Russian book about geopolitics of 1997

Some user requsted translation of polish article on Dugins "Principles of geopolitics", which basically predicted 20 years ago current developments and in 1997 stated:

>“Induce racial and social conflict in USA, using Afro-American racists. Ukraine is not a country and will be annexed. Turkey will become an enemy of Russia. England – must be cut off from Europe. “

I've translated this article on my other blog to:

If anyone is interested, read for a prediction of Putin's next moves and to appreciate wonders of carefully planned, slowly executed geopolitics, planned for years. I don't judge it if it's right or wrong - but that is something which couldn't be achieved in western democracies, when planning is only done on a 4-year elections perspecitve.

Other urls found in this thread:

Give me a tl;dr on what's to come, please.

Does it mention anywhere the fall of the US? Because I don't want king nigger to fuck us all. Also, why create even more race issues in the US?

> "Russian-Islamic axis"

> "Russian-Islamic axis"
Assad is a secularist though

It weakens US further and it is a strategy conducted since Cold War. Lenin called those people "useful fools" and since "millenials" are not interested in politcs that much, "social justice" and "minority matters" are it equivalent in XXI century.

It's a way to fuck up America.

He is as much secularist as it serves his interests - just like other Middle East leaders. Currently, he fights radical islamists, so he poses as a secular military leader. But as it is a kebabistan, he will use religion and pose as a devout muslim whenever he needs.

Also, he is alawite, which is radical branch of Islam.

give us something of the future nerd, whats the title of the book

Alawite is a branch of Shia Islam.. It had recognized by Iran as part of Shia.
Shia is a not Islam as Sunni says and they got strong points. such as kind of priests and believing in Ali


end game to weaken America with civil war until Putin can invade or just fuck it up so badly that they are rendered impotent on world stage so russia can become hegemon unopposed?

i dont feel like making a thread but i want to talk about this temper tantrum.

for example, is obama and trump playing bad cop/good cop with netanyahu as a last ditch effort to preserve some semblance of control in the mena?

Dugin's endgame has been for Putin to retake Constantinople.

>tfw all the threads i wanted to post just archived

Obama has helped push the identity politics agenda so that means he's either retarded or helping. If you knew about this you'd clean out the education system and try to put social shit in place to change course. He's definitely complicit, it's just whether he's a Russian stooge or just a commie ideologue. I assume the latter.

If Russia has done all this then Soros is either in on it too or a scapegoat. I always wondered if his Russian wanted poster was propaganda. It was always too easy to find the connections.

I'm still not convinced though and OP is a faggot. He's just linked a blog he didn't write. I want the book to read.

im sure a few english geostrat think tanks and priv intel companies with weak netsec have english translations of the entire book for reference.

also it sux the catalog right now is full idpol:right wing edition threads. dont we no longer talk about realpolitiks?



This book was so retarded and completely lacks any PROOFS or even decent argumentation that I couldn't make it to the interesting parts.

Read for a prediction of Putin's next moves
> In 2017 pepe's gonna win again.

The companion piece is Surkov's Close to Zero. If you're approaching any of this like a literalist biblical scholar, you've already lost.

Dugin is pretty stupid about the race issues in the US. The facts simply are that racism is dying in America. Some of the edgy teen faggots can come on Sup Forums and say the word nigger but there is no segregation, there is a black president, they did affirmative action for fucks sake.

Donald Trump got elected precisely because leftists were screaming about racism when there was none at all. Who cares if some niggers burn cop cars or riot a little? The race tension was much, much higher at the time of the Soviet Union and look how far that got them?

Also how exactly powerful does Dugin think Russia is if the country of Turkey alone is considered a rival? If that is true then Russia is doomed, NATO won 25 years ago.

At least try to be subtle boys

You're a fool.
Yugoslavia was made from people who speak the same language,are racially same and have close religions.
If you said in the 80's that there'd be a war,you'd get called crazy.It was Brotherhood and Unity,you couldn't have mentioned nationalism or talk bad about other ethnic groups.
And look at how it ended.
You're not aware of how little it takes,and how fast things can change.

Racism NEVER dies.

t. Atlantism IDF

I am trying to read it again

>Кaк пpeдвapитeльныe шaги в дeлe oбpaзoвaния ocи Mocквa-Бepлин имeeт cмыcл тщaтeльнo oчиcтить кyльтypнo-иcтopичecкyю пepcпeктивy взaимных oтнoшeний oт тeмных cтopoн пpoшлoй иcтopии pyccкo-гepмaнcких вoйн, кoтopыe были cлeдcтвиeм ycпeшнoй пoдpывнoй дeятeльнocти aтлaнтиcтcкoгo лoбби в Гepмaнии и Poccии, a нe выpaжeниeм пoлитичecкoй вoли нaших кoнтинeнтaль ных нapoдoв. B этoй пepcпeктивe цeлecooбpaзнo вepнyть Кaлинингpaдcкyю oблacть (Bocтoчнyю Пpyccию) Гepмaнии, чтoбы oткaзaтьcя oт пocлeднeгo тeppитopиaльнoгo cимвoлa cтpaшнoй бpaтoyбийcтвeннoй вoйны.

He says we should give Kaliningrad to Germany for virtue signaling purposes. Wow, what a cuck.

>B этoй пepcпeктивe coвepшeннo бeзycлoвнoй пpeдcтaв ляeтcя нeoбхoдимocть мaкcимaльнoгo cближeния c Индиeй, являющeйcя нaшим ecтecтвeнным гeoпoлитичecким coюзникoм в Aзии и пo pacoвым, и пo пoлитичecким, и пo cтpaтeгичecким пapaмeтpaм.

"We should be friends with India because they are similar to us racially."


Well, it's true. Russia is basically India with snow.

>Cayдoвcкaя Apaвия, oплoт cyгyбo apaбcкoгo иcлaмa и иcлaмcкoй тeoкpaтии, нa идeoлoгичecкoм ypoвнe пpeдcтaвляeт coбoй ocoбyю "вaххaбитcкyю" мoдeль aвтopитapнoгo, мopaлиcтичecкoгo и "пypиcтcкoгo" мycyльмaн cтвa, типoлoгичecки oчeнь близкoгo пpoтecтaнтcким фopмaм хpиcтиaнcтвa. Bocтoчнaя aзиaтcкaя coзepцaтeль нocть, acкeтизм и peлигиoзнaя пaccиoнapнocть зaмeнeны здecь pитyaлизмoм и дoминaциeй пoчти ceкyляpнoй этики.

"Saudis are just like protestans, they have a secular ethics."

This is amazing. I hope they continue to succeed. Slava Putin! Slava Russia!

>more race issues

We call that subversion.

>another Dugin thread


Dugin is not a prophet!
He is retard+capt. Obvious

>pol/ reads Dugin

For fuck sake, Sup Forums.

I'll stop your evil hacker army from hurting the gays, ask anyone at school i'm a drugdealer and i'm fucking hardcore