>Untrained refugees were deployed as security personnel on New Year's Eve in Cologne last year, according to a secret police report.
>It said many abandoned their posts and at least one was so drunk he could not work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did they get paid, or were the benefits enough to quit their outpost?

Absolute top lel

>The city of Germany

very tolerant

>refugee security
>spots rape in progress
>calls for backup
>they join in the rape


I hope Cologne has a community watch because just sounds like any rapes or crimes can be more easily swept under the rug.

dude you literally live in the world rape capital, world class muslim shithole

jesus christ

you mean Allah

>refugees get jobs and want to give back to society
Sup Forums complains

Just hand the Saracens the sword Hans and put your head on the block.

So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)

shut up gypsy ape

Fucking retards! This is just as redicilous as the swedish (anti)rape bracelets were. I seriously hope that the truck of peace and love will visit Cologne at the NYE.

Can we please avoid all things german?

2016 has proven they are truly beyond any salvation.
It does not matter if you post german cuckening manifest event here or there.

Best is to isolate them in their cesspool of shitskin, turk, kosovo and slav imigration and just watch it burn.

Don't you remember what happened last year and your government tried to hide it? Now it will be easier if your local police are told to stand down and let the refugees handle it.



i hope your wife/kids/mom get raped by muslims and then thrown away like some disposable sperm recipients that they are

>refugee security guard
>see buddy struggling with a feisty blond one
>help him hold her down
>get a quick rape in before shift ends as a thank you

fap fap fap

Glad i celebrate at home.

I really hope something happens.
And I really hope it hits people who were pro refugees.

This is tireing to watch.
At this point I just wanna watch the world burn.

Germans on suicide watch


I will cancel all new year plans, sit home and watch mass slaughter live from Germany.
And considering there will be mass attacks in USA, it will be best new year ever.

>Don't you remember what happened last year and your government tried to hide it? Now it will be easier if your local police are told to stand down and let the refugees handle it.

I think they just raped and molested women whose bfs and husbands did nothing about that. So why should I care if girl SJWs in Cologne get the refugee treatment? They love them and wanted them to come.

sounds like satire, god damn it

Westturm was just smart and exploited dumb bureaucrats.

No pity. Fuck Germans. All those women support replacement migration anyway.

That's the problem m8 they ain't on suicide watch

They're fucking fapping to their own demise. I think WwII fucked the collective German psyche so badly they won't stop until they destroy themselves...

>At this point I just wanna watch the world burn.
Well taking all that has happened in to a consideration, you may have your wish sooner than later.

>immigrants make a mass rape in Cologne
>government calls a meeting about what to do
>their solution: more immigrants
Germans are fucking retarded.

>Have rape problems
>Hire the rapists to police themselves

Brilliant German innovation

>according to a secret police report

Jewish people have a community first responder team called Hatzolah who they call instead of emergency services. They don't like people coming to the house in uniform so they have their own escort. Eg if they have chest pain, they call Hatzolah who ring for an ambulance while enroute to the home. On arrival they call in a sitrep and provide first aid until the ambulance arrives. Then they escort the patient to hospital and ensure they receive appropriate treatment that doesn't include pig products, gas or ovens. You'll see them at major events and emergencies too. I've seen them in footage of 9/11 for example.

Germans need to seriously think about getting something organised for themselves, particularly the Christian community.


This.For Germyns these isolated cases that has nothing to do with Islam or the rapefugees, are just something that they will have to get use to.

Hitler literally Gassing himself in his grave.

We're ruining Europe this time for real and there is nothing you can do about it.

Stay mad

For as much shit the daily mail gets for sensationalism, it at least reports on things like this while other mainstream media bury it to avoid upsetting their bullshit narrative. Other mainstream papers have ignored so many of these incidents the daily mail is a bastion of morals compared to them.

You're country.

Me gusta Finland me gusta

Oh god.. Hanz what are you thinking

I can't wait for NYE in Germany. Though we not might hear anything for a month or two.

There won't be any rape if none of the security team report it.

