Trump has the potential to be the best U.S President since Millard Fillmore
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The swamp is now a Goldman-Sachs resort property, offering lagoon enjoyment, reasonable liquor prices, and lots of jews
>the future president tweeted
>modern journalism
*shuffles loli collection under bed*
I support this, we need to make sure there's 100% proof you did it and it's just not an angry mom. Video evidence? give them the noose
>Tfw Trump gives 2d lolis rights
I support this. The death penalty should be expanded to lots of crimes not just pedophilia. I hope he makes a real effort to do this.
So is this his reaction to the pizza stuff?
He just executes the leadership and donors of the Democrats?
When did he say this in relation the Brietbart's death?
The dems need to be executed for treason for allowing a 10 million strong Mexican army invade the US. They're not refugees, they're not even illegal immigrants.
They come, they rape, they kill, they steal the vikings did the same and were called invaders, the mongols did the same and were called invaders, now the spics do it let's recognise what they're really trying to do, retake the US states they lost.
I say every illegal needs to be shot dead, send a message to Mexico, americas border is closed if you come here we will shoot you if you don't stop we will take Mexico City
Consensual = Legal
Rape = Death penalty
Wrong, it can't be consensual unless it's in marriage and you can't marry until you're 18
idk man
They can't help it
They should be given mental treatment in my opinion, not straight up executed
he played us like a dam fiddle
Yeah mental treatment, they've got s problem in their brain that can only be solved by separating it from the body.
>it can't be consensual unless it's in marriage
That's a contender for "stupidest shit I've read on Sup Forums this month".
God doesn't consent to it
>t. Antifa Action via Facebook
>Typical illuminated french progressist
You hear that lolifags? The Emperor thinks you deserve the chair.
>Sup Forums
Fuck off. We are not Sup Forums.
Fuck you nigger.
There's no niggers from Hungary
Let me guess, her hymen must be intact too.
>A fucking leaf
>a fucking leaf
heres your (You) faggot
>hard on pedophiles like his good friend Epstein
It would be ideal, masturbation is a arbitrary term as far as God is concerned you are having intercourse. The brain doesn't recognise a difference between matsurbation and sex because there is no difference, this is just humans trying to find a way to sneak a way to get sexual pleasure outside marriage. Remember the bible says a prudent wife is a gift from God, would a prudent wife be so shameful to fondle herself in such a manner? No she would not this is for marriage
Weeabos should be gassed. Disgusting creepy manchildren
pay debnts
>deus vult
>mfw they're not even trying to hide the podesta rings anymore