Says it with me Wutbürgers: Madam Chancellor.
Merkel support climbs after Berlin attack
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There is no hope for that godforsaken country.
How fucking cucked can a country be?
Holy fucking shit.
So first support for the AfD spikes after the Berlin attacks, but now it spikes for Merkel...?
We need more happenings in germany, paki. Can you ask your friends to do something
The polls were hacked by the Russians.
>fake news
>BUY A Sup Forums PASS NOW "Jewiro"
wow, the burger went out of his way to get it right with the Umlaut and everything
did you have a stroke or something?
Merkel is the next Hitler and the Germany will be at the centre of WWIII
It's probably just a knee jerk reaction from her retarded supporters preemptively doubling down on their stupidity so AfD doesn't just blow them right the fuck out instantly.
This is the equivalent of AfD just slightly making a "told you so" gesture and the frothing retards responding with a million man march to silence them for an hour.
as long as germany imports refugees by the boatload, they wont come here
why cant you be more like italy, germany? tons of refugees come through italy but they get sent away.
Fake polls; have we learned nothing?
Quite a few of them are staying lately, because of free hotels and stuff.
Reason for which there's some unrest among the population.
Still, the majority go directly to Germany of France thank God
nice job, leaf.
>Merkel is the next Hitler
do something godammit
>live in the US
>still believe (((official polls)))
Instead of aryan race she is the hitler of the monkeys . German anons should try pushing this view more amongst normies.
This leaf has a point. Remember Trump and Brexit.
>be kiked.
>get cucked.
Surely this is all there is to it? When your most right wing option is Merkel and her bullshit you know you have problems. Of course they wouldn't be doing all this hypocritical shit if it wasn't for the jew, I'd blame leftism if I was retarded but even socialists aren't so self destructive.
"Oh I know lets allow Europe's cultural enemy to flood our borders bringing with it worthless eaters from the sub Sahara, that has sure to be good for our dwindling economy, and as a major leading figure in the European Union lets just go ahead and act like we run it and force this mess on all the EU's member states! It has got to be good for a politically delicate agreement that was showing signs of cracking! Top it all off we can justify it by saying our men are too pussy whipped and women to frigid so we need rapists to force the birth rates higher, that couldn't possible drive stability through the floor opening the doors too hard right white extremism!"
If you honestly think a political party made up of graduates that have studied history, economics, political theory, foreign relations, war, psychology and more would do this in a short sighted effort to feel better about the horrors of some foreign war you're being tricked, this can only be accredit to the zionist kike bastards that wanted to create cultural and racial tensions so that we will get angry and back another middle eastern war for israel.
They are treating us like war dogs that you starve and beat a little before battle so they are extra pissed when you set them on the enemy, and when the fighting is over you have to put them down, because a man eating mutt is predictably uncontrollable, once they've finished using us against the goat fuckers in Iran they'll turn their focus on poisoning us.
Wake the fuck up White Europe and take this continent back from politicians that will do anything for a pat on the back and another "aren't you a good goy"!
That's not how critical theory works.
Minorities are only fighting back. Everything is justified. : ^)
>believing polls
when will you learn? these polls are complete circlejerks, so why even bother giving them any credibility?
The CDU got royally BTFO in every election this year, and this will not change in 2017. i hope there are a few more attacks till the major elections next year.
only aspergers would say Madam Chancellor,
hope she dies under a truck.
The "official polls" were right on the national level, shillary did get more votes popularly than Trump
But Trump tailored his strategy towards getting people in specific states to turn out in droves so he won
How come Muslims don't care about what happens in Burma? They care a lot about what happens to Arabs.
>hoping for terror attacks so you can use them like false flags.
You're as bad as the Orwellian nightmare the elite kikes want to push hoping for real terror attacks you can use like false flags, what if you or someone you cared about was caught up in some mudslime mass murder?
>so why even bother giving them any credibility?
Rising support for a candidate that brought in the terrorist that murdered 12 people just seems like a very German thing to do. Makes sense to me.
>not mentioning AfD has the biggest gainz
>not mentioning the 2 point gain of CDU/CSU is most likely due to CSU-politicians moving further right because they're from based bavaria
>not mentioning CSU hates merkel and them getting more populist means more internal struggle for the party
behold the fake news
>aww yes mama Merkel import more refugees ah their cum is so tasty
I dont live in a big city, so the chance of me or someone close to me gets hurt is pretty slim.
and i honestly dont give a fuck about these clapping whores and cucks that support merkels policy.
Reminder the AfD needs just a little more donations to get to 2million before January. If they reach this before 1/1/17 they get extra state funding (by law). Which means more tax money for AfD and less tax money for rapefugee gibs.
Right now we're at about 1,944,300 Euro
Go to
Now is the chance to show Merkel a big middle finger and anyone with a paypal account can do it
Propaganda, propaganda everywhere
How cucked is Germany?
You know your country is fucked when Pakistan is shitting on it
>yfw Germany is now more cucked then Swedistan
Nice wasn't that big of a city, and that little child crushed by a truck was to young to have half an opinion.
Also when did I ask whether you cared or not, that doesn't change the fact that you're supporting ISIS/zionists actions. Even if there were no niggers and muslims stealing the women you're schools and colleges have conditioned your best white women to pursue your miserable wretched mind let alone your morbid obesity and body odor would leave you forever alone.
Anyone have that picture with the Nazi skeleton in the bottle and the cork being shot off?
Haven't you guys learned anything from the US votings?
Most votings are media hoaxesd. AfD is at a new high according to INSA.
An entire nation is commiting cultural and demographic suicide right now for absolutely no reason. Think about that for a minute.
Which polls are we talking about?
>muh fake polls
>muh German ministry of truth polls
Polls can only be (((trusted))) if they are inverted
You have more muslims, negros and poos in loos.
Sort your shit out germany
Hans, that should be little comfort to you.
10-15% are not enough
It's a well-known phenomenon that right after a scary happening the normiesheep flock in support of the shepard in chief.
It works only in the short term tho. In a few months a good percentage of these will exhibit signs of redpill OD.
Germanfags should however facilitate the process by calmly and and lovingly presenting "racist facts" and new contexts.
What happens if you invade Germany as a country? Will they even defend ot?
It already happened in bongland, with Londonistan and that faggot muslim mayor
>lets shit on germany over news presented by the same outlets who claimed that Trump has 4% chance of winning
good goys
Not if you are muslim or negro.
But if you are a white privileged country, they will fight you.
>tons of refugees come through italy but they get sent away
Actually Italy pays them to leave and now there are several cases with the italian government forcefully repossessing houses for refugees
How many Germany hate threads have been made today? Jeez, Fucking tons on em'.
What are you even talking about?
Muslims world wise are assmad the Burmese are putting up resistance to their invasion.
Everytime you point out how violent the muslims are, their favourite finger pointing target is Burma.
They want to invade every country be they African, or Asian or European.
The countries that are redpilled and put up resistance are the ones the online muslims attack the most.
There are plenty of reasons
your pic related as to why.
germany has a lot of issues. the top of which is this immigration issue that is tied to merkel and germany's prioritized position in the EU.
so germany sort of deserves it, the hate and the cuckening coming from their gov, the EU technocrats, and the muzzies moving in
I swear these polls fake.
Germans will become the most cucked people in the world.
Wrong nigger. Idc about Arabs
T minus 36 hours until FICKI-FICKI 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sounds like some bullshit the media spit out to convince the German people that everyone else isn't absolutely fucking outraged.