Slav Squad, get in here!

What's the difference between a Slav and a Yugoslav?

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All Yugoslavs are slavs, not all slavs are Yugoslavs.

All Yugoslavs are Slavs but all not all Slavs are dirty Yugoslavs.

hi :)


it means South Slavs literally

And Yugoslavs are considered ex-commie party filth in all ex-yu states

Slavs exist. Yugoslavs don't.

Both are shit.

These two desu

YugoSlavs are variation of slavs that are YUGE
they serve as human battle tanks in Slav armies
they weak point is that they cannot squat as efficiently as other kinds of Slav
Attack 4 Def 9



ah thank you.

but aren't you, being a croat, a yugoslav yourself?

I'll kill you tatar


Indeed, we are south slavs.

Slavs are r1a, Yugoslavs are l2a1. Poles are the most Slavic Slavs, we're the least Slavic Slavs, genetically speaking, of course.

Why is FYRO Macedonia shaped like a Testicle Sack?

They are Serbia's balls. Croatia is obviously the vagina in this reality-based metaphor.

Then wtf is Bosnia and Noncountrygovina?

it's really good here

Nice flag btw
But in all pictures I've seen of your place it was only rocks, trees, and shacks. How good are YOUR living conditions?

a Yugoslav is a communist cuck

woudn't bosnia be the vagina?

Yugoslav can squat more.

literally South Slav in Russian

Serbia and Croatia are the only legitimate countries on that map.

Bosnians don't exist (muslim Croatians and Serbs). Herzegovinians and Slovenes are mountain Croatians.

Monteniggers and Republika Srpska are Serbs. Kosovo is Serbian land populated with Albanians, but I don't see them taking it back any time soon if ever.

I blame the roaches for this mess.

We are most retarded ones.

Forgot about Macedonia which belongs to Bulgaria and Greece.

slovenians are not croat they only speak a dialect of kajkavian

Y-DNA does not tell us anything about *modern* dna

We have to look at autosomal DNA, and since Poles are closest to Baltic states, Nordic states, and Germany, they are not any more Slav than south Slavs.

If we take the origin of Slavs to be near the Steppes, Ukraine is the closest genetically to this origin. It would also make sense because Russians are too Mongoloidish to be true Slavs


>mfw when Slovenian woman starts speaking near me

All I know is we don't look particularly Slavic, except for maybe Slovenes and northern Croatians. We're definitely more native Balkanite than Slavic.

>Slovenes are mountain Croatians.
>not Kajkavian-speaking Croatians are Balkanised Slovenes

What do they teach you in school Ante

when was the name slovenia first mentioned ?
in Austro-Hungary you were always called other names like carniola and others

I can play that game too. You're Germanized Kajkavian speaking Croatians. Kajkavian used to be the largest dialect in Croatia (followed by chakavian), but "Croatian" Bosnians pushed it further west and northwest.

I'm just fucking with you. Slovenes are Germanized Slavs, but you're not a legitimate country.



Karintija ili

In 9th century there's already a mention of "Sclavinia", in 1555 Primož Trubar calls people in these lands "Slovenes", and from here on out plenty of sources in German refer to it as "Windischland" and in Slovene as "Slovenija" or "Slovenska dezhela", coming into 19th century, most of our intellectuals are already very familiar with this terminology.

An abomination.

Poor Croat. HDZ propaganda did it's job.

25y/o democratic republic where church and faschist roleplayers lead the people and worsen the situation each year.

>inb4; filthy Communists/Serbs fault

Pull your shit together Croats, few days ago I saw HRT claimed that Geroge Michael died cuz he was a fagget. You can't make this shit up.

As soon as you start rioting against your retarded government, your Slobros will come help as you bros did in our riots in 2012

that would make serbia the asshole

btw italians literally still use the derogatory term for us "sclavi" which means slaves

Wasn't Sklavinia used as a general term for south Slavic lands by the Byzantines?

>The term, along with the term Sklavinia ("Slav land") was widely used until the emergance of separate tribal names by the 10th century
You probably just kept the name "Sklavinia" (Slovenia).

>not mountain Serbs

Albanians and Romanians too, I think.

>be 18
>have an exchange program with some Italian students
>mfw they're all brown
>mfw there's literally no visual differences between Sqqhptqhshtqhtars and Italians
>mfw I'm the only white person in the entire room

>tfw 'heljp, heljp' soon

>go to croatia
>everyone is nice apart from tourists
>get to put my peepee in a great many of them
>everything is obviously focused on keeping the tourism up

>go to bosnia
>starting from the south
>roads are literally third-world-tier because no eu funding
>really nice ottoman-inspired architecture
>cool culture
>get to put my peepee in a few too
>drink beer and eat pork neck too

Tbh you guys have some great shit
Bosnia is underrated too

a yugoslav is a south slav with delusions of grandeur.

