Daily reminder, white boy virgins.
Daily reminder, white boy virgins
>implying we don't know this
>implying that all this global warming and extraction of resources isn't part of the plan
enjoy your life on a burned out empty hellscape in 30 years nigger
If white people did not exist, niggers would still be in africa chucking spears and dying of aids
they still are though
>Take whitey towards the equator, he dies
>Take nigro towards the poles, he dies
If you need a coat to go outside in -15
You were never desgned to live on this planet, nigger
i dont need sunscreen to go out ?
i very rarely burn of the sun and even when i do i dont mind it desu, the skin just falls off in few days
am i non-white?
>If you need several layers of clothes to go outside in the snow you were never designed to live on this planet.
If your skin is black you wherent designed to live in 21st century
I guess when they get a disease or illness, they better not turn to modern medicine.
If you can't handle this planets microbial life, you were never designed for this planet.
If you can't swim in the water.
You were never designed to live on this planet.
LMAO based norway ,but south pol still beats you.
kill whitey
>sickle cell, diabetic, vitamin D deficient, aids carrying, low IQ, beasts who clean their teeth with sticks
>talking about others health
But niggers can't swim. Check mate Kangz.
>Whitey takes nigs to the poles. They all die.
Black people are not designed to live in colder climates.
If you can't breathe nitrogen you were never designed to live on this planet.
Do wot, Sambo? Ever heard of evolution?
But how do nigger expect to survive the next ice age?
>Jigaboos on suicide watch
You better dress well, there is no need for a sunscreen here.
>Ooga booga wat be dis evolution shieet
If you need Vitamin D sups to survive north of 60 degrees, you were never designed to live on this planet
Christ-tard detected
This meme is autistic asf
That's why we have space programs nigger
if i had an IQ of 80, i would probably find the joke in this image humorous too
White people are snow people. We weren't evolved for tropical climates. We come from less tropical and less solar environments. But I wouldn't expect a spear chucker to understand.
Typical dindu.
it's not like whites are physically unable to go outside without sunscreen
but niggers are basically unable to do anything without moisturizer or they'll get ashy
You are blue pilled up the ass if you think chinks are more clever than whites, pick up a history book.
>tfw too tall, underweight, cold-resistand
I was born to live on Mars, not this nigger shithole RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MAO
>we were never designed to live on this planet
Shitskins can not survive the winter tho
Calling us Aliens?
HUh, maybe that's why white men were able to build the pyramids
If you need a jacket to keep you warm and not to get ill you were never designed to live on this Planet
>picture with a nothern man half naked in a snowy area going hunting
>tfw bean
>tfw when just enough injun in me to have light brown skin and no body hair
But just enough european to be 6'1, have luscious curly locke and enough to sunburn EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO TO THE BEACH OR STAY OUT IN THE SUN
>tfw my friend of german descent who has .0000001 injun in him never sunburns
I just want to go to the beach without looking like a lobster at the end of the day
This, normies just don't understand, if I'm right outside my house getting groceries or shoveling snow, I prefer to be in shorts and a t-shirt, I just feel comfier that way.
I've never needed sunscreen
>Take whitey towards the equator, he uses technology to deal with the heat and builds a functioning civilization
>take negro towards the poles, he freezes to death
>keep negro near the equator, he starves to death
Oh lawd i'm laffin.
The snow is the white mans eternal ally!
I know. One day our Aryan ancestors will return to free us from the shackles of the inferior races which bind us to this lowly planet.
Sickle cells + AIDS, nature is trying to tell us something.
fuck off with your racism ! buddy !
>white people live where the sun shines a lot
>get sun burn
>black people live where sun doesn't shine as much
>get sick from vitamin D deficiency
It's almost like different ethnic groups are biologically suited to the regions their ancestors evolved in.
Maybe being 1/64 Cherokee isn't ennough to prevent sunburn, Mrs.. Warren
lmao praise kek
I mean we do get keep getting cancer!
> Anonymous (ID: FJW2678y) 12/30/16(Fri)01:31:32 No.104950487▶>>
Winter is coming
how is it that we have perfected posting when every other nation is not even close
what did we mean by this
This! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!
