Leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque in the UK is now a death sentence


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why did they rap it in bread?

You should post the address so people in freedom land can send them pork packages

Has there been a cause of death yet?

The man was a hero.

'A man jailed after leaving bacon sandwiches outside a mosque has been found dead in his cell.'

'A St George flag with the words 'no mosques' was also tied to the fence outside the building in Totterdown, Bristol, and shouted racial abuse at a worshipper.

Bacon was tied to the door handles and sandwiches made of raw meat and sliced white bread were left at the entrance, in what was described in court by the judge as an 'an attack on England'.'

No cause of death yet, but the Muslims run a lot of the UK prisons with gangs like the niggers in America.

And you heard what they did to Tommy Robinson right? They intentionally put Tommy Robinson in close quarters with Muslims that wanted to kill him... So I wouldn't even put it past a leftist white person who works for the prison system to have him killed by Muslims.

Fuck me.

I want to shitpost but I have no words. What the fuck has happened to us. I believe we can fight back but it's going to be a big bloody mess.


thanks yids

He could have just went on about his day, but nope gotta show that double digit IQ to the world and act like a chimp.

Press F for England

>getting caught