Yugoslav means South Slavs:

South Slavs: Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins, Slovenes, Macedonians and Bulgarians (was not part of Yugoslaiva).

West Slavs: Poles, Czech and Slovakians.

East Slavs: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Fact : yugoslavs are the most powerful race in the world

fact : they have the biggest penises in the world

It might be true I have a huge dick


we slavs are farmers, peasants, while hungarians are warriors.


trianon says otherwise

Literally not even Aryan

>t. Hungaryan living in a slav country

If hungary is so good why dont you move back

>South Slavs: Serbs, Catholic Serbs, Muslim Serbs, Mountain Serbs, Faggot Serbs, Weird Serb/Bulgarian Hybrids and Bulgarians (were not part of Yugoslavia).



So you (Serbia) just formed Yugoslavia with your hoes when this 10/10 Albanian Chad Thundercock comes knocking on your door with a message.
What say you?


>Implying Hungarians haven't been genetically enriched by Slavs to the point of becoming genetically Slavic.

From East slavs You forget the rusin slavs

East slavs and best slavs and most powerful badass slavs are russia Ukraina belarussia and rysins living in karpatia

Yugoslav means southslav.

Yugoslav is artificial construct, designed to destroy croatian and serbian identities.

But we are South slavs, just as poles, czechs etc are Western slavs.

>t. Antifa faggot

Yugoslavia fell because it was a communist shithole with its charismatic dictator gone and a Serb with a powerplay move.

>George Michael's life was full of drug abuse and homosexualism
That was a nice laugh about that faggot, he had multiple arrests because of public sodomy, he made his defining characteristic being a faggot.
He probably had all the STDs.

I don't vote for HDZ, because I hate commies with a passion, nor am I a church-going catholic.

Fuck off, leftist cuck.

Jug istok zapad i ? Vastok?

One shot at life
Be born Croatian

It could be worse I guess

Please tell me that that is a real Vicky 2 event


>cucking Israel

They are such cucks that they didn't recognize Kosovo while we recognized Palestine.

Or its sever?

Jug istok zapad sever right ?

That is correct.

Let me guess Mother Teresa was slav too?

>one shot in life
>born diaspora
>have to post with A FUCKING LEAF flag


Yes. I wanted to see if I could BTFO turks and austrians quickly and right after I worked hard to free albania they asked to be annexed.
I didn't screen cap but Bulgaria and Romania asked as well

his mom is croat and fatheralbanian what is he then?

0Nula 1jeden 2dva 3tri 4ceteri 5pet 6sest 7sedem 8osem 9devet 10deset right ?

What after 11jedenset 12dvaset 13 triset ?

yu go, slav

Best Slavs:

Subhuman tier:
Russians and Serbs.

The rest are ok.

strange how kosovo was filled with non-slavs and yet forced to be in a country called YugoSlavia

>croatian woman
>dating an albo

I thought you guys frowned upon your women dating serbs, an albo must be far worse

I know Canada is a meme but any Slavshit in Europe would trade places without blinking

yu no, civilised

pls like

Is that a mod? I cant imagine Romanians wanting to be a part of a Slavic country


I wouldn't

Ain't no money that would make me live around shitskins and fucking Trudeau as PM


11- jedanaest, jedanest
12- dvanest
13 - trinest
14- cetrnest
15- petnest
etc, and nest to 19

then 20, 2- dva and 10 - deset.
100- Sto
1000- Hiljadu
10^6- Milion
10^9- milijarda

no, I was playing with a mod not related to it but I guess I rushed the standards of living while all the neighbors were shitholes. I found out that if you did that in vanilla at least Albania will still try to join. Even when I stole alaska from the US half the world moved there because Yugoslavia was the only first world country i guess

This is correct.

its a meme, all of our degenerate scum and thugs go to Canada m8.

Kosovo was populated by Serbs in the past. There are Ottoman tax records that prove it. You weren't forced to become a part of Yugoslavia, you were just too poor to pass up that social-program opportunity.

no they werent stop lying

Yup. I was just about to add that.

The (Official) Bulgarian position in times of peace has always been that Macedonian people should decide their fate. Unfortunately there is a lot of (((foreign))) influence and that's why in times of war Macedonia was the first to be liberated.

I feel the same way to be honest, Macedonia should be independent until such a time that it grows an intellectual class which can assess the history & situation and again hold referendums on what the people want to happen. It's a bit late and I'm not deluding myself that a majority will want to join Bulgaria, but there is always hope and they won't be turned down.