Why are millennials so obsessed with being liked?
Why are millennials so obsessed with being liked?
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Because the media taught people that they're "the one" that's gonna change everything. Narcissism is an epidemic now.
I don't know.
But is cumming on birds degenerate?
Single motherhood
Poor parenting
Loss of identity due to children not being taught good values and ideas. Thus the only way to know yourself is how much you are being validated by pointless bullshit.
It's very redpilled, I cum on birds all the time and I get these weird visions of the future.
You should try it out sometime, Sup Forums
>switzerland shitposting
Please no, don't start.
who is the artist? this and his picture with the social media blowbang get me super hard
lmfao why are you on Sup Forums if you're not a millennial? fuck off grampa
im gen z the superior generation
I wish I had screencapped this in another thread but it's actually a form of escapism.
They feel crap and directionless and rather than apply self-discipline and change their lives, they go on social media to look for validation and to feel like they are actually doing something right. Likes make them feel good about themselves, which they wouldn't if they let their feelings fuel the capacity to get off the couch and do stuff.
It's also the reason why women cheat. They get bored and they feel like their life isn't going the way they want, and rather than put in the whole effort to learn a new skill, change jobs, save money to reorient career, pay babysitters to be able to go to said school to be able to change jobs, they just hop onto another dick as a matter of validation.
couldn't agree more - as a millenial, finally realising I'm not a special snowflake rocked my world so hard I had to start a psych therapy
no, absolutely not
just nutted on a crow, wish I took a picture to post, it was at least a week's worth of accumulated semen
because we are all narcissistic as fuck and we think drawing attention to ourselves = validation
I'm more obsessed with cumming on birds desu
I know that feeling. For a long time I couldn't sit with the idea that I would not mean much in the grand scheme of things. I'd work, maybe marry and have children, try to do good, and die.
I also did the Jordan Peterson self-authoring thing. Would recommend, one struggling millenial to the other.
Social media like boxercise is for fucking fags
Git gud if you can't make money using social media. Stop complaining about millenials being obsessed with it
Why is it such a big deal to you guys ? Almost everyone is meaningless in the grand scheme of things there is no reason to think you wouldn't be in the first place.
It's simply fear of death, I hate this idea that I will die and simply cease to exist. I think it will be better once I have children, because it will feel like I leave something behind, something more than just trash and stuff nobody cares about.
Perhaps turn to religion if you can't handle your fear of death.
I go to church but I don't manage to believe in much, like a true millenial.
I used to actually be an Atheist but one day for some reason I just found belief in God, I honestly feel bad for people who want to believe but cant.
I have faith in todays cartoons desu
not almost but (EVERYONE) is meaningless
nah there are some people that leave their mark on history.
>I honestly feel bad for people who want to believe but cant.
You feel bad for people with strong convictions and immunity to ignorance?
That's like saying, "I believe the world is a utopia and I honestly feel bad for those who don't think it's anything less then perfect"
they do it for the (You)s
This is either really bad bait or your underage.
Why are you even on Sup Forums if you don't want to suffocate on red pills? Go back to fucking /reddit/. Actually reddit might be too much for you, go to fucking tumblr.
>not funny at all
>le quirky random attempts at "humor"
>ugly animation
is this all we deserve?
it's addiction, akin to gambling
studies show getting likes and shit hit the same stuff in your brain as other forms of addiction. its chemical.
what are you talking about you foolish little person. Humans feel they are this god like creature with all this rich lore and history. Holding onto the past to define their future. When looking at the age of the earth one person lifetime is not worth the spit in the ocean.
Our name will be forgotten in time
no one will remember our works
our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud, and be scattered
like mist that is chased by the rays of the sun and overcome by its heat.
Life is a futile and meaningless game where literally whatever you do, you're just chasing a neurochemical reward in your brain. It doesn't matter how materialistic or spiritual you are, it's all the same, just neurons firing gratification patterns in your head.
OP, every generation has wanted to be "liked".
People critcisize milleneials for taking selfies all the time, but people once sat in the same place for hours to get their picture painted as a status symbol. The concept of generations is fucking retarded. Every generation of people are just as stupid, every generation of people hate the newer generations, and every generation of people think the world was at its peak when they were 12 years old. Get over it.
It's a biological function. It's meant to confirm what they are doing is accepted by the 'clan' because if it wasn't 6000 years ago back in caveman days they would have been alienated and left to die/not able to reproduce thus we have the offspring that have evolved today that are attention whores.
