Lads. we all know of the epidemic of Nu-male beta cucks... but what of the overtly feminist looking liberal Nu-Females? I can't stand them. They trigger my white nationalism instantly. I let them know right away that I am a conservative white nationalist Trump supporter. They get triggered so hard. Problem? I look like your stereotypical "hipster" Groomed blonde beard with a man-bun.
Feels goodman. What do we do with these nu-females? They are ghastly horrid disgusting women with the brain the size of a pea.
Gaby Dunn is a kike
>Shave the side of your head
>because like, fuck beauty standards and shit
>leave most of your hair
>because I'm not really that committed to this, I just want to look like I am.
>get glasses
>gonna look so smart. Especially bright blue!
>hot guy decides he likes amy more
>probably because she didn't fuck her shit up
>wow, all women should fuck their shit up
>they're all just clones and I'm the only riot grrrrl
>go to mall to grab a new bra
>38% of women have a variation of my feminist hairdo
>they're all posers and not serious riot grrrls like me
>why did chad choose amy?
>probably patriarchy
She is an obvious jew
>you are surprised?
You have to beat them into submission.
That is why I chose the image, my lad. I just see them in public more and more now. I am a barman, so I have to deal with their shit all of the time. Esp when they get drunk. Funny thing, Although they attempt to have their stab at being cultured... they order the most basic, boring drinks. The place I manage has an EXTENSIVE list of Italian Amaro and boutique Italian / Spanish wine. What do they order? "Ummmmmmmmmm.. I'll have a Tito's and soda." Go fuck off bitch.
Don't do that, I have a conservative girlfriend that typically acknowledges me as the leader in our relationship and adheres to traditional gender roles. I punched her a couple of times yesterday during a fight and now she's starting to sound like a leftist.
They kind of turn me on in a self-deprecating hatefuck way.
Then you must not hit hard enough.
I know this feel.
Everyone at my workplace thinks I'm a total fucking liberal. Got drunk one night and fucked one of the cocktail servers. She hates TRUMP. I made her wear my MAGA hat. Shit was cash.
"Sex is better with Trump."
I really over stepped my boundaries, but IDGAF.
I'd hatefuck Gaby to the point of permanent disability
Kek, madman.
Thanks for responding
I am at least 50 percent Croatian.
I look English / Irish as fuck, but god damn. I am so proud to be this.
I can't wait to get my passport renewed cause I am doing that river cruise through Eastern Europe.
So stoked.
Do you speak Croatian, diasporabro?
There is no Nu-Female.
There is only female.
I know that feel, man, I grew my hair long when I was a teen and one day I saw /fa/ and their style and I liked it a bit before I even knew that all liberals wore it (or even before I knew how bad liberals were). I made a manbun-thing because I have a longish, gaunt face and grew a beard. I looked better at last. Then I realized all the hipster chicks dug that (the few liberals that even exist here).
>tfw hipster liberal chicks are way dirtier than chalga whores
No I do not speak it.
I'm just happy you responded.
>who did you expect?
where is my pure and devoted gril i was promised
women are incapable of being ideologic hardliners.
they'll switch sides to fit in
Haha OP I know that feel, I'm a male with long hair in a liberal super city and knowing that they THINK someone like me agrees with them but I'm secretly plotting their doom is wonderful.
And that's where you're wrong kiddos. You have never lived in LA, you have never been on Tinder in LA, you have no idea how far gone some women in liberal megacities are, you just don't.
Bless you. I served my time as 0311. But that is besides the point.... As a bar manager, I deal with all sorts of special snowflake faggots. I let them know that they should keep drama out of the workplace. fuck them.
>person I would love to smack down.
Would still put benis in some of them
>I have a man bun
That's so gay.
Typical nu-felmale
would dick anally with no regard for her anus
I have long hair,man. I just put it up as such. Would you rather me be an ultimate degenerate and put a beanie on while behind the bar? Top laugh man.
i propose a nu person concentration came
I have long hair too and a big ginger beard. A man should tie his hair back below his eye line. And take your hat off.
I don't wear a hat. I actually tie my hair down in two braids touching each shoulder.
Not to worry, I am going completely clean cut master race.
>pic related.
fuck dealing with barbaric hair.
Anally huh? Is it worth hooking up with a liberal... For anal... Really cooks my cranium
Usually they are meek and insecure on their own
90% of them only want to fit in in the current cultural norm, if the norm changes so will the women.
If she's a liberal as she says she is... she would be down for anything.
Esp if she lets YOU fuck her pussy. Just shove your dick in her ass man. Its not hard. If she resists, push it in further. Turn no into YES. Typical liberal tactics. See how she likes it.
Top laugh to be had. I hope u cum up her ass.
thats a Jew
they always looked like that
>Groomed blonde beard with a man-bun.
Just add to this that you wear black rimmed glasses then go straigh to gas chamber.
who invented this bullshit
So, are you willing to trash any other operator?
Go fuck yourself cheeto eating man child.
Top laugh? Is that some reddit shit? I swear so many fuckin reddit plebs have flooded pol recently. A lot of nig posts as well
I have my own reservations on if anal actually feels good or if it's purely fetish
He's the man of 2016 for me.
Have you never done anal? You need lube dude, and you'll never get in if she isn't letting you in.
please do it
day of the meatball when