'Twas all b8. Sup Forums gets triggered so fucking easily. I've done shit like this multiple times and always gotten triggered responses.
No, bigot. We're all the same.
Oh, little manlet, when will you learn?
But I'm a beaner, we're supposed to just get darker not sunburn
Lol ur all still afraid of white genocide though.
It kills me how they think they are some superior super man custom built for the earth but don't understand environmental evolutionary traits.
>it's cold and the people aren't nice, we're going home.
But I thought these were refugees fleeing from certain death?
Lol you mean the fallen Angels you - blood type people descend from? Nah, you'll both be descending into that pit of eternal fire and darkness forever. Have fun with that by the way. Eternity is for a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY...well it's eternity and according to the book of Enoch, THERE WILL NEVER BE ANH MERCY FOR ANY OF YOU! Lmao have fun with that.
>white people can accomodate to high UV-radiation conditions by tanning
>niggers stay black all the time
Yeah, totally "not superior" at all
P-Pls no bully
Can someone give me a (you)? I want to see what this restyled reply tracking is about
If 10 of your people die every minute then you weren't designed for this planet
This, white people are the descendants of the ayylmao Gods, niggers were designed as slaves for mining operations on this planet and then be wiped out when they're no longer needed.
Except then the ayylmaos got into a civil war and never got around to actually wiping the lesser races out.
i have a feeling that a manlet pushed this meme because he hated seeing the real numbers on the last one
It sucks. I want the (you)s back.
but the change fucks with phoneposters.
anything that fucks with those reddit cunts is needed.
>walk around when it's a bit chilly in shorts and a t-shirt
>see pooskins with 5 layers of clothes on
By this logic, AIDS is proof the planet hates africans
If this was true, Swedish immigration policy would be a master plan.
So what do you think?
Are Swedes smart or are they cucks?
Anyone have the original, kek
>niggers don't know there are different climates each race is accustomed to
I can go outside just fine because the sun here is lot dimmer than in equatorial africa. Strange that. We are different because we come from a completley different environment.
as racist as it may be... there are facts in those statements
Second this, I dont think I've ever seen it
Ok which one of you edited the article on Vitamin D? I know somebody here did it to make the leafs feel better about their immigration policy
Depends. How many mud monkeys are dying?
I saw a thing where a Muslim girl in a Hijab with dark skin said her doctor told her she was sick because of a vitamin D deficiency. He told her to cover less and get some sun as much as possible since they it was winter.
She said he was being Islamophobic and was wrong.
They are such stupid, stupid creatures and deserve the suffering they get from trying to live in our element.
nigga my family is Mexican although we do have German blood we never sunburn and we are pretty white.
I want to live in weather like that
Not wrong, can confirm. A large chunk of them still live under tribal law.
>tfw king of manlets
>implying niggers don't get sunburnt
That's right, we were designed to rule on this planet. Only slaves go outside.
nuh uh ! im taking my post and im leaving . good bye !
I went to school with a Mexican girl who had pale skin and looked Asian. It's kinda funny. Must be all that European boning over the centuries.
>implying the Sun gives a fuck about your skin color
enjoy your cancer
this. the strong must be protected from the weak.
Sh-shut up
It didn't have to be this way
>Says the negro, incapable to live in -4° c without his jacket, his beanie and two scarves - all of that while complaining of the weather
If you can't handle minuses, you weren't designed to live on this planet.
I don't complain when I get a sunburn on my neck while working in the summer, don't complain when we hit them minuses.
>TFW not on the chart
Suck my dick, manlets.
Phoneposter here
How does it fuck with us?
If you need Vitamin D supplements to not get sick, maybe you should have stayed away from Nordic countries.
>be white
>thrive in areas with little sunlight
>adapt to areas with too much by inventing sunscreen
>be shitskin
>remain stuck in the stone age until white people show up
>be so badly adapted for areas that aren't bombarded with solar radiation that your bones, immune system, and neurotransmitters all go to shit
>specialization vs adaptivity
>which one has historically done well throughout evolutionary history again?
Confirm it for me. What does this reply look like?
Niggers are just animals elevated to sub-humans. You are no "man", never forget this.
>if you need welfare to not starve
>You were never designed to live in a civilized nation