ITT: Predictions for 2017

I predict there will be a lot more anons whose birth year switched to 1999.

Other urls found in this thread:

I predict I'll be here shitposting about Trump being a retart on 12/30/17

I predict a nuclear holocaust due to the kindling of old blood debt between the Finnish and Koreans

A what user?

Sup Forums will be removed

new years habbening

Maybe by then you'll be able to spell retard correctly :^)

my birth year has been 1900 since I was 9.

Trump becomes ruler of the planet and restores peace among all the lands by eliminating Islam
once and for all.
Deus Vult

>Liberals will suddenly become antiwar again.


>We will see a few more routine attacks by ISIS, but there will be a major attack somewhere in Europe where 1000's are killed. It'll be a major turning point in western attitude.

>Merkel isn't reelected.

>We will start to see the signs of a new economic boom.

>BLM will be sent to the corner until it wants to have a civil discussion.

the left are already anti-war
right now they are just terrified about literally everything.

>no safe space for me
>There's no space for me to be
>my terror rapture

hitler clone will come back

its Sup Forums



Weeks ago I warned all of you with this message. You all ignored it. THE MSM IS DOING THIS TO US!!!

"Help me and others spread the word about how the MSM is telling us how we "like" the new star wars! I thought I enjoyed it until I watched the reaction of logical thinking people. Disney is the devil, that's why the three sixes are there. This show is complete garbage and I pray you spread this message to everyone. Don't let MSM control you! Please like this video with every account you own, share it and help others. #StarWarsWasNeverGood
It's time to fight back and tell the world we don't even like this garbage!"

Now Carrie Fisher has been murdered by the same people you stupid slaves worship!!! SHAME ON YOU! RIP CARRIE FISHER! Your death will not be the end. Now her mother is dead!!! you are all responsible I know about being held back!!!! My grandpa escaped the dictatorship of Castro. I know my facts so I understand why you people allowed this. I almost died a few weeks ago(Car crashed 10 feet in front of me) and you people laughed at me, I warned you about Star wars being bad, but you let these people die!

Poles shift and shit happens

Chink genocide would be nice.

Hugh Hefner dies in april 21st

if dubbles george takei dies of aids

I'd rather he died during coitus.

Kek wills an eu army will be made

Winter 2017
> CIA sets up fake evidence of Trump being a russian puppet.
> The USA enters a recession due to intrest rates being increased by the FED, but the blame goes to Trump anyway.
> Britian finally leaves the EU.
> Construction of Trump's Big Beautiful Wall begins.
> Mainstream media is finally forced to actually investigate PizzaGate because of an undeynable amount of evidence that will not go away.
> Hillary Clinton dies of mutiple diseaes.
> Assad Regains control of Aleppo.
> Itally votes leave.
> Frances votes leave

Spring 2017
> Trump's trial fails, he is proven inocent. CIA is put into question.
> PizzaGate Trials Begin
> Free Trade with China ends, Taiwan is formally reconized as a country.
> Syrian conflict ends, and Syria is annexed by Russia.
> Netherlands votes leave
> Greece has a referendum.

Summer 2017
> CIA gets audited and disbanded.
> Majority of the Swamp is imprisoned or given the death penalty for multiple accounts of child abuse, caniablism, kidnapping, and conspiracy.
> China enters a recession worse than the Great Depression.
> Chinese Communist Party grows evermore unstable due to it's failling econemy and political unrest.
> Euro begins to rapidly decrease in value as many countries begin to speculate total collapse of the EU.

Autum 2017
> Temporary Anarchy in China
> European Union enteres a recession.

Closing 2017
> George Soros dies in jail.
> NASA anounces that they will be able to go to Mars soon than expected.
> Trump's wall is 50% completed.
> Sweden Democrates show a major lead
> North Korea begins to enter a recession due China's recession having a ripple effect.

Evil will loose, good will prevail


I predict that 2017 is the year of sticks and stones

Kek's coming to earth in 2017

We can only dream.

Everything goes to shit and we'll enjoy it.

Some nigger faggots will die.