Why aren't you a communist yet?
Based Karl Marx
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because there is no reason to be.
marx didnt even had one.
he just said "capitalism sucks, it's gunna happen some day.... deal with it"
very rigorous...
>he just said "capitalism sucks
for all the disrespect I had for marx I think he lost a few million more words than that
*have for marx
Karl Marx was the OG Alt Right.
Yeah that's the whole of Das Kapital eloquently summed up right there
Fucking illiterates
used a few million words more than that justifying communism or attacking capitalism?
Both. And it's not a "justification" of communism at the point in history he was writing, as communism had not been tried; it was an argument for the necessity of communism.
no. it wasnt an argument for communism, it was a theory of communism, and an argument against capitalism.
His argument against capitalism is an argument for communism. Have you actually read DK?
Let me check.
Yep,. Labor Theory of Value is still objectively false. So the entire Marxist dialectic is provably bullshit.
Thats not how logic works.
You cant say
>a is false therfore b is true.
without any other presupposition.
thats fucking stupid
fixed your image
communism was a plot from freemasons to get rich.
marx lived in the basement with his family while he smoked cigars that he paid for with money provided to him by friends. he was a mooch and a NEET of his day. his 'analysis' of capitalism, and whatever merit it has according to whoever, is in no way a testimony to his theory on historical trends nor of human nature.
he is right, and its not just jews. self-interest doesnt mean anything. its just how humans operate. he's dumb and poor while his 15 kids starved and his wife struggled to pay for his pens so he could write.
i am disappointed that we are still talking about him after all the failed experiments of pedestrians who bought into that capitalism-socialism-communism dope. im just glad they kill their own.
capitalism will reign until we get the star trek replicator (either through nano technology or 3-d printing). until then, work hard and climb the ladder.
How do I become a communist? Is there a membership form I need to fill out?
I'm not saying he makes that presupposition, of course in general it is not true to say that a is false therefore b is true.
He builds an argument as to WHY, due to a being false, b is true.
Try and actually read the texts you are attempting to critique.
Because I can think for myself.
You are a Communist by virtue of having Communist thought, just as one would be a National Socialist by having National Socialist thought.
> not understanding LTV
> thinking that even if it weren't correct it would bring down the ideas of Marxism
>his wife struggled to pay for his pens so he could write.
My wife steals my pens.
na, I've got better things to do that read 2400 pages of dialectic arguing.
and if you cant think of a single thing that justifies communism after reading 2400 pages I dont know why you should expect anyone else to.
Thinking for yourself seems to be the hardest thing now desu senpai
flag explain it.
shouldnt you be fighting the bourgeoisie?
>shouldnt you be fighting the bourgeoisie?
My wife is the bourgeoisie.
>na, I've got better things to do that read 2400 pages of dialectic arguing.
I will agree there
verbose over - intellectual theorycrafting is not necessarily a good way to make a case for your idea
I'll read those damn books one day and I believe that marx had some justification for his opinions during his time but at the end of the day he was fundamentally wrong
I btw find it tragic-comedic that he was so extremely preoccupied with the worker and his standing in society yet utterly blind to the fact that those workers are mostly male. He was instead a staunch feminist, saying things like social progress is measured relative to the status of the female sex in any given society, among others
pretty nervy this guy
>workers will be attracted to workplaces that produce the least surplus value rather than those that have higher wages
t. Marx
How can anyone take him seriously?
Both of his daughters later offed themselves in suicide pacts. The one child he had who survived was an illegitimate one he had with a house servant he raped.
People confuse leftism with Marx and so have an aversion to him. He was pretty based.
The (((economic system))) is provably bullshit. It is not real. it is a creation. Your just arguing for the maintenance of that system because other things don't work with that system.
Your going to get this leftist vision of a "Marxist" "Utopia" shoved on you by those who know it is a scam. "Free money" for you to spend at their businesses while they sit on top.
I already own the means of production.
It would, since it proves objectively that "exploitation" doesn't actually exist and the basis for his claim of the morality of a worker's uprising is horseshit.
