What country has the most terrible people in the world and why?

What country has the most terrible people in the world and why?

Hard mode: No mexicans as they are they worst already

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She's obviously not German.

She looks Slavic. Eyes too big, jaw too small, nose too big, face too long to be German.

You mom la prieta.


Reason: Have you ever met a Somalian?

too pretty to be slav.
t. slav chicks expert.

south africa because apartheid

Russia. We have shitloads of gopniks in Estonia. Complete and utter waste of oxygen and white trash.


Second worst?

More extremist than saudi,
racist towards everyone including other blacks.
Beyond stupid people (The Italian government was forced to WRITE THEM A DICTIONARY IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO)


This is why the most degenerate crimes you heard often involves somalis.
case point: the kidnapping and the rape of young italian girl in the somai ambassy.

Second in my list: pakis, people from bangladesh and in general muslims around the indian region.
Shit culture and capable of organize themselves.

A Russian in the right hands is capable of creating wonders. They were eating bread and communism in the 80's but they were capable of sending people into space.

Mark my words.

You dislike them because your country is not floaded with the shitskin from africa(yet).

Somalis and pakis

Add Albanians to that


Ukraine. Those lazy steppe rats have given Europe fuck all, their country is a cesspool of drunks, prostitutes, and junkies, and they're being leeched of their last Hryvnia by oligarchs like Poroshenko and Saakashvilli. Yet these parasites have the gall to put pride in their little backwater shit hole. Let's also not forget that these Mongols decimated and assimilated the Carpathians and other run off groups of the Kievan Rus'.

Sadly, today, descendants of Rusyns, Boykos, and Lemkos don't realize that they pretty much destroyed their own cultural groups in favor for a nation created by a bunch of Russified horse chinks.

Anyone on the America's continent. The most diverse population on the planet , the Toyota Prius Of The world. But the country that has the most fucked up effect on humanity, especially it's own, since louieXVI.

desu she looks very very German.

Ireland's Gypsies, literally equivalent to American Niggers.

no fair, gypsies have no real country

>poo in loo

Inner city American blacks. Detroit is an apocalyptic wasteland, and a neighborhood in St. Louis is the homicide capital of the world.

>What country has the most terrible people in the world and why?

Any country afflicted by jews.

Phew thank God we don't have Jews

She looks too white to be german

Somalis are the shittiest people by far. They're shitty and illiterate nomad people from a failed country where endemic warfare rages. Everybody hates them, even the other Africans and vice versa. All the "positive" stories about them in the MSM are mainly just "muh oppression" kind of propaganda articles where Somalis bitch about their "glorious" yet unsafe old country and bitch about their "ungrateful" new home country. Basically they're like African gypsies but more hardcore .

Things I've noticed that happen with Somalis regardless of what country they're residing in.

1. Violent crime, rapes, etc. far more common among them.
2. High unemployment rate and negligible amount of entrepreneurial spirit and when they're working, it is usually the kind of work that just benefits their group (interpreter services, ethno-shops and cafes.
3. Proud and stuck up attitude towards people of other ethnicity (this baffles me the most, since they wreck pretty much everything they touch).
4. Highly endogamous, meaning they'll fuck people from other ethnic groups, but will eventually end up marrying their cousin from Somalia.

These points seem to apply to them ubiquitously from North America to Europe wherever they reside. I wish that some day they will eventually be final solutioned.

You're fucking worse than a Chicano, worse than a Mexican version of an Uncle Tom. You piece of shit gabacho I hope they stitch your face onto a soccer ball you fucking beaner.

t. Chicano

Russian expats in the baltics are trash, don't be mistaken eestibro, we don't want them here either

Mr Mahathir is my kind of guy.

"But today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.
They invented and successfully promoted socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so they may enjoy equal rights with others."


Their government is actively warmongering and destabilizing every other country to keep up their war economy, yet these uneducated idiots blame each other or other countries while ignoring evidences/leaks

>because apartheid ending.

He's my personal hero desu. Was a teen at the height of his leadership and man did he name the jew

Weve had a few gutless ones speak up after they've left office......


They can't in2 civilization no matter how hard they try, barbarians trying to live a 21st century life

She'd be pretty if it weren't for that tweet.
