Were the original jews black? Are modern day "jews" actual jews? if not then who are these people that we dislike so much?
Who are the original jews
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They surely weren't white. You know: middle of desert, burning bush...etc.. at least a very dark Arab, before Romans came.
So you're telling me this guy isn't an actual jew? then who are we suppose to hate then?
Judeans are described as pale skinned. As the founders of Byzantium were depicted as white with blue eyes.
You are aware all those dumb desert rats are fighting over a piece of land that was once called "The Fertile Crescent" The holy land was once Eden.
Judaism is a religion, Jews have no race, they bred with everybody. White people can't evolve in desert.
you mean hebrews
Since when? Got any proof for that?
You are already implying Jews are a race. So if they are pale skinner, then there must be couple of pale skinned Arabs too, since religion was nowhere near as organized in past as it is now.
yes hebrews is what i meant
by jews we mean hebrews
The originals were Semitic tribesmen. Th 2 nigger-gentlemen you're seeing in the picture are nigro-congo tribes men.