If the LTV is untrue then workers are being paid exactly what their labor is worth and their grievances are materially false. If the LTV is untrue, than Marxism as a whole is nothing short of banditry.
>hating jews is a sufficient reason to subscribe to a failed anti-human ideology made by a person who never had a job
I own your wives means of reproduction, ya kuk
> If the LTV is untrue then workers are being paid exactly what their labor is worth and their grievances are materially false. If the LTV is untrue, than Marxism as a whole is nothing short of banditry.
But Marxism doesn't boil down to simply grievances over workers' exploitation. That is only aspect of why the masses will move from capitalism production to communist production.
The tendency for the rate of profit to fall, subsequent periodic crises of overproduction, thus under-consumption and the fetter that capitalist economic structures place of the development of the productive forces, are another key reason explained by Marx in DK.
Because I grew up in a communist country.
And do you know why Marx, that workers hero said that? Because even though he was getting free money from Engels that amounted to two monthly wages of skilled trades worker, he was such a shit with money, that he had to constantly borrow money from moneylenders.
And as every 'idle burgeouise who exploits the working class' he was taking groceries from working class people and never paid for them.
A true communist, if there ever was one.
And besides, if you think LTV is untrue then I think you have misunderstood LTV. I am not saying this makes you stupid or something; plenty of people have misunderstood LTV, in my opinion. I am just saying that there is a difference of opinion even in the academic community about whether it is correct and how it should be interpreted.
I believe marx was justified in criticizing capitalism.
I dont find marx unreasonable at all.
His perspective on the communist movement is part history part prophecy. But he literally never tries to justify it because it was happening around him and he thought it was just inevitable.
Maybe someday under the ASI it will be inevitable and we will be happy utopian marxists, I'm cool with that. But if that's the case, why ask someone to believe in it, and why ask someone to revolt for it.
Even durring his lifetime marx said of himself that he wasnt a marxist, and its because people were running around doing dumb shit in his name, even while he was alive.
Just to add to my own post, I found a good part in chapter 32 Vol 1 of DK:
" Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolise all advantages of this process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organised by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself. The monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of
production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under it. Centralisation of the
means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become
incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of
capitalist private property sounds."
if that is supposed to be horrific, why am i so turned on?
lets revolt
I pray for user,
plz help sweeden with meme magic
praise kek
But user, that wasn't real Bernie Sanders.
Leftypol please fuck off.
You are not going to subvert Sup Forums to your own ends, no matter how much you circlejerk each other about wanting to DUDE REVOLUTION LMAO whilst using your iphones and sipping starbucks lattes.
stop using echoes like he doesnt deserve them (((himself)))
the 'scam' of capitalism is allowing you to type on a computer rather than eating rice in a communal dining facility.
marx was literally a loser. we have a dime a dozen who spout the same philosophical 'insights' on social media today. luckily, these thinkers-over-doers are not changing the world for the worse.
well academia is getting paid for their 'labor' well beyond their value. my leftist professors were often confused. my based professors encouraged us to grow up passed the illusion of collectivism.
Venezuela was a real socialist country yet now has 1200% inflation
It's not REAL SOCIALISM(tm) now that its economy is crashing, goy!
>meanwhile in sweden
>luckily, these thinkers-over-doers are not changing the world for the worse.
that is certainly not true
they are waves in a river
before the implementation of the future model of society comes a lot of rambling and talking by seemingly irrelevant people
it accumulates until it is released into action
and when the action comes money and ads are available to power it
that already happened with communism that's why we are here today
Dude you are so far gone in your lack of understanding of what LTV is even trying to communicate conceptually.
Of course they are paid for their labour beyond its value, many people are. Price != value. If you think it does then you missed day 1 of economics.
