you guys that is because 90% of /pol is sexlesss skinny betamale neckbeard with no game, no rythym, what the women call "creep". Nice explanation buddy will never fix your parents marraige tho or that void that scar left on you. Dont worry albino, I will listen to your cries. Actually, Im here to collect. Tell em more, it was your mother who filed the ddivorce wasnt it?

>white people are jealous

with eyes like this? i don't think so.


The problem for you niggers is the climatic shift that will happen in your lifetime. The niggers of Africa won't survive. Already niggers die in their own shit of starvation and because of unclean drinking water, coupled with the fact over 80% of HIV infections occur in Africa, the future is bleak for your people. The amusing thing is how little anybody gives a shit about it either, even this year the charitable organisation's are focusing on Syrians for Christmas donations, I haven't seen one advertisement this year about some nigger with 8 skeletal children dying in some arid wasteland in Africa.

So smart you are descendent of exiled rapists and theives. So smart that youre an albino living in a place where you can actually die by the sun. Genius! crikey!

Go die by a stingray faggot. Aussies smart. lmao. Dont make me shit myself in cringe.

you wuz a kang, no need to be mad.

lmfao a nig is trying to taunt about others coming from single parent householes

this is rich, Jamal


I do love how mad OP appears to be. Perhaps he's realized by now that the supposed 'Non-existent' white race has contributed more than any others, besides perhaps Asians...Maybe. If the OP would be so kind...If the 'Non-existent' white/albino race is so inferior...How did we conquer the world? Create major advancements? Create some of the best civilizations? I'm probably falling for some serious bait here, but meh. Overall, the white race is probably not finished. It's faced harder than some self entitled minorities. Not everyone ends up high up, and if the OP is to be believed, he wound up lucking out. Good for him. Too bad intelligence wasn't there. Will be a sad day once whites perish and everything reverts slowly to natural settings. Muslims and their barbarian ways, Africans and their tribal bullshit, Asians might have working societies still. Perhaps they'll take over. I'd mention Latinos, but they tend to drive their societies into anarchy.

entertaining read, definitely sounds like poo in loo. Now I can tell ppl I'm albino!


How did you get here albino? Did your skin change color cuz you went to europe and it needed more vitaman D and white skin is better at it? Thats it huh, youre just reptiles who change the color of their skin to absorb heat. Definitly not albinos tho. Definetly not hundred upon thousand of white muslims lviing right below europe and in it, in countries like kazazkstan, uzebesktain, azerbajian, turkey. I could go on but honeslty nothing will ever change the fact youre ashamed of yourself.

I once knew a bulgarian. his name was tony. Almost twice my height. Beat the shit out that kid for talking trash and he told my mom lol

>conquer the world
>create major advancements
that was black people you fucking melaninlet

Nobody would ever tell lies on the internet, would they?

I get it, your parents got a divorce. Lets answer the real questions and get to the bottom of it. was it because

A. They didnt love you
B. Your mother was a whore
C. Your father was a loser
D. All of the above.

>Melaninlets still think Shakespeare did writing and shieet
lol melaninlets never cease to surprise me!

Not black but thank you for projecting your fear at our true human brother. Id be happy to be black lol. Black is the new white. Id have a huge fucking scholng and it would be even easier to get the 10/10 hotty negresses im trying to breed with.

>I could go on but honeslty nothing will ever change the fact youre ashamed of yourself
He says as he lies about his race on the internet. But do go on, namefag. I want to hear more about this theory of yours how we're secretly the Ethiopians that are worshipped by blacks as gods, and other sick burns.

Monkeys aren't people, no matter how hard libtards try to make them into people. Niggers are useless

lol. A weapon of death, the gun, gave you everything you have today albino. so proud of that you are. Well Im a proud believer in karma. Watching it work its magic. Priceless.

Am I being baited at this point? Probably.

White countries are a majority of world powers. They also did most of the exploring and claiming of land. Oh, or are you counting using inferior races to do slave work to free up the White's time as 'conquering'? Also a reminder, just because work is done so the other doesn't need to, doesn't mean you accomplished what they did. Perhaps a few works were stolen from inferior races, but that's an exception, not a rule.

Settle down there pajeet.

Please does someone have the one in which the nazis were niggers?
Adolf Hitler was referre to as Adolfo Oyila, or something like that. I couldn't stop laughing.

A weapon of death, that we made, allowed us success. Did you just admit we outsmarted you and used our creation to beat you quite well? Huh, play yourself much?

Did you say something slav? I couldnt hear you over the sound of your peers telling you that youre not one of them.

>this much ad homeim

Just making fun of melaninlets' culture, or lack thereof.

Shhh.. divorce =(
You will only give me tears albino. Its why i am here.

Mental Illness: The thread

Hahahaha a nigger is trying to accuse someone else of being raised by one parent. Keep it coming "FashDestruction", your projection is painfully obvious.

The problem about betraying your brothers is well never forget. You should have killed us all when you had the chance. Now youre gonna pay albino.

Are her almonds melanized instead of activated?

Why would anyone want to be an ashamed albino tho. lol, im very proud of myself and my skin. Darker would be even better. Whats the matter faggots? I thought nationalism was a good thing? Cant handle the heat here on /pol. Aww lil fashies are you worn out? Its fashdestruction too much for you? Brb about to get drunk and high before I crush ppl dota.

Statistics made by the white devil/melaninlets! False! True black science and statistics are suppressed!

Lol not black. both parents are doctors, I live in their mansion actually. Nice mom's apartment canadian.

Lack of culture? Are you serious? Gods... I've fallen for bait most foul.

As culture is defined, [the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively] you couldn't be more wrong. The dark ages alone proves this wrong. Classical music, paintings and portraits, clothing, literature. There isn't a group out there, unless just starting, that doesn't have their own culture. Some end up mixing and evolving though, if that's what you mean.

> shitty bait thread

No (((you))) for you.

Betraying our brothers? Hmm...Such as blacks selling and owning blacks? Asians fighting for control? Muslim tribes fighting? South American countries literally falling apart into gangs and corruption, sometimes brother against brother?

You have nothing to be proud. White people gave you everything, they gave you meaning. They gave you civilization, yet you rebel against us. You're savages that which when left alone live in huts and starve to death, as is your natural habitat. You were enslaved because you were a lesser race, with no apparent meaning. And yet, we freed you. Be grateful you monkey.

Two doctors wouldn't produce a functionally retarded son who just got btfo as bad as you did.

OP is a true melanoid and has changed the course of history with this very thread! Proves the intellect and superiority of Melanoids as opposed to melaninlets!!