>be a spiteful autist Sup Forumsack
>make fun of turks all the time
>set up a christmas tree at home
>don't know that real santa claus is actually named "Ayaz Ata" and turkic
>don't know "christmas" tree is actually turkic tradition

How does it feel like to appreciate a turkic tradition?

Other urls found in this thread:


You might be the chinese god of luck,


silly goose

And a time traveler if he is somehow Turkish and went back to the Byzantine Empire.

Haven't done pagan "Christ"mas since 1998 -- fuck the phonies.

>Literary depictions of Ayaz Ata commonly show him accompanied by Kar Kız, his granddaughter and helper

Also he's not a midget fucker like santa cucklaus


Nice meme history you got there sheep fucker. Some of us are still Turkic in origin (not counting ar*b, k*rd, gayreek and balkanshit racemixed trash) and live the same traditions under the guise of islam

Now I don't want to fall for the bait but god damn, have you even heard of St.Nicholas you rag head looking degenerate?

>be a disgusting roach
>think christmas tree is a turkic tradition when it's actually germanic
>think santa claus is from turkey when in reality he is a fat american invention
>doesn't know that the child of christ brings presents in germany


You mean that christcuck who lived in Turkey while the land was unrightfully occupied by romans? The one who christcucks used to steal Ayaz Ata's identity?



"""Germanic""" tribes were backwards barbarians wiping their asses with leaves while Turkic people were founding and destroying states you fucking retard. Our history predates you by a couple of thousand years. You actually have some Turkic blood in you because of all the raids and rapes, why are you being so hostile? We pushed your savage ancestors into mainland gayrope remember?

All this effort only to look like a poofter

I don't.

I am just going to get smashed because I have couple of days off.

Typical deafening silence of Sup Forums when confronted with HARD cold truths



Constantinople will be liberated T*rk.

Nice meme you have there, Ahmed.

Is he actually considered a child of christ? I know he's called the Christkind, "Christ Child," but I thought he was like an angel or something.




No, he is actually Slavic.

As a pagan I don't celebrate christmas and didnt get a tree.

I do celebrate the stamping of turkroaches. Fuck Turkey and Turkic tradition.

top fucking kek

Oh, my apologies slavshit. I didn't know slav culture was older than turkic culture

You know the only reason you're relevant now is the power vacuum created by retarded mongols right? Why don't you tell me about the glorious culture of ruski nation BC?

who cares? türkey is irrelevant now


Strong words from an Islamified Greek/Bulgarian/Kurd/Arab.

There's no such thing as being a "pagan" you edgy underage trash. That was a term christcucks used to belittle the based traditions before them. If you're talking about the (((new age))) paganism, you're still an pretentious edgy kid who doesn't know shit

"Christmas tree" is a Roman custom from the Saturnalia celebrations about 16th - 23rd December, Original Romans are technically Turks as Aenas from Troy was the founder of the Roman race. Christmas trees being orginally "Turkish" seems a bit of a stretch, DESU.

>Turkish =/= Turkic
>Siberian =/= your brand of Turkic

Still, that outfit is Warhammer Chaos Magus-tier as fuck. I'm jelly.

>those snowflake patterns

Christmas trees are a german pagan tradition. Saged.

B-but Varg said that Christians stole Christmas traditions from ancient Nordic Atlantean Neanderthal pagan traditions!!!

Doesn't make it less Germanic. And yes, you Turks were based when you guys were actually believers of Tengri instead of Muslims.

Also, the Germanics destroyed the Roman Empire.


Satan is already marking you, pagan. You are already doom to hell, don't make it worse.








I thought Ayaz ata is translated Ded Moroz (Frost grandfather) from slavs
Asaik Turkics never celebrated new year, at top of that, many turkics celebrate iranian new year Novruz

And where would you fags get your pine trees? In the desert?

gtf outta here roach.


Nigger it's called Jule


Except Santa claus actually stems from Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas who is a christianized version of Wodan.