>waves in a river
because his ideology keeps failing, so why should we stick with it
>Marxism is the capitalism of the working classes
Spengler had it right. The Left doesn't really articulate an alternative to the cash nexus of capitalism, they just want to redistribute it.
they dont even know how to implement it, theyre not very smart
>muh workers
>impregnates maid
>kicks her out when she wants help raising kid
>fuck doctors I'll fix my own damn arm
haven't read das kapital or anything about the guy
but the way people are talking about him got me thinking
was marx truly a communist or was he simply a doom sayer who saw an inevitable economic future?
none of his writings that I've seen put communism as something good rather then something inevitable
it could be that marx was simply like a current day climate scientist who described a bad future
>it could be that marx was simply like a current day climate scientist who described a bad future
Yea and they're all just as wrong.
i am tho
Marx never proposed a theory of communism or ever said anything about what a post capitalist society would look like. He analysed capitalism through a form of social conflict theory he invented, called Marxism. In Das Kapital, he used he method of analysis to show how capitalism is leading to social conflict which will be it's own gravedigger.
You would know this if you read at least a rudimentary summary on Wikipedia, but you haven't, yet you still mouth off like you know what you're talking about. Fucking idiot.
Lol, the hidden hand, a freemasonic gesture.
Marx = jew because freemasonry = kabbalah for the west.
>Marx never proposed a theory of communism or ever said anything about what a post capitalist society would look like.
>what is the communist manifesto
>someone that has never read the communist manifesto
C'mon Sup Forums stop being an edgy teenager and grow up with this pill.
marx is worth a read desu
You do realise he was a scientist, and scientists nowadays live off pensions and grants, and in the old days they lived off benefactors or serving in the Church hierarchy?
As for his worth, the degree of attention his works receive to this day would be quite enough.
Communism isn't a theory. It is a type of hypothetical perfect society described by Marx, and also a type of Marxist ideology, along with social democrats.
He did say that communism is a society free of hierarchy, violence and classes, where each contributes according to his ability and receives according to his needs.
Marx never once described what communism would look like. You'd know that if you read him instead of repeating memes you've heard.
>burger educationalist
Communism doesn't work. Prove me wrong.
or better yet play the doctor the same as the milk man
Because i am not gay.
> Marx never once described what communism would look like. You'd know that if you read him instead of repeating memes you've heard
Well actually he does make some references to what a communist society might look like, in the Grundrisse and in his work on the Paris Commune. He also outlines some of the basic premises for communist production in DK. Maybe you need to do some reading too.
> never acknowledges bastard kid
> can't provide for family and lives in filth and crippling debt
> Had 7 children with wife, 5 died before becoming adults, 2 killed themselves
This post really sums up why most of Sup Forums is beyond saving
muh worker's strife tho
> Marx and von Westphalen had seven children together, but partly owing to the poor conditions in which they lived whilst in London, only three survived to adulthood.[183] The children were: Jenny Caroline (m. Longuet; 1844–1883); Jenny Laura (m. Lafargue; 1845–1911); Edgar (1847–1855); Henry Edward Guy ("Guido"; 1849–1850); Jenny Eveline Frances ("Franziska"; 1851–1852); Jenny Julia Eleanor (1855–1898) and one more who died before being named (July 1857). There are allegations that Marx also fathered a son, Freddy,[184] out of wedlock by his housekeeper, Helene Demuth.[185]
> Marx frequently used pseudonyms, often when renting a house or flat, apparently to make it harder for the authorities to track him down. While in Paris, he used that of "Monsieur Ramboz", whilst in London he signed off his letters as "A. Williams". His friends referred to him as "Moor", owing to his dark complexion and black curly hair, while he encouraged his children to call him "Old Nick" and "Charley".[186] He also bestowed nicknames and pseudonyms on his friends and family as well, referring to Friedrich Engels as "General", his housekeeper Helene as "Lenchen" or "Nym", while one of his daughters, Jennychen, was referred to as "Qui Qui, Emperor of China" and another, Laura, was known as "Kakadou" or "the Hottentot".
From wikipedia.
Pretty hilarious IMO.
Here are some proofs, stupid.
I am
>implying communists don't try to stamp out all religion
>implying Stain and Hoxha didn't crush all Islamic opposition
>implying they didn't secularise them by force
Probably has to do with the fact I have experiences Marxists policies and their results?
Communism is a disease.