Are you me?
Ever seen that video of the somewhat very popular hot girl who was obsessed with her phone and not being alone?
So her mom texted her when she was driving and she got in a car crash and ended up looking like quasimodo.
Then nobody wanted to spend time with her anymore. She's crying in the end saying some shit like "i'm so lonely, i wish someone would talk to me"
I've gone months without talking to anyone, being alone is something people need to learn. Most people can't solve their own problems and always need help etc.
History is like languages. It must be shared and used in a narrative to stay alive.
Plus it serves many purposes, where truth isn't always one of them.
same and agree
tfw the only person I talk to is myself these days
Liquid modernity hitting hard. Look it up.
I'm 35, and I realized in my mid twenties that I'm no one special and very few people are. It goes beyond this, though. I realized freedom when I realized that nobody really gives a shit about me. I mean, of course my friends and family care, but the people I pass every day on the road or stand behind in the checkout line don't give a shit, and I don't give a shit about them. I'm not cold hearted about it and I don't mean this in a depressing way. I'll help anyone who needs it, I'm courteous, I try to be decent to everyone. But it's liberating to know that my relatively benign problems don't impact anything really. Tomorrow will come whether I'm here or not.
>being alone is something people need to learn
Nonsense. We are social animals, we need company. The problem is that our modern society has ripped us - with our consent mind you - from the bosom of our ancestral communities and villages, where we were always around people we know and that know us, from birth 'till death.
Now, however, we are adrift in our atomic little lives where almost all interactions with others are purely utilitarian, and we compensate for our lost humanity with likes and follows.
I think it's just girls, because they base their self-worth on group approval, particularly the approval of socially-valuable men. This goes all the way down to an evolutionary level
The men are just weak and looking for table scraps, by liking political memes and clickbait. They're women with beards and side-shaves, only infinitely more pathetic.
Dont forget, youre here forever.
Women get a lot better in their late 20s.
Trust me.
Once they get off the cock carousel and settle down with a beta-provider - ie., you. Then you get to raise another man's child.
>social animals
No such thing. If I had to pick between having IRL friends and having access to the internet, I wouldn't pick friends. What am I then, a cyber animal? Might as well be
No. You can only fool yourself into believing that a woman is innocent and cute and pure until about 25. After that her depravity is so obvious there really is no difference between a professional whore and an amateur one. You can't love a whore and if there's no love, you might as well fuck an actual whore.
hahaha. whatever, friend
You say that now, but you'll kill yourself once you grow older from loneliness, or go mad.
That's literally what happens here now
Mostly social media.
But I think it's a good thing when people have confidence in wanting to change the world. Just they should not be leftie scum.
Before the Internet people used to think they were hot shit or really special, now because of internet and social media everyone realizes how boring and insignificant we all are. It's the exact reason everyone is hopping on labels to try and make themselves stand out more: Trans, gay, lesbian,nerd, geek, bi-sexual, etc. They don't even care about the labels they are applying to one another other than to win coolpoints on the internet for using them in the wrong way. Really a case of everyone shouting; no one listening.
pretty much this.
We're not social it's just some retarded meme. so we feel closer together and it's all depends on what we entertain our mind with. If you find something interesting you could literally give a fuck about people.
For me i just need something to drive my mind with something. like internet, People who feel alone don't know any better what to do with themselves.
It's all depends how you adopt.
>but you'll kill yourself once you grow older from loneliness, or go mad.
I have accepted my fate 3 years ago and I am not even past 30
What's LINE?
I would kill whoever is responsible for this with a power drill, and I would take my time.
the lord teaches us to forgive
loneliness means nothing to me.
People who feel lonely are addicted to have people around them. It's just the way they are born in. If you're born alone in the wilderness you could give a shit about people.
It's all depends what you need. Today internet can easy kill the social bullshit.
Internet is social user , you like it because you connect with other people
1. you are extrapolating to the species using only your own anecdote as data.
2. humans are social animals by definition. There is no and has never been a group of humans that live solitary and reproduce (like, say, an island full of humans who live solitary and come together to mate every once in a while), only individuals that drop out of society and die.
You are deviant, nothing more.
People need to accept that introverts are superior. They're the ones who'll breed, whereas extroverts will sleep around but use contraception all the time. They also don't want kids because it will fuck up their self-indulgent lifestyle.
>We're not social it's just some retarded meme.
