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Yup. Also the House of Saud are all kikes


SchNozi Stazi

Kike Kuck Kult

The ratfaces who serve the bugeyed illuminati assassins and demonfaced adelson/soros moneymen.


ashkenazi = lizard people

>Te: Tellerium
>Atomic no 52 / 2 = 26
>Jeremiah 2 : 26
>"Israel is like a thief who feels shame only when he gets caught. They, their kings, officials, priests, and prophets--all are alike in this."




>poop ncr
>corn cop



It's a coincidence, retard.

Ashkenazi comes from the Kingdom of Ashkenaz

The "i" at the is the Hebrew suffix to imply a person of Ashkenaz

Like America --> American
Canada --> Canadian

Afghanistan --> Afghani

Ashkenaz --> Ashkenazi (or zim for plural)

sure everything is just pure coincidence. also Khazar's are the real biblical Jews.

Good goy. Take a shekel. You've earned it.


[email protected]

took you long enough.

nothing more entertaining than watching AJ do incredible mental gymnastics to NOT name the jews, this guy deserves to be gased with all them

>It's a (((coincidence))), goy.

Well tried moshe.

Kikes turned to ash by Nazis
\lop\ lied to me

you missed the one where he named several jews like soros and that professor asking for white genocide?

basically he did the "it's american liberal radical jews that are the problem, not israelis" thing

just looking into this guys eyes and you see how insincere and fake he is

>Israel is described by leftists as literally nazi germany with racism, opression and genocide of palestinians
>Israel is run by ashkenazis
>Jews are literally ash nazis

its like 'its not the israelis that are flooding the western countries with millions of muslims'

even I can truly see, when will the world wake up

Anime is real
Anime is rael
Anime Israel

>what did he brew?
>Israel Beer Breweries Ltd (IBBL) produces Carlsberg Beer and Tuborg Beer.
>Danish in origin
>Israeli ambassador to Denmark: Esther Herlitz
>Date of death: 24 March 2016
>Israel founded 68 years ago, 2016 -> 1948
>Lee Oskar, born 24 March 1948, Denmark
>Oskar's harmonicas also allows players to explore other genres such as Hip Hop, Reggae, Yiddish and more.
>YIDDISH evolved into hebrew

This rabbit hole goes deeper than I expected



>e minor
>Notable classical compositions in this key:
>Fritz Kreisler
>"Kreisler was born in Vienna, the son of Anna (née Reaches) and Samuel Kreisler, a doctor of Jewish heritage."

Your precious hitler was half jew and a pawn that absolutely did not die in a bunker and in fact went on to smash very melenated vagina in Argentina, so you see friends the nazis were but an illusion as both the left and right are controlled by the same body.

>pic very related

Fun fact Angela Merkel is his daughter and Hillary's half sister. Digits confirm

But they arent hebrews, you stupid fuck pig



Then where did "nazi" come from?