Government provisions services through racketeering.
It's hilarious how most Marxists haven't read Marx and Engels. Maybe if they actually did that they would realize how short-sighted the whole thing is, it doesn't make sense in the modern world.
He was definitely a communist. But communism isn't inherently wrong. You can only imagine that if humans were entirely selfless and acted for the betterment of all, communism would be the logical choice. He is entirely accurate in his criticisms of capitalism and greed. It's just, as with all lefties, he was too idealistic. Communism is an absolute and humans don't operate in absolutes. But, thanks to communism and Marx in particular, we enjoy healthcare, sick leave, an 8 hr working day, unions, work place health and safety ect.
Also, remember that in Marxs time kids were getting paid $0.30 a day and worked 14 hrs
He wasn't though. He attacked idealists and utopians who thought socialism could be achieved through appeals to morality and ideas. He was firmly materialist.
That's (((state capitalism))).
Because I work hard to earn my shit and I am not some whiney dick sucking faggot like you.
Isn't Karl Marx a Jew, and all his Marxist shit was just to get his family into power?
We have done everything show here.
Leftists are mentally challenged and suffer from extreme forms of denial.
Marxism was invented by Marx, a Jew. It exists for one purpose: to force equality (and eventually dominance) for Jews. Everything else is extraneous to that key feature. The Communist Manifesto clearly and explicitly states that they intend to achieve this by killing national elites, destroying the nation state, asset stripping the economy, and removing Christianity. It benefits no one but Jews. That's why communism is overwhelmingly a Jewish movement. It is the ideological expression of jewish consciousness, a reflex of the jewish survival instinct and the ultimate revenge for 2,000 years of persecution by white Christians.
>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%
>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW
The Council of the People’s Commissars:
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
He was an atheist and attacked the Jewish religion. He had Jewish ancestry. So it depends on how you define Jewishness. But really it's irrelevant. Stop slurping the stormfront kool aid
Even if people are selfless and no greed or anything communism still fails the economic calculation problem. How do the workers decide how many of anything gets made, or where to locate the factories? The only system that solves that is capitalism, even if it's corrupted by a government still better than whatever crap communism comes up with.
> But, thanks to communism and Marx in particular, we enjoy healthcare, sick leave, an 8 hr working day, unions, work place health and safety ect.
That's false. fee.org
>Also, remember that in Marxs time kids were getting paid $0.30 a day and worked 14 hrs
Yes because the average family was dirt poor and it was better in the short run to send your kids to work than just have them sit around the house, or sending them to school.
>Soon the Jew became the leader of the battle against himself. I am speaking figuratively when I say “against himself” because the “great master of lies” always succeeds in making himself seem innocent and throwing the blame on others. Since he had the audacity to lead the masses himself, it never occurred to the people that this could be the most legendary fraud of all time...
>Without being aware of it, the laborer is put to work for the very power that he believes he is fighting against. He is led to believe he is acting against capitalism, and therefore he is easily made to fight for capitalism. The cry is heard against international capital, but the real target is the national economy. The current economy must be destroyed so that the international stock exchange can replace it on the corpse-strewn battlefield, with Jewish financial world interests.
>To achieve his goal, the Jew proceeds as follows: he creeps up on the workers in order to win their confidence, pretending to have compassion for their poverty and circumstances or even anger at their miserable lot in life. He is careful to study all the real or even their imagined problems. Then he arouses the desire for change. With infinite shrewdness, he stirs up the urge for (((SOCIAL JUSTICE))), an innate desire that is sleeping within every Aryan. Once the fire is burning, the Jew turns it into hatred toward those more fortunate and puts the stamp of a very special World-Concept on the battle; he builds a philosophy designed to correct social injustice. He founds the Marxist doctrine.
Because communism has already been proved dead, the movement has already been trashed, it's dead. You can't call yourself a Marxist anymore, sorry but you're late and the battle was already lost for you a while ago. You people are the saddest bunch.
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Communist Atrocities and War Crimes from 1918 - 1945
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
>The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
>Russia and the Jews