>Santa: several layers of fur
>...in the fucking desert

lol you fags try so hard

Convert, then we'll talk.m

Still dumb goyim, no matter how you dress it.

the holiday is the Yule, a Holiday that is celebrated by the Germanic people (different from German)
who spread it to their neighbors
that means North, West, and some East and Southern Europeans celebrate the Holiday
you're only celebrating it now because globalization
though every civilization has their own variation of some old guy who liked to give children gifts

>Christmas trees being orginally "Turkish" seems a bit of a stretch, DESU.

It is true actually, my dear well educated britbong. Retarded mudslimes still practice it to this day thinking it's something about islam kek

pic related: left from anatolia, right from central asia

>Bulgarian = Turkic

When will you shake off the dirty gyspy and slav blood in your veins and embrace your true heritage turkbro?

Was that the guy who didn't tell that turkic runes and nordic runes were pretty similar? The one who's leeching of trending alt-right cuckbux?


>Turkic = Turkish

What's next, you're all direct descendants of Genghis Khan and Attila?

>decorating trees is completely unique to OUR PEOPLE
i bet you think all the pyramids around the world are connected

It's always delightful to watch a typical thread from a brainwashed roach mentionting that they had something stolen from them.
Fuck off back to Mongolia.

wtf is on that? garbage?

you put garbage on a tree?

No it isn't kazakbro. You got cucked by ruskis so bad that you've forgotten your roots. Those bastard commies killed all the shaman elders under the disguise of "no religion" bullshit. All the knowledge and traditions are lost, only reachable from the collective unconscious

Now start beating that drum you mankurt

>portuguese education

If you had researched ancient history you would see that almost all traditions and cultures came from a single culture. From where, I do not know though

>If you had researched ancient history you would see that almost all traditions and cultures came from a single culture. From where, I do not know though
Don't be shy, from Africa, obviously, where all humans came from. Good day, fellow nigger.

>If you had researched ancient history you would see that almost all traditions and cultures came from a single culture. From where, I do not know though
the pyramid isn't so unique that civilizations needed to be close to each other to figure it out
it's the stablest yet simplest structure you can create


Fuck off, roach.

Yeah and Darwin said we all evolved from apes.
But some races never evolved (shitskins) and Turks evolved from roaches.


That is a nice tree there, Yüksel. A nice contrast with the Greek and/or Persian architecture in the background. I guess the used condoms are some kind of fertility ritual, so deep.. wow, very much respect to keep your ancient traditions.

We also decorate our trees during Christmas, it is very much influenced by our pagan ancestors: taken from the norse mythology the tree Yggdrasil represents the cosmos, so we put in lights as stars, Christmas balls as planets and a glittering lint to represent the milky way. It was to celebrate the return of the light, a tradition later taken into our Christian tradition. I guess you did not know that, but it is nice to learn something new every day from other cultures.

That's rich coming from a Turkified Arab/Iranian who claims to be Turkic.Turks and Arabs are the same race,they look the same and they both pray to Allah.Unification when?

Santa Claus was based on Saint Nicholas, you dumbfuck roach.
>Saint Nicholas (Greek: Ἅγιος Νιkόλαος, Hágios Nikólaos, Latin: Sanctus Nicolaus); (15 March 270 – 6 December 343),[3][4] also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century Christian saint and Greek[5] Bishop of Myra, in Asia Minor (modern-day Demre, Turkey).[6] Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker (Νιkόλαος ὁ Θαυματουργός, Nikólaos ho Thaumaturgós). His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints,[7] and his legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus through Sinterklaas.

Some shit happened in Africa definitely but I doubt it was the niggers. pic related

I don't think building pyramids is simple, not for all the effort especially. You don't really believe that they were used as tombs do you? They're much older than (((they))) say actually

Nice. Don't forget your donation to Varg this month confused christcuck

>He doesn't know about the precursors and the cataclysms of 12000 BP

Crap wheres my bug spray..

Unification? Nope

Ar*b genocide? Possible in close future

Is that Santa Chink?

Tengri Claus.

compared to other buildings the architecture of a pyramid is simple

Maybe we can all team up for a LARPing session, you can play Genghis.