This is no time for is time to turn to the old gods. It is time to listen to the gods of our forefathers.

>a secret police report.
>a secret report.
>secret report
EU just like communism
hide the failures, paint grass green

Im on to you Ahmed.

Found the mexican..

At least you are filling vacancies in your modern economy. Meet the new entrepreneurs of Germany.

>Truck Drivers
Well they got that right

Found the christfag.

Yuck. And how do you propose to do that, anyway? Those religions have been wiped out and nothing of their doctrine remains. All that is left is wewuzzing and larping like asatru.
>oh wow pagans so good so manly
>yuck christians weak cuck cuck
>pagans get wiped out by christians
Do it again, Charlemagne.

This election will involve truck drivers and Turkush flags like no other German election.
Should be full of lots of happenings

Nice, guaranteed some happenings.

So what will the body count be by the end of the weekend?

They always to this kind of stuff to prove that the majority is peaceful and trying to integrate, interestingly it always fails

>inb4 AfD is rayciss for any warnings issued prior to happenings


this tbqh. though i have to visit my relative's home for new year's celebration. I wish i could stay at home but whatever. It'll still be comfy in it's own way

You think its real?

But will it be enough to make the germyns and the rest of the europe to wake up?

Ah well, I will just start listing this shit and we see after a year how does this evolve. 180000 hours in paint but you get the point. Some one with some eye on these things could make this look a bit better.

He's jealous that the germans are trying to take that title away

I have no fucking idea bro. Haven't had the time necessary to do the digging yet but it wouldn't suprise me if at least part of it would be true. Merkel is obiously insane so who knows.

It's actually worse

Good thing german women will wear chastity pants. Better safe than sorry.

I would prefer this better, pic related.


>tfw 'Nice' is now a truck meme

fucking lol

but also:
>literally what happened
since huge groups of men were involved

>truck drivers

This can't be real holy shit.

>baiting muslims into killing their own

how is this not smart

'How to turn rape into murder' starter kit


are you fucking retarded or something?

if it means no attacks, no germans get killed.

if there is, extra muslims die.


People won't get your Sup Forums memes here friendo

Its too late. The Germans are the muslims now.
Only Kek can save them now.


just look at london. having a huge amount of muslims among your population is great counterterrorism.

Didn't they do this with jews in the camps? It seemed to work pretty well.

>dig up story on that pic
Fuck this gay earth.


When there are going to be sexual-assault victims again this time, I hope the victims will be leftists.



>tfw I wish with all my heart a massive attack with several trucks in cologne

yeah, thats what they're forcing us to do. They're making sane people root for the evil guys.

Kek it took a whole year for this to come out. Lets see if they even have a handle on it this year.

>but user not all rapugees rape

Tfw you live in Cologne

They will hide the news remember cologne took a 4-7 days after new years before it leaked

>be me
>be horny loser who never gets any
>read about Germany
>buy fake beard, fake eyebrows, and hair dye
>fly to Germany for New Year's Eve celebrations
>molest and rape girls all weekend long
>fly back home

Ah, Germany.

Haven't you nasty faggot seen any docus about this? There were hundreds over hundreds of black migrants there, which is important, because they were nearly invisible by night, which made it more extreme. It was not possible do protect someone there because you had a invisible mob around you. So shut up keyboard warrior.

>yfw refugees allege this

Who complains about sensationalism? Only lefties really, because sensationalism has come to mean "all the things that are damaging to my narrative"

Got link?

As so a year later, a day before new year's, we find out that not only was it the refugees, it was the fucking refugee "security" which was doing this.

I sure hope nobody thinks the German government "didn't expect this".

They want civil war and ethnic clashes, to further take away rights and capital. The people must remember who started this though.



why do you draw her naked this way?

it's quite clear from a few original drawings that she's obese

I know it's not nice to look at but drawing her thinner and more atractive is what fatties do

this is the same city that had mass rape attack by refugees.

I just don't know any more Sup Forums. What is wrong with people? I don't understand.


I havent' drew this.