It's biology, dipshit
Tribal behavior obviously increases chances of survival and reproduction, so human brains have adapted to release positive hormones for social behavior
It's just that today, our forms of "tribal behavior" are incredibly fucked. We content ourselves with the approval of far away people we don't know in lieu of emotional bonds with people in our lives
You may not be "lonely" because you've never had an actual bond to begin with
I mean we don't need to interact with people in real life.
Like i said, we just need our minds to entertain with something. This means we are not social beings.
>There is no and has never been a group of humans that live solitary and reproduce
may it be because there are 2 humans needed for reproduction?
I legit have no desire to make or keep friends, I never feel lonely, and I shy away from hanging out with people.
Do I have a condition?
You may just be unable to identify with those around you
Very common in this society of unrestrained (((diversity))) and hedonism
Boycott facebook. Support imageboards.
Mwhahahahah !
>you are extrapolating to the species using only your own anecdote as data.
what's wrong with that? I define this world with my own viewpoint experience that's what science is about.
I could give a fuck who you are. Give me a good reason if not then GTFO.
>humans are social animals by definition.
In what way? How do you explain people who want to live alone and not with people? what is normal?? this fucking imageboard, you people need to think for yourself.
>Who said we are meant to reproduce? we exist just because evolution happened and that's it. We design this world and the world change. humans change too and this means evolution. Everything change and will not stay the same.
might be coupled with needing attention. Nearly a generation raised in daycare, 30 kids vying for the nurturing attention of one or two minimum-wage caregivers. By the time adulthood arrives it's an intrinsic part of their personality.
t. Proud husband of stay-home wife and mom. We make choices, smaller house instead of 5-bedroom masterpiece, Fords instead of Audis, but so worth it.
im not
i would rather be feared
>It's biology, dipshit
So our bodies are meant to be social?? just because we can reproduce?? right?
>gen z is the superior generation
>Burger spotted
>what does social mean
It's literally in the name, SOCIAL media. it being online changes nothing
>Most people can't solve their own problems and always need help etc
very true. I'm not a social outcast or anything (in fact, very attractive and women approach me) but I like solitude and this has taught me to be reliant and good at problem solving. If I run into trouble, I will go at great lengths at dealing with it myself without getting help and if I do get help I get depressed.
>American flag
>Burger spotted
Who'd a thunk it?
Because our parents don't love us so we seek for other means of validation.
>be me
>have to give up my studies to take care of my sick mum
>"why do you do nothing of your life ?"
>"oh and don't forget to [repair work] or I kick you out"
What piece of shit did this?
What's App for Asia.
because they've grown acostumed to praise
literally all they've ever done in life was judged as good because feeling are more important then results in schools
and so they are conditioned that if they aren't being praised for everything they do then they are doing badly and thus they do everything to get that like, that praise from other people
There are a lot of non-millenials that are narcissistic as well. They just don't know how to use the latest apps to fuel it.
I think few of us here relate to our peers. While you can forma meaningful friendship with old-timers, other millenials are more often than not boring and vain faggots obsessed with social status, who treat friendships like commodities. Today's friendships are acquaintances of times past. Rather be a hermit than deal with soulless drones.
you see, this confuses me
I'm a millenial too but I've always known that I ain't worth shit
I dream of being a snowflake yes, who doesn't but I know that I'l die as a faceless form in the masses
could have to do with the fact that I actually want children but know that I'm not fit to raise them plus if my perfect world were ever to arrive then I'd be along those who were prohibited from procreating for the good of mankind
This, if everyone wins a prize, then noone really wins.
This world has become faker then ever, i'd rather be alone.
Er du ensom?
Theyve drunk the cool aid and think we're all going to be one big happy village.
I think there's going to be some seriously bitter gen ys in 10-15 years time when they are 40 and still single and poor because they got out done by panjeet or something.
Should be a good kek.
Millenials should meet Tyler Durden
WhatsApp for parts of Asia.
Not China (except Taiwan), China has WeChat.
You will need LINE to talk to Thailand hookers who want to migrate to the west.
for the same reason previous generations cared about their appearance; popularity, tribal mentality, not wanting to be seen as the odd one out. Social media has just made it more pronounced
everyone is such a phony i just want to be left all alone
Are they drawn or are they overdrawn. When latter sauce?
Same reason why people would fish for (You)s before Hiro fucked up the reply system
Literally everyone and their moms have LINE in Thailand.
I can relate. Frankly, I'm glad. I'm no hero, it's better that I'm not someone who will change the world.